Tag: Kevin Carson
The degree to which the US trade embargo on Cuba has affected the economy of that country has been a matter of recent debate. I’m not concerned directly with Cuba here, but with the nature of what neoliberal ideology calls “free trade” more generally — of which an interesting discussion erupted as an offshoot of…
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting. Traducido en español por Diego Avila. La posición antiestatista más contundente y obvia en relación con los impuestos y, en consecuencia, con los presupuestos públicos (aunque los primeros no son la única fuente de los segundos) es su reducción…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 26 aprile 2021 con il titolo The End Is the Beginning: Anarchist Abolitionism as Communicative Creation. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Thomas Malthus, nel suo tristemente famoso Saggio sul principio della popolazione dedica alcuni capitoli alla critica di quello che probabilmente fu il primo pensatore anarchico moderno, William Godwin. Ad…
Di Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. 28 agosto 2020. Fonte: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Intervista con Kevin Carson Come si capisce dal titolo, questa è la prima di due parti di un’intervista con Kevin Carson, membro anziano del C4SS con una cattedra Karl Hess in…
Esta entrevista fue realizada por: Diego Avila y Luis Ricardo Vera. Culminación de la entrevista: 28 de agosto de 2020. Original en inglés: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I. Entrevista a Kevin Carson El día de hoy, como pueden apreciar en el título, les traemos la primera de dos partes de una…
An Interview With Kevin Carson Today, as you can see from the title, we bring you the first of two parts of an interview with Kevin Carson, a senior fellow at C4SS who holds the Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory. Recently there has been a translation of both his first book into Spanish, Studies…
In this first episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson sits down with Kevin Carson to discuss Kevin’s recent piece on the Center for a Stateless Society website “The Myth of the Private Sector, Part I: Why Big-Small and Vertical-Horizontal Trumps ‘Public-Private’”—a conversion that spans from the role of government interference in the scale and structure…
Center for a Stateless Society is proud to announce the beginning of a brand new podcast christened The Enragés, which will feature questions and casual conversations with authors about recent pieces they’ve published on the C4SS site. In comparison to Mutual Exchange Radio, this podcast will focus exclusively on the specific works of authors on…
DisCO Coop (primary authors Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel). Groove is in the Heart: The DisCO Elements. Introduction by Ela Kagel and Afterword by Ann Marie Utratel (2020). As the Introduction explains, the first installment of the DisCO Trilogy — The DisCO Manifesto — was about ” the reasons behind DisCO, its roots and…
Traducción al español: La fatal arrogancia de Hayek View or download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s C4SS Study: Hayek’s Fatal Conceit Oskar Lange famously said, against the background of the debates over Ludwig von Mises’ economic calculation argument, that a statue of Mises should be erected in the planning ministry of a future socialist…
Kevin Carson was recently featured on the Hermitix podcast to discuss anarchism, post-capitalism, and organization. Hermitix is a podcast focusing on one-on-one interviews relating to fringe philosophy, obscure theory, weird lit, underappreciated thinkers and movements, and that which historically finds itself ‘outside’ the academic canon. The aim of the podcast is to allow autodidactic thinkers,…
Насильственное вторжение государственной власти в человеческие взаимоотношения создаёт иррациональность и систематическую глупость. Роберт Энтони Уилсон в “Тринадцати стихах Божественному Маркизу” убеждает нас в этом: Цивилизация, основанная на власти и повиновении — это цивилизация, лишённая средств самоисправления. Эффективная коммуникация протекает только в одном направлении – в направлении от правящей группы в сторону подчиненной группы. Любой кибернетик…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 28 luglio 2020 con il titolo An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In materia di tassazione e conseguente finanza pubblica (anche se la prima non è l’unica fonte della seconda), l’atteggiamento più drastico e evidente, diffuso tra i centristi e…
In episode six of Roderick Long’s new video project, he interviews Kevin Carson in a wide-ranging discussion that covers many issues. Watch it here or below.
Di Asem. Originale pubblicato il 9 luglio 2020 con il titolo We Are in Midst of a Seismic Shift, It Is up to Labor to Decide the Outcome. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un decennio fa usciva The Third Industrial Revolution, seguito alcuni anni dopo da The Zero Marginal Cost Society dello stesso autore, un economista…
I’m a big fan of Aurora and hope that her contribution to this symposium helps encourage more anarchists to engage fearlessly with the mathematical dynamics of an anarchist society. But I must admit my disappointment, I was hoping her contribution would seriously engage with the arguments for markets and either present a novel alternative or…
The most blunt and obvious anti-statist position regarding taxation and consequently public budgets (although the former is not the sole source of the latter) is their reduction or complete abolition, and this is often how it is treated amongst centrist and right-wing libertarians. For example, Murray Rothbard writes that the principled approach should be “to…
About a decade ago The Third Industrial Revolution was published, and a few years later The Zero Marginal Cost Society came out by the same author, from a mainstream and politically moderate economist who advises the EU and German government, making very radical predictions such as moving to a society without money as a result…
Na Reason, Ilya Somin, mantendo a prática anual adoptada desde 2007, escolheu o 1 de Maio – Dia do Trabalhador – como data para celebrar o “Dia das Vítimas do Comunismo”. Somin cita a “autoridade” do Livro Negro do Comunismo como fonte para a estimativa de 80 a 100 milhões de mortos no século XX. Para colocar o…
Sempre que pessoas como Jeff Bezos ou Elon Musk são atacadas pela esquerda devido ao seu parasitismo, o desfecho é tão incerto – e muito mais súbito – quanto o regresso do cometa Halley. Sem falha, vemos um enxame de vozes conservadores, libertarianas e centristas – desde as peças de opinião financiadas pelos Koch e…