Tag: Sharing Economy
Perpustakaan Menawarkan Model Ekonomi Berbagi
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah dan Boggy MS Ketika istilah “ekonomi berbagi” menjadi populer saat ini, seringkali yang muncul adalah pemikiran mengenai aplikasi seperti Uber, Lyft, atau AirBNB, tetapi aplikasi semacam itu tidak lebih dari upaya untuk menopang merek ekonomi berbagi…
The Enragés: A Shared Future with Logan Marie Glitterbomb
​​For the (very delayed) 19th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Logan Glitterbomb (@MakhnoTits) to discuss Logan’s article Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy (https://c4ss.org/content/55523).  A Catholic anarchist-without-adjectives, Logan Marie discovered anarchism through the punk scene in high school and went on to join the Industrial Workers of…
Bibliotecas Ofrecen un Modelo para la Economía Colaborativa
Autor: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Fuente: Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy del 15 de noviembre 2021. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Cuando el término «economía colaborativa» se escucha hoy en día, a menudo evoca pensamientos sobre aplicaciones como Uber, Lyft o AirBNB, pero estas aplicaciones son poco más que intentos de apropiarse…
La Biblioteca, un Esempio per l’economia della Condivisione
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale dal titolo Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy, pubblicato il 15 novembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’espressione “economia della condivisione” è spesso associata ad applicazioni come Uber, Lyft o AirBNB, che sono poco più di un tentativo di cooptare il marchio dell’economia della condivisione senza seguirne i…
Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] When the term “sharing economy” is heard nowadays, it often conjures up thoughts of apps such as Uber, Lyft, or AirBNB, but such apps are little more than attempts at coopting the branding of the sharing economy while not…
Lo Sfratto di Airbnb
Di Nick Ford. Originale pubblicato il 5 maggio 2016 con il titolo Airbnb isn’t Housin’ in Berlin. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un recente articolo del Guardian cita un regolamento dell’amministrazione di Berlino che, dopo vent’anni di sonno, da alcuni anni viene applicata. La legge, chiamata “Zweckentfremdungsverbot” (!), limita le modalità di affitto di una proprietà immobiliare….
Quale Economia dei Lavoretti?
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 14 febbraio 2016 con il titolo Which Way for the Gig Economy? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il termine “economia della condivisione” talvolta è usato come sinonimo di “economia dei lavoretti”. Quest’ultimo è sicuramente più rispondente alla realtà, dato che “economia della condivisione” fa pensare a cose come cooperazione e reciprocità,…
La Polizia Irrompe nella Sharing Economy
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il primo luglio 2016 con il titolo Police Raid the Sharing Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da quando Uber, Lyft e Airbnb e altri hanno messo in subbuglio il mercato, la “sharing economy” è di moda. Spuntano dappertutto applicazioni e servizi in stile “sharing”, offrono servizi che vanno dal…
Review: Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons
Shareable, a nonprofit media outlet co-founded by Neal Gorenflo in 2009, is devoted to the sharing economy (the real sharing economy of platform cooperatives and other open, self-organized effort — not proprietary, walled-garden, Death Star platforms like Uber and Airbnb). In 2011 Shareable organized the Share San Francisco conference to promote the city as a…
Police Raid the Sharing Economy
The “sharing economy” is all the rage these days ever since the likes of Uber, Lyft, AirBnb, and others took the market by storm. Sharing economy style apps and services are slowly beginning to pop up for more and more services from food sharing to tool lending and now apparently policing. Recent budget cuts to…
Airbnb isn’t Housin’ in Berlin
Ordinarily the word “housing” means a person’s shelter, lodging or place of dwelling. But shortened to “housin” it refers to, according to Urban Dictionary, a show of dominance or authority. And when it comes to the dispute between Airbnb and the Berlin government, it’s clear Airbnb isn’t housin’ anything. The Guardian recently reported that new…
Which Way for the Gig Economy?
The so-called “sharing economy” is sometimes also called the “gig economy” — arguably a more accurate term, because “sharing economy” carries overtones of cooperation and mutuality that are (to say the least) grossly misleading. In the case of ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft it’s misleading because it suggests the direct sharing of rides between…
Un Mondo Nuovo, che Lotta per Nascere
Scrivendo tempo fa su Alternet, Richard Eskow (“Rise of the techno-Libertarians,” 12 aprile 2015) ha fatto un’eccellente critica del modello capitalista dei “tecno-libertari” della Silicon Valley. Gran parte degli argomenti riguarda in qualche modo il modello mirato al profitto dell’industria tecnologica, che tratta i prodotti principalmente come fonte di guadagno (o, meglio, rendita) piuttosto che…
A New World, Struggling to be Born
In an article at Alternet a while back Richard Eskow (“Rise of the techno-Libertarians,” April 12, 2015) made some excellent criticisms of the capitalist model of “techno-libertarianism” centered on Silicon Valley. Most of his points relate in some way to the profit-driven business model of the tech industry, which treats products primarily as a source…
Uber: NOT the Networked Successor Economy You’re Looking For on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Uber: NOT the Networked Successor Economy You’re Looking For” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. In the early 20th century, technological historian Lewis Mumford coined the term “cultural pseudomorph” to describe the cooptation of new, liberatory technologies — technologies which opened the possibility of fundamentally new…
Capitalism Smothers the Sharing Economy on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Chad Nelson‘s “Capitalism Smothers the Sharing Economy” read by Mike Gogulski and edited by Nick Ford. FAR’s efforts, like those being carried out by taxicab oligopolies in Germany, Australia, France, the US and elsewhere, show us how quickly so-called private enterprise jumps on any deviation from the current capitalist structure. That’s…
Horizontal Self-Governance — The Only “Regulation” We Need
A common liberal or “progressive” criticism of so-called “sharing economy” entities like Uber, Lyft and Airbnb (usually appearing in venues like Salon or Alternet) is that they’re “unregulated.”   This implicitly assumes, of course, that regulations like the taxi medallion system exist for some idealistic purpose of serving the “public welfare” and not simply guaranteeing…
Capitalism Smothers the Sharing Economy
Russia may have finally caught up with the rest of the world’s governments in cracking down on ridesharing services like Uber. Russia’s Federation of Car Owners (FAR), like any good oligarchy, has complained to Russian state authorities that “rogue” elements such as Uber, Gett, and Yandex represent a “threat to society.” Exactly what kind of…
Can’t Stop the Signal
Cody Wilson, a founder of Defense Distributed, is a name too often connected with the failures of corporate and government bureaucracy. For those not in the know Defense Distributed is a Texas non-profit that defends the so-called constitutional right to bear arms.  But once again this supposed “guarantee” will be abridged by another corporation. This…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory