Tag: state
We moeten afstand doen van de term “Kapitalisme”
Wie opkomt voor vrijheid steunt vreedzame en vrijwillige uitwisseling tussen mensen en strijdt tegen gewelddadige beperking van deze uitwisseling. Het hoeft echter niet direct te betekenen dat een systeem van vreedzame, vrijwillige uitwisseling “kapitalisme” genoemd hoeft te worden. Er zijn uiteraard sommigen die vinden dat dit overduidelijk is wat “kapitalisme” betekent. Ik kan ook niet…
Privacidade e comida são diferentes de leis
Julia Angwin (“Has Privacy Become a Luxury Good?”, The New York Times, 4 de março) relata as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas pessoas que tentam manter a privacidade de seus dados. Embora os indivíduos possam comprar bens e serviços para esse fim, seu alto custo diminui sua utilidade e disponibilidade. Não são produtos caros apenas no sentido…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 20
Dahr Jamail discusses the civilian deaths caused by the Iraqi government siege of Fallujah. John B. Judis reviews Maximalist: America in the World from Truman to Obama. Brittney Wheeler discusses why liberty doesn’t need politics. The LA Times editorial board discusses why the embargo on Cuba should be ended. Karen J. Greenberg discusses 5 issues…
The Real Redistribution Is Going On Behind The Curtain
By its own recent report’s framing and that of the Washington Post’s Howard Schneider (“Communists Have Seized the IMF,” February 26), the International Monetary Fund has apparently gone soft on “redistribution.” But that framing is wrong. Both the IMF report (“Redistribution, Inequality, and Growth,” IMF Discussion Note SDN/14/02, February 2014) and Schneider’s write-up of it conflate “redistribution”…
Privacy And Sausages Are Unlike Laws
Julia Angwin (“Has Privacy Become a Luxury Good?” New York Times, March 4),  describes the difficulties faced by people trying to maintain the privacy of their personal data. Although an individual can purchase goods and services for the purpose, high cost mitigates their usefulness and availability, not only in the monetary sense but in the amount of…
Bitcoin Must Self-Regulate — The State Can Only Destroy
In the wake of Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox’s bankruptcy filing, more than four hundred of its customers have expressed interest in filing a class action lawsuit against the parent company and its chief, Mark Karpeles. Mt. Gox was the cryptocurrency’s largest marketplace. Although Bitcoin’s functioning is still incomprehensible to many its value is real. Mt.Gox’s…
Il Futuro di Bitcoin “in Dubbio”? Ne Dubito.
Un articolo sincero sul collasso di Mt. Gox, il mercato dei cambi di Bitcoin, suonerebbe più o meno così: “Ehi! Il mercato dei cambi più importante di Bitcoin è scomparso nel nulla… e invece di collassare, i Bitcoin ancora si vendono a 500 dollari! Una moneta robusta, con grandi capacità di ripresa! Un successo! Grande!…
Ucrânia e o legado do imperialismo
Na Crimeia, tropas uniformizadas sem identificação ocuparam aeroportos e tomaram controle da região. Em Moscou, o parlamento chapa branca russo autorizou que o ex-oficial da KGB Vladimir Putin empregasse forças militares na Ucrânia. Em Kiev, capital da Ucrânia, uma insurreição – que não se sabe ainda se é espontânea ou se é composta principalmente de nacionalistas…
When Killer Cops Get a Pass, There are Consequences, On C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Thomas L. Knapp‘s “When Killer Cops Get a Pass, There are Consequences,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The jury’s acquittal of Ramos and Cicinelli was a vote for the latter outcome. It was also a vote for continuing and escalating police lawlessness. The less the specifically guilty individuals pay for…
Capitalism’s Running Out Of Water — And Everything Else
California is in its third year of a severe drought. Some scientists believe this will be the driest year in the last five hundred. Among other measures for dealing with the water shortage, the state has announced it will not provide subsidized irrigation water from dams this year. The large-scale capitalist agriculture model touted by…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Robert Henry And State Sanctioned Torture
At C4SS, we recently received an action alert regarding an ongoing death penalty case in Florida. Here’s the action alert: Robert Henry needs your help. Less than 25 days remain until Florida executes Robert using makeshift science and a cruel, untested lethal cocktail. Governor Scott has signed a death warrant and scheduled Robert’s execution for…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 19
Justin Raimondo discusses the censoring of Twitter by the Venezuelean government. Greg Grandian discusses slavery. Kelly B. Vlahos discusses the Afghan election. Lenni Brenner discusses Zionist outreach to Nazi Germany. Jacob Sullum discusses myths surrounding meth. Jim Naureckas discusses media coverage of Venezuela. Patrick Cockburn discusses the long war in Syria. Mariame Kaba and Erica…
Ukraine: The Legacy Of Colonialism
In the Crimea, troops in insignia-free uniforms have seized airports and taken control of the region. In Moscow, Russia’s rubber-stamp parliament has officially authorized former KGB colonel Vladimir Putin to employ the Russian military in Ukraine. In Kiev, capital of Ukraine, an insurrection that may or may not be genuinely spontaneous and may or may…
On The Worship Of Authority On C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “On The Worship Of Authority,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “Until most people abandon their state-inculcated respect for uniformed authority, and their willingness to treat officially defined outsiders as the “other,” the Rodney King and Kelly Thomas verdicts — and uncounted such verdicts yet unnamed — will continue.”
Bring Back The Tactics Of The Civil Rights Movement
Several states have recently considered passing laws allowing legal discrimination against LGBT people. These laws are based on the notion of religious freedom. What is the proper left-libertarian response to these laws? The answer is advocacy of direct action. If the laws pass, we left-libertarians should engage in sit-ins analogous to what the Civil Rights…
O futuro do Bitcoin é “incerto”? Eu duvido
Uma cobertura jornalística mais razoável do colapso do Mt.Gox, um dos maiores mercados de Bitcoin, seria mais ou menos assim: “Uau! Um dos maiores mercados de Bitcoin da internet acaba de desaparecer e, em vez de entrar em colapso, o Bitcoin ainda é comercializado por cerca de US$ 500! Que moeda robusta e resistente! Que…
Future Of Bitcoin “In Doubt?” I Doubt It.
Sane news coverage of Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox‘s collapse would look something like this: “Wow! The Internet’s largest Bitcoin exchange just vanished into thin air … and instead of collapsing, Bitcoin is still trading at about $500! What a robust, resilient currency! What a success story! Wow! Wow!” Sanity in news coverage? Well, not so much….
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 18
Charles R. Larson discusses the grotesqueries of Iraq. David Swanson discusses the use of Nazi scientists by the U.S. Franklin Lamb discusses getting aid into Homs. Laurence M. Vance discusses ending the American empire. Matt Welch discusses the drug war. Shihka Dalmia discusses closed border policies. William D. Hartung discusses arm sales. Robert Fisk discusses…
Bob Corker Outs Himself As A Lying Dirtbag; Try Not To Be Too Shocked
Know how southern Republican politicians who support “right to work” laws claim they’re not against unions as such — just against closed shop contracts that force workers to join a union as a condition of employment? They’re liars. The negative outcome of the recent UAW certification vote at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga proves that,…
Response To Comments On We’re Not Conservatives: Part One
My blog post on the differences between conservatives and libertarians has caused some controversy. These criticisms and comments deserve to be answered. Let’s start with a comment made on this page by N8chz: Libertarian and conservative are practically opposites, but America is a special place. American libertarianism is a different breed of libertarianism and American…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory