“The Machine of Industrial Era Education”
David D’Amato says that machine is a meatgrinder.
Getting Libya “Governed Right”
“Right” for whom? asks David D’Amato
Small Government Fascists
Recent news of the West Memphis Three — freed on the condition that they confess their guilt, thus sparing sociopathic prosecutors any public embarrassment — raises an old question. The state’s defenders commonly argue that, no matter how fallible or corrupt individual public officials may be, they’ll be restrained by checks and balances built into…
Real Welfare Reform
The August 22 episode of NPR’s Tell Me More inquired into the state of America’s welfare system, taking President Clinton’s 1996 “historical overhaul” as its starting point. Guest Barbara Ehrenreich contends that the overhaul “began an era of the government washing its hands” of “the poorest of the poor.” Whatever you think about welfare as…
Bought and Paid For
In the wake of Republican presidential aspirant Mitt Romney’s “corporations are people” gaffe, Reuters’ John F. Wasik points out what ought to be obvious, but may not be for many Americans. “The ‘people’ Washington helps most,” he argues, are “big corporations,” noting the “infinite amounts of money” big business spends “to purchase politicians, legislation and…
Half a League, Half a League, Half a League Onward
Tom Knapp on new developments in the information war.
Criminalizing Competition
Free culture activist Nina Paley, in a recent cartoon, parodies the philosophy behind “intellectual property.” EUNICE:  “Copying a song instead of buying a copy is stealing!”  MIMI: “Doing  for yourself what you could pay someone else to do is stealing!”  BOTH:  “Competition is theft!” Unfortunately, Nina was preempted by reductio creep: The tendency of real world…
Corporations Are People? So Was Hitler
Kevin Carson on Soylent Gree … er, corporations.
Are the UK Riots “Anarchy in Action?”
I wish very much that I could report the riots now tearing across England as the opening gambit of anarchist revolution. Unfortunately, I can’t. The riots appear ideologically inchoate: They are a phenomenon born of rage, and rage is irrational, no matter the reason or unreason of the original spark (the killing, by police, of…
We’re All “Social Democrats” Now
Matt Yglesias, some time back, summarized Bruno Bezard’s resume (“Where Socialism Lives,” Think Progress, April 18, 2010). Besides senior posts at various economic and industrial policy ministries and the Treasury, he held directorships at the France Telecom Group, Renault, Air France-KLM, and France Televisions. “Try to imagine,” Yglesias asked, “an American having Bruno Bezard’s official biography.”…
“Market” Panic: The Era of Regime Certainty has Begun
Tom Knapp on the “debt ceiling deal” and the ensuing stock market crash.
Welfare State for the Rich
Living as I do in Arkansas, I’m privileged to read the commentary of Bradley Gitz, a conservative columnist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette who occasionally makes libertarian noises. I wish there was a Thomas Sowell Award For By-the-Numbers Regurgitation Of Republican Talking Points, so I could nominate Mr. Gitz. In his column of July 31, Gitz…
Barack Obama: Crazy or Con Man?
Politicians say the darnedest things. On a daily basis they regale us with fairy tales like “the best way to prevent a humanitarian crisis is to bomb that country’s already starving and demoralized populace back to the Stone Age,” or “the best way to get the economy going is for me to steal half your…
Democracy (TM) — Coming to a Corporate Welfare State Near You
Democracy is great, when people genuinely participate in making decisions about things that affect them.  But it seldom works out that way.  Once a formally democratic entity gets large enough to require government by representatives and a permanent administrative apparatus, it ceases to be “democratic” in anything but that formal sense.  This results from what…
Scary Story: The State vs. Anarchists
Tom Knapp on the developing Anarchist Scare.
The Invariable State
“Syrian security forces,” reports BBC News, “have cracked down on anti-government protests across the country, killing 100 people in the city of Hama alone.” These most recent reports come after months of protests, inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings in other countries, that led to the removal of leaders long in power. Throughout the violence,…
The Terminally Ill Economy
Amidst the continuing debate over the debt ceiling, with the deadline looming, CNNMoney reports the “worst week of 2011” for stocks, citing stagnant growth numbers for the second quarter. Analysts at one bank, the Zurich, Switzerland-based Credit Suisse, have even predicted that, if the federal government defaults on its payments, U.S. stock prices “could tumble…
Some Mirror-Imaging from Jeffrey Sachs
The people had their revolution stolen out from under them by Sachs and his ilk.
Debt Ceiling Debate: A Night at the Theater
Tom Knapp on Washington’s “debt ceiling” melodrama.
Why We Fight
Late last year, I called the first shots in Cyber World War One. I got the timing completely wrong. In fact, I was off by about 27 years. The real first shot in that war — heard ’round the world and widely lauded, but its implications not really understood — was fired in 1984 by…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory