Robbing Us Blind
David D’Amato to OWS: Physician, heal thyself.
Don’t Change the Law — Ignore It
The Espinel emails show we can’t reform the state — we must break it.
The New “Mercantile System”
David S. D’Amato on the monopolization and oppression of phony “free trade.”
Alternative Currency: Coming to Stores Near You?
Darian Worden: Alternative economies may gain participants worldwide as the established economy fails to meet needs.
Which Side Are You On?
Kevin Carson calls on libertarians to support the Dirty Effing Hippies against Wall Street.
The Science of Anarchism
Columbia University professor of journalism Todd Gitlin writes (“The Left Declares Its Independence,” New York Times, October 8th) “the core of the [Occupy] movement … consists of what right-wing critics call anarchists.” Rather than taking the same snide, dismissive approach to anarchism typical of the news media and academia, he goes on to observe that…
Pre-Occupied in St. Louis
What Tom Knapp saw at the revolution.
Wall Street Couldn’t Have Done It Alone
Demonstrators, you are right. Something is dreadfully wrong. But your list of culprits is far from complete.
Pirate Bay Comes to Academia
Kevin Carson declares war on the Copyright Nazis of the academic publishing industry.
Occupy Wall Street: Will the Other Shoe Drop?
Kevin Carson says we should prepare for repression
The “Market” Doesn’t Discipline, Ron Paul. We Do.
Ross Kenyon deconstructs the misleading abstraction of “the market” and makes an existentialist case for the coupling of the freedom to choose poorly with the wisdom to choose wisely.
Wall Street Greed and Accountability
A clear, consistent message underlying the Occupation of Wall Street over the past couple weeks says that the greed of the big banks is a far-reaching social problem. Standing in as representatives of an entire corporate system, an economy characterized by mercenary avarice and a fundamental lack of justice and humanity, the banks have also…
From Arab Spring to Fall Revolution?
Kevin Carson on the exhilarating times we live in.
To Occupy and Rise
Darian Worden: Occupy Wall Street is a promising populist mobilization with a clear message against domination by political and economic elites.
One Cheer for the DADT Repeal
Kevin Carson celebrates the state’s new equal opportunity thuggery
Thugs of the Organized Criminal Class
David S. D’Amato on living under the jackboot of the state’s monopoly on protective services.
Politics as Rich Man’s Sport
David S. D’Amato on the political process as an inherently rigged charade for the rich and powerful.
Emancipate Yourselves from Mental Slavery
Kevin Carson explains why “far-left” extremism is no vice.
The Making of Monopoly
Google made headlines again last week, this time countering criticisms that the company has achieved “monopoly power” versus its competitors, putting consumers at risk. The company’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, faced questioning by the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. In his testimony, responding to questions from US Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI), Schmidt…
Back Room Deals Revealed
A solar energy company’s bankruptcy filing isn’t ordinarily the most tantalizing of headlines. When it follows a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government, and prompts a congressional investigation, however, it’s hot news. The Red and Blue teams, both eager to appear as allied with the taxpayer, hastily seized upon Solyndra’s bankruptcy and began…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory