Tag: United Kingdom
An Anarchist Response to the UK Autumn Statement
Major political parties in the United Kingdom are so far divorced from market anarchism as to render them a homogeneous mass of irrelevance. That said, it’s worth examining the policy announcements in Wednesday’s Autumn Statement by Chancellor George Osborne, if only to clarify the anarchist position and provide a critique of what many Brits incorrectly…
The Conquest of the United Kingdom by Scotland on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Joel Schlosberg‘s “The Conquest of the United Kingdom by Scotland” read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. “Yes” netting 44.7% of the tally undermines a 300-year consensus and the devolution of substantial political power to Scotland is already conceded. Such a near-tie is far more problematic for an existing political system…
Threat Level: Pointless on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Daniel Pryor‘s “Threat Level: Pointless” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. The only likely change in behaviour amongst the British public is a greater feeling of dread when they see someone who looks “a bit foreign.” This fearmongering serves the state’s agenda of control and power by applying the timeless…
La Scozia Conquista il Regno Unito
Il “No” scaturito dalle urne al referendum che chiedeva agli scozzesi “volete che la Scozia sia un paese indipendente?” è una vittoria di Pirro per il Regno Unito. Con il suo 44,7%, il “Sì” rimette in discussione un consenso che durava da trecento anni. La devoluzione di una fetta sostanziale del potere politico alla Scozia…
The Conquest of the United Kingdom by Scotland
The “No” outcome of the referendum asking Scotland’s voters the question “should Scotland be an independent country?” is a Pyrrhic victory for the United Kingdom. “Yes” netting 44.7% of the tally undermines a 300-year consensus and the devolution of substantial political power to Scotland is already conceded. Such a near-tie is far more problematic for an existing political system struggling…
Livello di Allerta: Insensato
“Dio mio il livello di allerta a Londra è appena stato innalzato e mi è passata la voglia di uscire :(” Così diceva un sms di un mio amico. La recente notizia secondo cui il governo britannico ha innalzato il livello di allerta terroristico a “serio” riaccende il clima di paura, riflesso sui social media…
Threat Level: Pointless
“Man the terror alert for London has just been upped I don’t wanna go out now :(”, the text from my friend read. The recent news that Britain’s government has raised its terrorism alert level to “severe” unsurprisingly prompted a renewed climate of fear, reflected on social media and in major news outlets. Yet even…
Leave The House
It was Thomas Hobbes, in his book Leviathan, that declared without a state man is in a constant climate of struggle and fight. He called this the “state of nature” whereby it is a “war of all against all”. He makes a compelling argument for the coming together of all peoples, and the creation of…
Os de Sempre versus Síria: Armas de Destruição em Massa – WMD para Nós mas não para Vós
Os governos francês, britântico e israelense, todos eles, acusaram o regime da Síria de usar armas químicas em sua luta em andamento com rebeldes apoiados pelo estrangeiro. O Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas Ban Ki-Moon está urgindo Assad para que permita inspetores das Nações Unidas no país para confirmar ou refutar as alegações. E o presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack…
The Usual Suspects v. Syria: WMD for We but not for Thee
The French, British and Israeli governments have all accused Syria’s regime of using chemical weapons in its ongoing struggle with foreign-backed rebels. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is urging Assad to allow UN inspectors into the country to verify or disprove the claims. And US president Barack Obama, while carefully avoiding a direct accusation, has…
A Corrupção da Cooperação
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Christiaan Elderhorst. O primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido David Cameron vem de prometer apoiar um referendo acerca do futuro do Reino Unido dentro da União Europeia se e quando ganhar a eleição geral de 2015. Políticos, por toda a Europa, estão reagindo negativamente ao discurso de…
The Corruption of Cooperation
Christiaan Elderhorst: “We thus arrive at the worrying conclusion that the concept of cooperation has been entirely corrupted by viewing the delegation of authority as a prerequisite for its existence.”
The Robin Hood Tax is but a Bandaid on the Corporatist Economy
We need to stop abusive and reckless corporate behavior by removing the policies which cartelize wealth in an anti-market fashion, not keep what we have and redistribute the wealth through the state.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory