Tag: capitalism
“The Star Fraction – Introduction to the American Edition” by Ken MacLeod on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Ken MacLeod‘s “The Star Fraction – Introduction to the American Edition”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
The Ever-Growing Insanity of Venezuelan Exchange Controls
The Comandante is gone, but the “revolutionary” economic policies continue.
“Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power” by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson‘s “Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
No para Alabarlo, sino para Enterrarlo
Es hora de perseguir una visión de justicia y libertad que alcancemos por nuestras propias acciones, no como un regalo que dependa de la benevolencia temporal de un dictador.
A Vontade Do Povo Não Significa Nada Para Os Combatentes Contra Drogas
No Tao Te Ching, o sábio chinês Lao Tzu escreve: “Quanto mais leis são promulgadas, mais assaltantes e ladrões há.”
Not to Praise, But to Bury Him
Kevin Carson: It’s time to pursue a vision of justice and freedom based on our own actions, on peaceful cooperation, mutual aid and solidarity with our friends and neighbors — not as a gift that depends on the temporary benevolence of a dictator.
A Derrota Estratégica dos Trabalhadores: Seu Governo em Ação
Se os trabalhadores parassem de jogar pelas regras dos patrões e adotassem uma estratégia de guerra de guerrilha plena, os patrões implorariam para que assinássemos um contrato.
The Will Of The People Doesn’t Mean Jack To Drug Warriors
Hummels: Today’s political class views federalism as archaic.
“O Governo Somos NÓS?” Não Enquanto Nós Não Formos o Citigroup
Não acredite naquela de que os funcionários do estado “trabalham para nós.” Dê uma olhada onde eles trabalharam antes de entrar no “serviço público” e veja para onde eles irão depois disso. Adivinhe só: Eles estão trabalhando lá, também, já agora.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “The Question of Copyright”
For every copy of ALL Distro’s “The Question of Copyright” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
El Capitalismo de Rescate, Episodio 34721: Chipre
D’Amato: “[C]uando la crisis y el desastre inevitablemente caen sobre las economías adulteradas y corporatistas, siempre se pretende que sea el pueblo el que le saque las papas del fuego a los políticos y sus patrones corporativos.”
The Strategic Defeat of Labor: Your Government at Work
Kevin Carson: If labor stopped playing by the bosses’ rules and adopted a strategy of full-blown guerrilla warfare, the bosses would be begging us to sign a contract.
Una Buena Razón para No Construir el Oleoducto Keystone XL: La Justicia
El calificativo de “libertario” pierde su significado si no implica la defensa de la justicia. No puede, ni debe, significar la legitimación del feudalismo siempre que éste “sea bueno para la economía”.
“The Government is US?” Not Unless We’re Citigroup
Carson: Don’t fall for the line that state functionaries “work for us.” Take a look at where they worked before they entered “public service” and watch where they go back to afterward. Guess what? They’re working there right now, too.
Bailout Capitalism, Episode 34721: Cyprus
D’Amato: [W]hen crisis and disaster inevitably befall [the] doctored, corporatist economy, it is the whole populace which is expected to bail out the policymakers and their corporate masters.
One Reason Not to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline: Justice
Byas: The Keystone XL pipeline has inspired a lot of controversy. For defenders of freed markets, however, it shouldn’t. Libertarians should emphatically and unequivocally oppose the pipeline.
Vulgar Liberalism: Big Business and Its Useful Idiots
Kevin Carson: Sigh. There you have it. Just about every single cliche from the Art Schlesinger historical mythology, condensed into one short passage for your convenience.
“Who is the Somebody?”
Benjamin Tucker: The usurer is the Somebody, and the State is his protector. Usury is the serpent gnawing at labor’s vitals, and only liberty can detach and kill it.
“A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control” by Kevin Carson on Feed 44
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson’s “A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Неравные контракты — неравная власть
Кевином Карсоном: В любом случае, это государство выступает на стороне капиталистов, арендо- и работодателей и дает им полную власть в деле заключения контрактов, с помощью которых они в свою очередь могут диктовать условия работникам и потребителям.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory