Bad Consciousness or Bad Structure?
Kevin Carson explains why getting our heads in a good place isn’t enough.
One of These Things Just Doesn’t Belong Here
Kevin Carson calls foul on mainstream liberalism’s fake greenwashing.
Fire the Wall St. Plutocracy
On Monday, the Wall Street Journal reports (“Wall Street Protesters Plan to Stay Awhile,” September 19), “[m]uch of Wall Street remained barricaded to foot and road traffic Monday morning as hundreds of protesters continued a demonstration against U.S. financial institutions.” The protests, which the story admits have been “largely peaceful,” have been compared to those…
Authority Breeds Inequality
In a recent Christian Science Monitor op-ed (“Inequality dragon rears its head. Again.” August 26), Jared Bernstein cites “new GDP data suggest[ing] that inequality is on the rise again.” Bernstein points out that “[c]orporate profits as a share of GDP has surpassed its prerecession high while compensation has shrunk,” evidence of “two very different economies”…
Rick Perry’s Government: “Inconsequential” as a Ball and Chain
Kevin Carson calls BS on Rick Perry’s fake “small government” propaganda
The Legal Rackets Behind the Drug War
Last month, the National Drug Intelligence Center at the U.S. Department of Justice released its “National Drug Threat Assessment” for this year. No doubt hoping no one will notice or care, the report itself observes that “[t]he abuse of several major illicit drugs, including heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine, appears to be increasing, especially among the…
Reflections From Airstrip Two
Kevin Carson says the night of totalitarianism is darkest before the dawn.
The True “Spread the Wealth Philosophy”
In a CBS News feature on issues in the 2012 campaign, Brian Montopoli asks, “Who’s to blame for the wealth divide?” Citing a Harvard/Duke study to the effect that “the top 20 percent controlled about 84 percent of the wealth,” Montopoli contends that political “decisions tend to follow the desires of the affluent.” Montopoli couldn’t…
The State: Institutionalized Terrorism
David S. D’Amato on the real lesson of 9/11.
The 9/11 Cult: Embracing the Glamour of Evil
Like all religions, the religion of state thrives on rites, rituals and relics, striving to put its god — political government — at the center of human existence. Seldom has this been more apparent than in the run-up to the tenth anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001.
Another Stupid Remark from Mitt — But Who’s Counting?
Kevin Carson: He claims to distrust government. But he’s either stupid or a liar.
What is a Post-9/11 World?
Darian Worden: As the events of ten years ago are remembered, it is also time to reflect on how to build a better world.
When the Mafia Can’t Compete With the Chamber of Commerce
I’ve written frequently on the national regulatory state as a source of monopoly rents to big business.  But the true nature of regulation as a naked power grab by incumbent businesses is nowhere more apparent than at the local level. At the lower levels of government, conventional, brick-and-mortar business establishments are heavily involved in using…
Jesus Christ, Pirate
After feeding a crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was recently served with formal legal notice…
Hurricane Reality
Darian Worden on questions raised by Hurricane Irene: media presentation, and government versus cooperative responses.
Cutting Through “Free Trade” Rhetoric
In a recent Guardian commentary, Timothy Snyder opines that “those who benefit from the Tea Party are more like British lords than American rebels.” Snyder argues that Tea Partiers are “rightwing anarchist[s]” whose “mantras of low taxation and small government have become the way to avoid discussing the challenges of globalisation.” Snyder is more right…
Condemning Politics Itself
David D’Amato on recent polls showing popular disapproval of American governance.
Achieving Healthcare Abundance
David D’Amato on how the state makes health care more expensive.
Justice Without the State
Darian Worden responds to E.D. Kain’s question at Forbes, “what would replace our criminal justice system in a stateless society?”
What to Make of “Capitalism”
It ain’t the free market, says David D’Amato.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory