Tag: authority
Decentralizing Science: Local Biohacking
Sebastian A.B.: The amateur, tinkering genius in her garage now finds a home with communities of researchers engaged in playful cleverness. Biology, formerly prohibitively expensive, is now fertile ground for the hacking of positive Black Swans.
A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell
Unlike many dissident histories of the United States, which attempt to portray racial minorities, sexual subcultures and subordinate classes as “worthy victims” in terms of the social mores of the white middle class, Thaddeus Russell celebrates the kind of people that your parents may have warned you about: the low-down, no-count, not-respectable people. You know,…
Autoridade: Se É Boa, Por Que Nos Faz Sentir Tão Mal?
Kevin Carson: Em suma, você fica reduzido a sentir-se como uma criança “malcomportada” diante de uma figura de autoridade adulta.
Glenn Reynolds’ Upside-Down Version of History
Kevin Carson: The large firm and the factory system did not become the dominant economic institutions because of some objective technological imperative, or their superior efficiency in a free market. They became the dominant economic institutions because of their superior effectiveness at controlling labor; and then the state intervened in the market to make them efficient enough to survive.
SpamHaus v. CyberBunker: More Than Meets the Eye
Knapp: Spamhaus looks, well, dangerous to a free and open Internet. And as we dig into the details of its dust-up with Cyberbunker, even more so.
“Cyber Security”: Hacks vs. “Hackers” (and vs. You)
Knapp: Monopolists don’t like living in the real world, and politicians traffic in telling them they don’t have to.
Speaking On Liberty: Nathan Goodman
In this episode of Speaking On Liberty’s Jason Lee Byas, Grayson English and Kyle Platt interview C4SS Fellow and Dissenting Leftist blogger Nathan Goodman about the the US prison system.
Authority: If It’s Good, Why Does It Make Us Feel So Bad?
Carson: Dealing with other human beings — all other human beings — as equals, confident and unafraid, is the right way to live. It’s the only right way to live.
“Propriedade Intelectual”: Esta Terra foi Feita para Você e … para a Monsanto
Esse não é um caso de patente “errada” ou “excessivamente ampla” ou “impropriamente aplicada.” Por sua própria natureza, a “propriedade intelectual” sempre envolve uma pessoa afirmar ter título de propriedade das mentes, corpos e posses de outras pessoas.
Christopher Dorner e o Caos Inerente ao Governo
Jason Lee Byas: Essas tragédias não foram eventos fortuitos. Foram resultado direto do governo político, de seu monopólio da violência “legítima,” e da psicologia do direito de cometê-la, atiçada por sua autoridade.
Una Buena Razón para No Construir el Oleoducto Keystone XL: La Justicia
El calificativo de “libertario” pierde su significado si no implica la defensa de la justicia. No puede, ni debe, significar la legitimación del feudalismo siempre que éste “sea bueno para la economía”.
One Reason Not to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline: Justice
Byas: The Keystone XL pipeline has inspired a lot of controversy. For defenders of freed markets, however, it shouldn’t. Libertarians should emphatically and unequivocally oppose the pipeline.
“Intellectual Property”: This Land was Made for You an … er, for Monsanto
Knapp: By its very nature, “intellectual property” always represents an assertion on the part of one person of ownership title to the minds, bodies and property of others.
“Who is the Somebody?”
Benjamin Tucker: The usurer is the Somebody, and the State is his protector. Usury is the serpent gnawing at labor’s vitals, and only liberty can detach and kill it.
Can We Escape the Ruling Class?
Roderick T. Long: We tend to think of the “ruling class” as a Marxist concept, but the notion has a long history before Marx.
Christopher Dorner and the Chaos Inherent to Government
Jason Lee Byas: These tragedies were not random flukes. They were a direct result of political government, its monopoly on “legitimate” violence, and the psychology of entitlement bred by its authority.
U.S. Crisis Springs From Structural, Not Personal Failure
Karl Hess: Americans are misguided in their continuing search for new leaders. Rather, they should seek rewarding social institutions to ensure a better life.
About the question of oversight…
Arthur Silber: Evil does not become less evil because people are “open” about it. It is not miraculously transformed into good through some mysterious process of alchemy. Evil becomes only worse, infinitely worse. …
Antiharmonism and the Betrayal of Liberty
Neil M. Tokar: The lesson is don’t work through the system or with members of the ruling class because there is a high probability of getting stabbed in the back by the phony “liberty” alliance member.
This machine kills intellectual monopolists.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory