Tag: commons
Le statu quo est un excédent de main-d’œuvre créé par le gouvernement
Kevin Carson. Article original : The Status Quo is a Government-Contrived Labor Surplus, 30 juin 2021 Traduction Française par Cristhian Ravelo. À moins que vous n’ayez été sous une roche le mois dernier ou que vous soyez un abstinent total des médias sociaux, vous avez vu certaines des pires personnes sur terre se plaindre du fait…
The Status Quo is a Government-Contrived Labor Surplus
Unless you’ve been under a rock the past month or so or are a total social media abstainer, you’ve seen some of the worst people on earth whining about how “nobody wants to work any more!” Indeed, so great is the outrage of many that only putting angry signs in the window of their business…
Municipalismo Libertario
Ciudades en Red como Plataformas Resilientes para la Transición Post-capitalista. Versión pdf Por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Libertarian Municipalism: Networked Cities as Resilient Platforms for Post-Capitalist Transition. Traducción al español de Confoederatio Think Tank. Versión en español publicada también en Confoederatio Think Tank y xancoop.noblog.org. Vivimos en un momento de crisis terminal para las instituciones…
Book Review: Groove is in the Heart: The DisCO Elements
DisCO Coop (primary authors Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel). Groove is in the Heart: The DisCO Elements. Introduction by Ela Kagel and Afterword by Ann Marie Utratel (2020).  As the Introduction explains, the first installment of the DisCO Trilogy — The DisCO Manifesto — was about ” the reasons behind DisCO, its roots and…
Hayek’s Fatal Conceit
Traducción al español: La fatal arrogancia de Hayek View or download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s C4SS Study: Hayek’s Fatal Conceit Oskar Lange famously said, against the background of the debates over Ludwig von Mises’ economic calculation argument, that a statue of Mises should be erected in the planning ministry of a future socialist…
Capitalist Nursery Fables: The Tragedy of Private Property, and the Farce of Its Defense
View or download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s C4SS Study: Capitalist Nursery Fables: The Tragedy of Private Property, and the Farce of Its Defense Traduzione italiana, I Miti del Capitalismo: La tragedia della proprietà privata e la farsa della sua difesa Introduction Since the beginning of class society, every ruling class has required a…
Review: Libertarian Equality
Fabio Massimo Nicosia, Libertarian Equality, Contradiction, Reconciliation, Maximization. (Amazon.com, 2020) Libertarian Equality, by Italian author Fabio Massimo Nicosia, is a surprising book on left-libertarian political philosophy. It’s not often that left-libertarian thought pops up in Italy, so a brand new book on the topic is a refreshing novelty. In Italy – and probably elsewhere too…
Pandemia: Lo Stato Cura o Provoca?
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 17 marzo 2020 con il titolo Pandemics: The State as Cure or Cause? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Leggendo le notizie sulla pandemia di COVID-19 (o coronavirus), è difficile non arrivare alla conclusione che si tratta di una di quelle situazioni emergenziali che non possono essere gestite senza ricorrere a…
Pandemics: The State As Cure or Cause?
Looking at the news on the COVID-19 (or coronavirus) pandemic, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that this is one of those lifeboat situations in which a crisis cannot be managed without a resort to large-scale social coercion. China and South Korea seem to have turned the tide on the pandemic, with a reduced number…
Recensione di: A DisCO Manifesto
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 30 ottobre 2019 con il titolo Review: A DisCO Manifesto. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel. If I Only Had a Heart: A DisCO Manifesto. Value Sovereignty, Care Work, Commons and Distributed Cooperative Organizations (Guerrilla Media Collective: Forthcoming, 2019) Come dice Ruth Catlow nell’introduzione, i…
Review: A DisCO Manifesto
As stated by Ruth Catlow in the Foreword, DisCOs are an alternative to blockchain-based Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO):  Open Distributed Cooperatives. They’re funded by member investments rather than third party capital, and organized around an infrastructure of “interoperable, open-source legal contracts, with a near zero-cost of organisation creation.” DisCOs differ from the predominant model of…
Sotto il Capitalismo?
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’undici settembre 2019 con il titolo “Under Capitalism”? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Con due recenti articoli di altrettanti autori di C4SS, Frank Miroslav e Black Cat sostenevano, il primo, che dire “non c’è consumo etico nel capitalismo” è qualcosa che “spegne la mente”, mentre il secondo ribatteva che non esiste…
“Under Capitalism”?
In a couple of earlier pieces, C4SS writers Frank Miroslav and Black Cat argued, respectively, that the frequently stated principle “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” is a “thought-stopping cliche,” and — in response — that “there really is no ethical (individual) consumption under capitalism.” As I read it, the disagreement between them is…
L’intelletto Generale Come Avanguardia
Come evitare che i porci pascolino tra i beni comuni della conoscenza Di Asem. Originale pubblicato l’undici marzo 2019 con il titolo General Intellect as a Vanguard: Keeping the Pigs from Grazing in the Knowledge Commons. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Non è un caso se quando in documenti o discussioni formali si parla di brevetti…
General Intellect as a Vanguard: Keeping the Pigs from Grazing in the Knowledge Commons
It is not a coincidence that when patents and copyrights are described in formal documents or discussions they are always labeled as “intellectual property” and virtually never as the simple term “property.” Calling it simply property would generate confusion with actually existing forms of private property, such as land, cars, and stocks. Such private property…
Review: Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons
Shareable, a nonprofit media outlet co-founded by Neal Gorenflo in 2009, is devoted to the sharing economy (the real sharing economy of platform cooperatives and other open, self-organized effort — not proprietary, walled-garden, Death Star platforms like Uber and Airbnb). In 2011 Shareable organized the Share San Francisco conference to promote the city as a…
Review: Omnia Sunt Communia, by Massimo De Angelis
Massimo De Angelis. Omnia Sunt Communia: On the Commons and the Transformation to Postcapitalism (London: Zed Books, 2017). Massimo De Angelis is a thinker very much in the autonomist tradition; he mentions being a student of Harry Cleaver. This comes through loud and clear in his focus on the self-activity of ordinary people, and on…
Recensione di Rules for Radicals
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’undici maggio 2018 con il titolo Review: Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals, by Derek Wall. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Recensione di: Derek Wall, Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals: Cooperative Alternatives Beyond Markets and States, London, Pluto Press, 2017. Qualche tempo fa ho conosciuto su Twitter Derek Wall, ammiratore come me…
Review: Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals, by Derek Wall
Derek Wall. Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals: Cooperative Alternatives Beyond Markets and States (London: Pluto Press, 2017). I’ve known Derek Wall for some time as a friend on Twitter, a fellow admirer of Elinor Ostrom, an Ostrom scholar, and an official in the Green Party of England and Wales. This is not my first introduction…
Municipalismo Libertario
Reti cittadine come piattaforma resiliente per la transizione post-capitalista Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 20 gennaio 2018 con il titolo Libertarian Municipalism: Networked Cities as Resilient Platforms for Post-Capitalist Transition. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Leggi o scarica una copia integrale dello studio Libertarian Municipalism: Networked Cities as Resilient Platforms for Post-Capitalist Transition Viviamo in un’epoca…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory