Tag: police
Saturday Night Live ’ın Citizen Kane parodisinde Charles Foster Kane yavaş bir haber gününde diyorki, “Haber yoksa, biz yaparız”, ve insanları rastgele gazete ofislerinin camlarından atmaya başlıyor. Okuduğum zaman ilk aklıma gelen California’daki iki sivil polis –yağmacılığı başlatmaya çalışınca! — Oakland ve Berkeley’deki jurinin silahsız siyah erkekleri öldüren polisleri suçsuz bulma kararına karşı gelen yürüyüşteki protestocular tarafından kendilerini ele geçirttiklerinin raporu. Evet, doğru, yağmayı başlatmak için teşebbüs — yanlış okumadınız. Gösteriden…
With the second anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing upon us, NPR is running a series called “The Road Ahead”. In its daily segments, NPR examines how everyday lives have been affected by the horrific events two years ago. One unfortunate but seemingly inevitable part of that road entails law enforcement’s stepped-up abuses of its…
Call for Abstracts for the Molinari Society’s next Eastern Symposium, to be held in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meeting, January 6-9, 2016, in Washington DC. (Note that this meeting is the week after New Year’s, rather than, as in past years, just before New Year’s. This later time is expected to…
Immaginate questa scena: Una bella sera, perfettamente ubriaco, sfondate un’area recintata dalla polizia con la vostra auto. Immaginate che l’area sia davanti alla Casa Bianca. E che sia stata recintata perché si sospetta che sia la scena di un crimine, una possibile bomba, e voi avete mandato tutto all’aria. Gli agenti corrono subito verso la…
Imagine the following scenario: You’re driving along one fine evening, pretty thoroughly drunk, and ram your car through police tape and into a barricade. Suppose further that the barricade you’ve smashed into is in front of the White House. For good measure, let’s add that the police tape you broke was marking off an active crime scene…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “NYPD Strike Exposes Empty Narrative” read by Thomas J Webb and edited by Nick Ford. Ismaaiyl Brinsley was by all accounts a loose cannon, armed not to preserve justice but to hurt the most opportune targets. However, that will not be his legacy. The consequence of his actions that day may have…
C4SS Feed 44 presents David S. D’Amato‘s “The Biggest Baddest Gang in Town” read by Ryan Calhoun and edited by Nick Ford. Police departments do exactly what monopolies always do — abuse and cheat consumers and, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, “furnish poison instead of nutriment.” As monopolies, police departments are exempt by law from any competitive…
Buone notizie per tutti! La polizia di New York è in sciopero. La settimana scorsa, gli arresti sono crollati del 66% rispetto alle previsioni annuali, mentre le multe per gli automobilisti sono giù del 94%. Risultato: New York non è finita nel caos. Non c’è stato lo spara spara per le strade. Non c’è stato…
Good news, everyone! The police of New York City are on strike. Over the past week, arrests rate have dropped by 66% versus annual expectations, with traffic enforcement down 94%. As a result, New York did not rip itself apart in a wave of disorder. People were not executed on the street. Society did not collapse. This poses a…
I live in Chicago, where police abuse is a disheartening daily reality, concentrated almost entirely in black communities, ruining lives, splitting up families. The white professionals I know live in good neighborhoods, ensconced either in downtown high-rises or out in the suburbs, safely away from the violence but hearing enough about it to casually blame…
Sulla scia della rivolta di Ferguson, Barack Obama ha chiesto centinaia di milioni di dollari per armare la polizia di videocamere da installare sulla divisa. Questo, pensa lui, è un modo di responsabilizzare la polizia. E ha ragione. Aumenta la “responsabilità” che già si vede nella giustizia locale. Rende la polizia responsabile agli occhi del…
The recent trajectory of events leading up to the shooting of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and the nationwide police backlash afterward, have made it clearer than ever how police feel about the public they supposedly protect and serve: they’re terrified of us. For more than twenty years, the Drug War and associated…
In the wake of an uprising in Ferguson, Barack Obama requested hundreds of millions of dollars to arm the police with cameras. This, he thought, was a way of holding police accountable. And he was right, it feeds into the system of “accountability” already in place in local justice systems. It holds them accountable to…
Nella parodia di Citizen Kane fatta su Saturday Night Live, in un giorno di fiacca giornalistica Charles Foster Kane dice: “Se non ci sono notizie, possiamo inventarle,” e comincia a sparare alla cieca quelli che passano fuori dalla finestra della redazione. Questa è stata la prima cosa a cui ho pensato quando ho letto un…
Matt Peppe discusses Israrel’s nuclear weapons. Clint Townsend discusses Nathaniel Branden. Jacob Heilbrunn discusses the myth of the ‘liberal” New Republic. David Harsanyi discusses how stupid laws get people killed. Bryan Caplan discusses Paul Krugman’s case against open borders. Claire Wolfe discusses Eric Garner and police brutality. Jacob H. Huebert discusses improving thyself. Lawrence W….
In Saturday Night Live‘s parody of Citizen Kane, on a slow news day Charles Foster Kane says, “if there’s not any news, we’ll make some,” and begins randomly shooting people out the newspaper office window. That’s the first thing I thought of on reading reports that two plainclothes California Highway Patrol cops found themselves outed —…
Michael Brown. Eric Garner. Akai Gurley. These are just the latest in a line of minorities who have been killed by the police in excessive force cases where no scrutiny was even applied to the cops. While protests arise in the memory of these fallen human beings, I find myself asking a question in their…
Ironically, the shooting death of unarmed black 18-year-old Michael Brown by white Ferguson, MO, police officer Darren Wilson is a distraction from the racist police brutality that ravages America. Whether or not Wilson shot Brown unjustifiably, and whether or not Brown provoked the shooting by grabbing for Wilson’s gun, the police — and the government…
The night of November 4th in Belem, capital of Brazil’s Para state, was terrorizing. After the death of Corporal Figueiredo, from the Tactical Ops (Rotam) of the Military Police of the State of Para, at 7:30 PM, there was a violent retaliation, killing nine people, according to the official numbers, six of whom were undoubtedly executed….
It’s election day in the USA. The mass incarceration nation is deciding which political opportunists will rule. On the state and local level, citizens are casting their votes on ballot initiatives that will determine the structure, specifics, or application of state coercion. Some of these ballot initiatives probably deserve support from prison abolitionists, specifically initiatives…