Tag: capitalism
Or, How An Argument Against the Workability of Authoritarian Socialism Became An Argument Against the Workability of Authoritarian Capitalism
Carson: From St. George’s Hill to Wukang to … ?
Kevin Carson celebrates the half of the story Annie Leonard gets right.
Kevin Carson: The 1% needs us; we don’t need them.
Although right-wingers like to present the issue as one of preventing the state from redistributing wealth downward, the real issue is one of stopping the state from redistributing wealth upward.
Kevin Carson: I’ve quoted — many times — Stephen Biko’s dictum that the most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
Anthony Gregory: Not in a million years would I have expected to agree with Mitt Romney and disagree with Kevin Carson.
Kevin Carson dissects Nicholas Kristoff’s argument for the US military as a socialist utopia.
Kevin Carson puts Steven Cohen in his place.
David D’Amato on rising food prices.
Kevin Carson discusses the supposed “anti-business” attitude of the Obama administration.
David D’Amato looks at events on the Ivory Coast.
David D’Amato on US military intervention in Libya.
David D’Amato on Bahraini banker Khalid Abdulla-Janahi’s call for a “culture of meritocracy.”
Kevin Carson explains why the “progressive” regulatory state is not an obstacle to monopoly, but its greatest enabler.
Kevin Carson finds it instructive when the writers at Mises.org agree with those at Monthly Review.
Kevin Carson on Krugman and Keynesianism.
David D’Amato on Federal Reserve financial hegemony.
Kevin Carson: “…if you call yourself a libertarian, don’t try to kid anybody that the American system is less statist than the German one just because more of the welfare queens wear three-piece suits.”
Darian Worden on the politics of corporate control.