Tag: state
On “Reforms,” Bad and Good
“Reformism” is one of those words that’s hard to pin down sometimes. It’s usually taken to mean advocating for “reform within the system” — in other words, the bad kind of reform. A bad reform operates from the unstated – often unconscious – starting assumptions of the system. It takes the existing institutional framework of…
Justice? Just Kidding!
It happens so often these days that it almost passes without notice: A young defendant, accused of some awful crime, is “charged as an adult.” Such is the case of 14-year-old Philip Chism of Andover, Massachusetts. The Danvers High School student, prosecutors allege, followed 24-year-old math teacher Colleen Ritzer into a bathroom, punched her in…
The Distorting Effects of Transportation Subsidies
This article won the 2011 Beth A. Hoffman Memorial Prize for Economic Writing. Although critics on the left are very astute in describing the evils of present-day society, they usually fail to understand either the root of those problems (government intervention) or their solution (the operation of a freed market). In Progressive commentary on energy,…
Taking A Stand For Peace By Gary Chartier
C4SS Trustee and Senior Fellow, Gary Chartier, discusses war, peace and the permanent danger of a standing state on C4SS Media’s youtube channel.
The Non-Aggression Social Contract Or How Unions Are A Product of the Free Market
Of late I have been trying to balance my staunch support of the non-aggression principle (NAP) and self-ownership with my increasingly leftist values. For some anarchists the NAP and property rights are totally and wildly incompatible with anarchism, with the argument going so far to claim that stereotypical anarchism is rooted in a rejection of…
How (And Why) To Be A Free-Market Radical Leftist By Roderick Long
C4SS Senior Fellow and Molinari Institute Director and President, Roderick T. Long, presenting before the 2013 Students for Liberty Dallas Regional Conference at the University of North Texas. Roderick T. Long particpated in a brief interview regarding his talk, Objections to Libertarianism, Transitioning to Free(d) Markets, and More.
Full Context: The Centrist Corporate State Threatens Our Liberty
In The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith famously wrote, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” It may seem strange that history’s best-known advocate of the free market would cast such aspersions on business…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 3
Welcome to the third edition of my weekly review! Let’s get started on a fantastic series of articles. First off are the usual pieces on foreign policy and military affairs: 1. Barry Lando discusses how presidential intervention almost squashed a damning 60 minutes segment on American involvement in Iran. 2. Andre Vltcheck discusses the recent…
Capitalism vs. The Market – A Braudelian Definition
“Need I comment that these capitalists, both in Islam and in Christendom, were friends of the prince and helpers or exploiters of the state? […]” “Thus, the modern state, which did not create capitalism but only inherited it, sometimes acts in its favor and at other times acts against it; it sometimes allows capitalism to…
Os Rothbardianos de Esquerda – Parte 1: Rothbard
Em “Libertarianism: What’s Going Right”, eu mencionei o Rothbardianismo de Esquerda como uma base possível para buscar áreas de concordância entre libertários de mercado e a esquerda. Eu gostaria de entrar já nessa questão com mais profundidade. Em 2004, eu estava extremamente animado sobre a “Era of Good Feelings” entre os políticos Michael Badnarik do…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 2
Welcome to the second edition of my libertarian leftist weekly review! There are many exciting new pieces to share. I will be sending 30 a week. Let’s get started. A hot topic of late has been the potential war with Syria. Here are some articles addressing it from an anti-war/anti-imperialist perspective: 1. Rob Urie talks…
The Draft Never — Ever — Stopped A War
In 2011 I sat on a panel discussion at King’s Books in Tacoma, Washington, on the subject of the effect of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on soldiers and their families. My prepared remarks were a discussion of the impact of repeated deployments on the families I saw on the labor and delivery floor…
Against All Nations and Borders
Libertarianism has nothing to do with national interests. Libertarianism is about individual liberty. The liberty to live your own life, to pursue your own livelihood, and to come and go as you please to anywhere that’s open to you or anywhere you’re invited to go. The implications for immigration policy are obvious: Everyone – not…
“World Government” – It’s Not Just For Birchers
Back in the ’90s, the Financial Times referred to the G8 countries and the Washington Consensus they enforced as a “de facto world government.” As if we needed any reminder that such a global corporate regime exists in practice, consider the Trans-Pacific Partnership currently under negotiation. Although in theory the authority of all treaties signed…
Sheldon Richman – From Articles of Confederation to Constitution
C4SS Senior Fellow and Trustee Chair, Sheldon Richman, speaks at the University of Oklahoma on Constitution Day. He posits that perhaps the Articles of Confederation were the altogether superior document. http://youtu.be/k9dM0l1ZxO8 Q and A with $5 worth of prognostication: http://youtu.be/XHruM7Vnsao  
The Annoying Peasants Chat With Mr. Kevin Carson
C4SS Senior Fellow and The Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory, Kevin Carson, join The Annoying Peasants Radio Show. Discover Politics Internet Radio with The Annoying Peasants on BlogTalkRadio On this episode, The Annoying Peasants discuss mutualism, individualist anarchism and Carson’s books – Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective, and The Homebrew Industrial Revolution.
Where States Go to Die: Military Artifacts, International Espionage and the End of Liberal Democracy
Military Artifacts All over the world, landscapes both urban and rural are littered with military artifacts from bygone times. These artifacts have completed their lifecycle as objects of power, force and control, and have either been repurposed or forgotten. Repurposed artifacts gain new meaning in the world, as they take on new roles. The former military…
El Neoliberalismo te Rompe las Piernas y te Roba las Muletas
El libertario Harry Browne una vez escribió que el gobierno «sabe cómo romperte las piernas, darte unas muletas y decir “¿Ves? si no fuera por el gobierno, no podrías caminar”». Pero con déficits y recesiones al acecho, los gobiernos han estado volviéndose más tacaños en cuanto a la entrega de muletas. La Cámara de Representantes…
Pour une écologie libérale
L’utilité industrielle Dans les vastes plaines arides du Bassin Arckaringa, en Australie, a eu lieu une découverte majeure d’huile de schiste. Linc Energy a découvert sur 6,5 millions d’hectares de terrain environ 133 – 233 milliards de barils d’huile de schiste situés sous la lithologie de la région. Peu importe le volume d’huile accessible via la…
The Matter Of Public Workers: Should Anarchists Celebrate The Federal Government Shutdown?
In their efforts to fight the Affordable Care Act, Republicans in Washington have “shut down” the Federal government to supposedly cut spending due to the costs of the health care legislation. On the first day of the shutdown most of us woke up, had coffee, and went to work. In other words, nothing had really…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory