Tag: hierarchy
A Administração do Inadministrável
“A intervenção hegemônica,” escreveu Murray Rothbard, “substitui a ordem pelo … caos.”
A Review of Butler Shaffer’s “Calculated Chaos”
Jeremy Weiland: To all left libertarians, anarchists, and advocates of a voluntary society, I give this book the very highest recommendation possible.
Libertemos o Mercado, Extingamos o Sistema de Salários
Em suma, o estado é amigo dos empregadores e inimigo do trabalhador. Um mercado libertado significa libertação do sistema de salários.
The Myth of Deregulation
A market that is free in any intelligibly rational sense of the word is the one thing the corporations will not be able to survive.
Forty Acres and a Mule: Or Why Pat Buchanan Should Shut His Mouth
Kevin Carson: By any reasonable standard of justice, the plantations should have been broken up after the Civil War and the land given to the freed slaves.
Pirate Bay and Mega: Treating the State as Damage and Routing Around It
Kevin Carson: The corporate state and its system of information control has already lost. It’s just to stupid to realize it.
The masses have become lazy, fat and stupid
Joe Bageant: The empire needs only about 20-25% of its population at the very most to administrate and perpetuate itself — What happens to the rest?
Anthony Gregory — Contra Kevin Carson quanto à Humanidade das Corporações e dos Professores do Governo
Anthony Gregory: Nem num milhão de anos eu teria tido a expectativa de concordar com Mitt Romney e discordar de Kevin Carson.
By Whom the Offence Cometh
Suzanne La Follette: Political government offers privilege every facility for circumventing the popular will whenever it becomes inimical to the interests of privilege, as it is the business of political government to do.
Carson: The average member of the producing classes should rest secure in the knowledge that he would be able to support himself in the future, without depending on the whims of an employer.
The Myth Of Personal Choice & Individual Responsibility In America Today
David Van: All I know is that as long as one of us is chained, then none of us are free.
Новое осмысление «Теории и практики олигархического коллективизма»
Это революция, которая не может быть кооптирована старыми иерархиями, так как сама материальная основа их питания будет разрушена.
Election 2012: Mitt Romney’s “Free Economy”
Knapp: The difference between a free economy and an un-free economy IS government — i.e. top-down, hierarchic, uniform, centralized — regulation.
Is Property Theft?
Less Antman: Anarchy is not a system. It is an attitude of respect for other people, and a rejection of master-slave relationships (with no exception for government officials).
Dr. Thomas Szasz interviewed by Sheldon Richman
In 2005 Richman traveled to the Manlius, NY, home of the great critic of coercive psychiatry and the “therapeutic state,” Thomas Szasz.
A Instituição Peculiar dos Estados Unidos
Os seres humanos querem ser livres. A informação quer ser livre. Todas as leis em contrário no final fracassarão.
Dark Satanic Cubicles — It’s time to smash the job culture!
Claire Wolfe: We Need Jobs Like We Need Cancer
Beyond the Boss: Protection from Business in a Free Nation
Long: Libertarians have not always been so friendly to business interests.
Proletarian Blues
There’s no reason whatever for libertarians to surrender the concept of social justice to the statist left.
Por Qué las Redes Autoorganizadas Destruirán a las Jerarquías
Kevin Carson explica cómo vamos a ganar la batalla por el futuro de la humanidad.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory