Tag: open borders
Oleh: Thomas J. Webb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Review: Open Borders.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Caplan, B., Weinersmith, Z. (2019). Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration. First Second. Ekonom libertarian, Bryan Caplan dan konten kreator Zach Weinersmith telah berkolaborasi untuk menciptakan komik bergambar non-fiksi berjudul “Open Border: The Science and…
Di Thomas J. Webb. Originale pubblicato il 20 novembre 2019 con il titolo Review: Open Borders. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Caplan, B., Weinersmith, Z. (2019). Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration. First Second. L’economista libertario Bryan Caplan e Zach Weinersmith, padre di Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, uniscono le proprie forze e pubblicano un…
De Thomas J. Webb. Artículo original: Review: Open Borders, del 20 de noviembre de 2019. Traducción española de Kesabel Babe. Caplan, B., Weinersmith, Z. (2019). Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration. First Second. El economista libertario Bryan Caplan y el creador de Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (Cereal de Desayuno del Sábado en la…
Gary Chartier. Título original: A Strange Understanding of Small, del 15 de enero 2016. Traducido al español por Antonio J. Ferrer. La vocera conservadora Laura Ingraham tiene una noción muy extraña de lo que es un gobierno pequeño. Desafortunadamente, no está sola. Cuando Nikki Haley presentó la respuesta republicana al último discurso de la Unión…
Gary Chartier. Original: A Strange Understanding of Small de 15 de Janeiro 2016. Traduzido por Gabriel Serpa. A comentarista conservadora Laura Ingraham tem uma estranha compreensão a respeito do que vem a ser um governo enxuto. E, infelizmente, ela não é a única. Quando Nikki Haley — em resposta ao recente discurso de Barack Obama…
Di Gary Chartier. Originale pubblicato il 15 gennaio 2016 con il titolo A Strange Understanding of Small. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La commentatrice conservatrice Laura Ingraham ha uno strano concetto di governo leggero. E purtroppo non è l’unica. Quando Nikki Haley, rispondendo al recente stato dell’unione di Barack Obama, ha espresso preoccupazione riguardo la crescita…
Libertarian economist Bryan Caplan and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal creator Zach Weinersmith have collaborated on a non-fiction graphic novel called Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration. As the title suggests, it’s a fully-illustrated graphic novel making the case for open borders. Caplan and Weinersmith’s partnership is unexpected, but maybe it shouldn’t be. Caplan’s enthusiasm…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. SoundCloud distribution is coming soon! Sorry for the delay! May’s episode is out now and features Fabio Rojas, a professor of sociology at Indiana University. Dr. Rojas is an expert who works on the sociology of political movements and social theory. We are exploring…
Nativi, migranti e sinistra anglo-americana Di Ruairi McCallan. Originale pubblicato l’otto aprile 2019 con il titolo Red & Brown Alliances: Nativism, Migration & the Anglo-American Left. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In America come in Gran Bretagna, il discorso politico si è arenato tra due fenomeni connessi tra loro: Brexit e Trump. È ormai chiaro che…
Following his recent publication in The Independent, C4SS coordinator Cory Massimino was again in the news on the issue of immigration. Speaking with Tim Farley on SiriusXM’s morning show yesterday, Cory once again outlined the case for open borders, using El Paso, Texas as a model of success. You can listen to the full segment here…
In both the US and UK, the political commentariat are gripped by two related phenomena: Brexit and Trump. It is now generally accepted that the rise of Trump and the vote for Brexit were driven largely by two factors. The first was anger at the unequal nature of modern capitalism, the second was fear of…
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 6 settembre 2017 con il titolo Open Borders are Our Only Hope. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Immagine d’apertura: il muro che separa Nogales, Arizona, Stati Uniti, da Nogales, Sonora, Messico. Tribalismi e Frontiere Nazionali Tra i tanti pericoli degli stati nazione con le loro frontiere ci sono due paradigmi,…
In-group Preference and National Borders Fundamental to the danger of nation-states and borders are the paradigms of nationalism and in-group preference that exploit human quirks to justify violence. In-group preference is best understood in terms of the creation of teams through the dehumanization of an ‘other.’ In-group preference is mentally categorizing someone who is somehow…
The United States recently experienced its first wave of large-scale anti-immigration raids following the election of Donald Trump, who made the mass deportation of “illegal” immigrants a central part of his campaign. Although ICE officials claim that these raids targeted individuals with criminal records, immigrant rights groups dispute this claim, arguing that law-abiding people were…
[Di Edmund Berger. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 15 gennaio 2017 con il titolo Leftist Politicians Will Always Happily Betray Liberty & Globalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Nel suo discorso di nuovo anno, soprannominato “il giorno del caos”, il leader del partito laburista britannico Jeremy Corbyn ha colto l’occasione per far…
In his first speech of the new year, an event now being dubbed the “day of chaos”, British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn seized opportunity to unleash torrents of his confusion in his support base and back-pedal on one his long-held positions. Bowing to the pressure of the conservative wing of the party — and to…
Elites will never be stripped of their privilege by the method of their ascension. The impoverished will never stop being robbed of their potential by handing it over to new elites. The decision by the majority of voting British citizens to leave the European Union has been seen as a mandate against unaccountable technocratic governors…
The border that separates the United States and Mexico has been the cause of many controversies and constant violence. When a wall of separation is created to notify where a certain territory begins and ends, whether they oppose each other or not, there are bound to be complications. One group that is literally in the…
Conservative pundit Laura Ingraham has a strange understanding of small government. Unfortunately, she’s not alone. When Nikki Haley delivered the GOP response to Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address, expressing concern about xenophobia and border paranoia, Ingraham was disappointed. She tweeted: “Too bad @NikkiHaley missed her oppty to stand w/ working ppl who…
Gli attentati di Parigi del tredici novembre erano ancora in corso quando già si levavano le prime voci che chiedevano porte chiuse ai profughi in Europa e America. Per chi conosce la politica e gli obiettivi dello Stato Islamico, l’organizzazione fascista responsabile degli attentati, la tragedia è evidente. Come i tanti spacconi sciovinisti e nazionalisti…