Tag: conservatism
Kami Bukan Konservatif
Oleh: Nick Manley. Teks aslinya berjudul “We’re Not Conservatives.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo Pengidentikan antara libertarianisme dan konservatisme nampaknya tidak akan segera berakhir. Pada konferensi International Students for Liberty baru-baru ini Justin Amash menyamakan keduanya. Banyak orang-orang kiri membuat penyamaan yang sama dan kerap mendemonisasi libertarianisme sebagai sayap kanan. Benarkah? Kami…
Bagaimana Jika Anakmu Trans?
Oleh: James C. Wilson. Teks aslinya berjudul “What if Your Child Was Trans?” Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Saya telah bertahun-tahun mengadvokasi hak-hak trans, termasuk hak-hak trans remaja dan orang tua mereka, dengan pendampingan dokter, untuk memilih jenis layanan kesehatan yang mereka butuhkan. Saya melihat kebebasan ini sebagai bentuk menyelamatkan kehidupan. Meskipun begitu,…
Paradoks Penentangan Kelompok Kanan terhadap Aborsi
Oleh: Vishal Wilde. teks aslinya berjudul “The Paradox of the Political Right’s Opposition to Abortion.” DIterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Umumnya, orang-orang “kanan” sangat keras menentang aborsi. Atau bahkan jika pun mereka mengizinkannya, mereka hanya mengizinkannya pada kondisi tertentu saja (misalnya jika kehamilan tersebut diakibatkan pemerkosaan atau inses). Di sisi lain, orang-orang kiri merupakan kebalikannya, sangat…
No, You Leave Those Kids Alone!
Transphobic protestors and commentators have recently taken to the slogan, “Leave our kids alone.” It’s part of an attempt to brand educators, librarians, authors, artists — whoever works with kids and supports trans children’s right to self-identify however they wish — as “groomers,” threats to the safety of kids via insidious brainwashing. In reality, reactionaries…
Что, если твой ребенок станет трансгендерным человеком?
James C. Wilson, What if Your Child Was Trans? June 8 2023. На протяжении многих лет я выступаю за права трансгендерных людей. В это входит право трансгендерной молодежи и их родителей, под руководством своих врачей, получать те медицинские услуги, которые они считают нужными.  Я считаю эту свободу жизненно необходимой. При этом я из довольно консервативной…
What if Your Child Was Trans?
I have for years been an advocate of trans rights. This includes the rights of trans youth and their parents, with the guidance of their doctors, to pursue whatever health care they see fit. I see this freedom as life-saving. That said, I am from a rather conservative background, in which many people I know…
The Red-Brown-Yellow Alliance: Making Anti-War “Great” Again
A Rally Against Resistance Firstly, I’d like to give my thanks to Dennis Morgan at Counterpunch for stating succinctly the exact fundamental problem with the “Rage Against the War Machine” rally that took place on February 19th, 2023. In Dennis’ own words, “We have to demand that the supply of weapons shipped to Ukraine stop…
“Izquierda y derecha” por Rothbard
De James C Wilson. Título original: Rothbard’s “Left & Right”, del 9 de enero de 2018. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Rothbard, Murray, ed. Left & Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought. Auburn. Alabama Ludwig Von Mises Institute. 2007 La mitad de los años sesenta fue una época única en la historia del movimiento…
On the Anatomy of the Right
There was not too long ago a tendency among South African artists, authors, and musicians to produce transparently derivative work, because they were not as uniquely privy to the arcane cultural gnosis which inspired them as they thought they were. Indeed I must confess that I am guilty of something like that at this very…
Como “Danar” o Anarquismo: Uma Resposta a Dakota Hensley
Pode existir tal coisa como um “anarquista conservador”? Sim, como acontece com qualquer etiqueta política mais ampla – socialista, democrata, libertário, a lista cresce todos os dias enquanto a extrema-direita se tenta apropriar do vocabulário de outras tendências. Hoje em dia, podemos identificar-nos com quaisquer valores que queiramos, é esta a base de muitas das…
O Anarquista Conservador
Pode um anarquista ser socialmente conservador? Sim. Não vejo qualquer razão pela qual alguém que seja anti-aborto ou tenha uma perspectiva fundamentalista sobre o sexo ou as drogas não possa ser anarquista. O anarquismo tem a ver com a construção de uma sociedade na qual ninguém force as suas crenças sobre terceiros. Desde que respeitemos…
How to “Doom” Anarchism: A Response to Dakota Hensley
Can there be such a thing as a “conservative anarchist?” Yes, as is true of any broad political label – socialist, democrat, libertarian, the list grows longer every day as the far right tries to appropriate the language of other tendencies. Ultimately, one can identify with whatever values they want, this is the foundation of…
Ten Thoughts on Statues
In times past, people emptied buckets of shit from their windows to the streets below. We can remember this as a historical fact without the streets continuing to be covered in human waste. If you were violently assaulted, you would want people to recognise the injustice but probably wouldn’t be campaigning for a statue of…
A Letter to Conservatives
Oh dear, conservatives, you’ve been looking kinda confused and down recently. What a bind you’ve gotten yourselves into! You instinctively and viscerally oppose the popular uprising against the police state. But everything you can point to was done in the American revolution. It’s helpful if you curate your feeds to see only the worst examples…
“Left & Right” di Rothbard
Di James C. Wilson. Originale pubblicato il 9 gennaio 2018 con il titolo Rothbard’s “Left & Right”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Rothbard, Murray, ed. Left & Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought. Auburn. Alabama Ludwig Von Mises Institute. 2007 Il periodo attorno alla metà degli anni Sessanta rappresenta un’epoca unica nella storia del movimento libertario…
Rothbard’s “Left & Right”
Rothbard, Murray, ed. Left & Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought. Auburn. Alabama Ludwig Von Mises Institute. 2007 The mid-sixties was a unique time in the history of the libertarian movement, as well as in the world at large. US involvement in Vietnam was escalating, the Cold War was at its height, and the civil…
The Paradox of the Political Right’s Opposition to Abortion
Generally, people on the ‘right’ of the political spectrum are more vocally against abortion. If they do agree with it, it’s usually only in some limited capacity (such as when an unplanned pregnancy is the result of rape or incest). On the other hand, the political left tends to be far more vocally supportive.
Trump & the Conservative Establishment Deserve Each Other
No one should need National Review‘s advice to steer clear of Donald Trump. For one thing, the messenger is a curious one indeed. Although Trump doesn’t talk like a neoconservative Wilsonian, he has not cleanly separated himself from that faction either. Yes, he courageously recommended against invading Iraq — a year after the invasion took…
Perché il Fallimento Politico dei Libertari
Jerry Taylor, del Niskanen Center, ha sganciato una bomba della verità sulla politica di Washington con un suo recente pezzo, scritto per Fox News, a proposito del declino di Rand Paul. Taylor nota come la presunta crescita del movimento libertario sulla scia della campagna elettorale di Ron Paul fosse in gran parte illusoria. I populisti…
Why Libertarians are Failing at Politics
Jerry Taylor of the Niskanen Center dropped a truth bomb on the beltway in his recent piece for Fox News about the decline of Rand Paul. Taylor notes that the alleged growth of the libertarian movement in the wake of the Ron Paul campaign was largely illusory. The alienated populists and conspiracy theorists that filled…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory