Prison Labor: Capitalism Without Markets, Understanding the Economics of Totalitarian Institutions
 View or download a PDF copy of Joseph Parampathu’s C4SS Study here: Prison Labor: Capitalism Without Markets, Understanding the Economics of Totalitarian Institutions Abstract Prison labor remains a paradox in many ways. Simultaneously sparsely studied or recorded, and ubiquitous; derided by labor unions and free workers as unfair competition and lauded by businesses as…
No One is Talking About Capitalism — In Your Sense
If one’s goal is to have productive exchanges when the word capitalism is thrown into play, they must stop doing two things: naively assuming people are more or less on the same page when the term is used; and suggesting that one or another meaning of the word is completely wrong. Some use the term…
No hay activismo ético bajo el capitalismo: DAOs, DeFi y pureza ideológica
De Emmi Bevensee. Artículo original publicado 17 de setembre del 2021 con el título No Ethical Activism Under Capitalism: DAOs, DeFi, and Purity Politics. Traducido al español por Leo (Confoederatio Think Tank). Esta pieza fue co-autorada con Jahed Momand y Frank Miroslav. Dejen su pureza ideológica y presten atención a lo que ocurre más allá de…
No Ethical Activism Under Capitalism: DAOs, DeFi, and Purity Politics
Quit your purity politics and pay attention to things outside of your camp or else you’ll get wrecked by a changing world and miss meaningful opportunities.  As such, one space I’ve been paying attention to is that of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Despite the fact they often have relationships with Evil naughty bad boy things…
Malicious Faux-Individualism and Market Anti-Capitalism
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] There is an odd side to the American Dream. One deemed worthless long ago, by the Soviets, by the Maoists, by the BPP. There exists a culture of greed. Though most people lack an in-depth understanding of economic terms…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Gary Chartier & Charles Johnson on “Markets Not Capitalism” 10 Years On
For the 10-year anniversary of what many would consider our foundational book, C4SS Mutual Exchange Coordinator Cory Massimino interviewed Markets Not Capitalism editors Charles Johnson and Gary Chartier. They discuss the legacy and impact of MNC ten years on! If you’ve not read it, you can find the free .pdf and audiobook at: Plus,…
The Enragés: Libertarian Anticapitalism with Rad Geek
For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled “Libertarian Anticapitalism.”  Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism,…
El capitalismo como religión y el mito de la naturaleza capitalista
De Qianzi. Artículo original: Capitalism as Religion and The Myth of Capitalist Nature, 9 de marzo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Una breve indagación sobre el diagnóstico proporcionado por Walter Benjamin. “Se puede discernir una religión en el capitalismo, es decir, el capitalismo sirve esencialmente para aliviar las mismas ansiedades, tormentos y…
Imagining State-Capitalism
People from all ideological angles will agree that we don’t live with truly free markets in the West, or anything close to it. “Capitalist” societies, or ones regarded as driven by “markets” are actually mixed economies where sectors of industry and economic activity are either overtly planned and directed by the state, or at least…
Izquierda Libertaria: Anticapitalismo de Libre Mercado, el Ideal Desconocido
De Sheldon Richman. Título original: Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal, de 6 de enero 2013. Traducido en español por Kathiana Thomas. La Campaña Presidencial de Ron Paul en 2008 dio a conocer la palabra «libertario» a muchas personas. Ya que Paul es un Republicano y los Republicanos, tal como los libertarios, usan la…
Gamestop, Capitalismo y Libertad
David S. D’Amato. Artículo original: Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom. Traducido por Diego Avila. [Este artículo fue originalmente publicado en Febrero 12 del 2021 en] Estrategas de Wall Street lo han llamado uno de los más extremos “apretones cortos y bruscos” en recientes décadas: a finales de Enero, las acciones del minorista de videojuegos GameStop…
GameStop, Capitalismo e Liberdade
David S. D’Amato. Original: Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Os estrategistas de Wall Street definiram-no como um dos mais perigosos short-squeezes em décadas: no final de janeiro, as ações da varejista de videogames GameStop, alvo de praticantes das vendas a descoberto e de muitos hedge funds, dispararam como resultado de…
GameStop, Capitalisme i llibertat
Per David S. D’Amato. Font: GameStop, Capitalism and Freedom. 15 de Febrer 2021. Traduït per Manel Finestres. Els experts de Wall Street l’han qualificat com un dels “short squeeze” més extrems de les últimes dècades: A finals de gener, les accions de la botiga de videojocs GameStop es van disparar degut a que els usuaris…
O Capitalismo como Religião e o Mito de Sua Natureza
De Qianzi. Artigo original: Capitalism as Religion and The Myth of Capitalist Nature, 9 de Março 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Uma breve investigação da crítica de Walter Benjamin No capitalismo encontramos uma religião; isto é, ele serve essencialmente para apaziguar as ansiedades, tormentos e agitações às quais as chamadas religiões ofereciam…
Il Capitalismo Come Religione e il Mito della Naturalità del Capitalismo
Di Qianzi. Titolo originale: Capitalism as Religion and The Myth of Capitalist Nature, 9 marzo 2021. Articolo pubblicato originariamente il 19 febbraio 2021 su Black Fire Notes Breve analisi della critica di Walter Benjamin “Nel capitalismo percepiamo una religione; il capitalismo serve sostanzialmente a placare le ansie, i tormenti e le agitazioni a cui le…
Capitalism as Religion and The Myth of Capitalist Nature
[This article was originally published on February 19, 2021 at Black Fire Notes] Capitalism as Religion and The Myth of Capitalist Nature A brief inquiry into the diagnosis provided by Walter Benjamin. “A religion may be discerned in capitalism – that is to say, capitalism serves essentially to allay the same anxieties, torments, and disturbances…
Gamestop, Capitalismo e Libertà
Di David S. D’Amato. Originale: Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom, pubblicato il 15 febbraio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Articolo pubblicato originariamente il dodici febbraio 2021 su Gli strateghi di Wall Street l’hanno definito uno degli “short squeeze” (ricopertura dello scoperto) più pericolosi degli ultimi decenni. Alla fine di gennaio le azioni del rivenditore di…
Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom
[This article was originally published February 12, 2021 at] Wall Street strategists have called it one of the most extreme of the “sharp short squeezes” in recent decades: at the end of January, shares of video game retailer GameStop skyrocketed, as users of Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum rallied around the stock, which had been a target of…
Agoric Cafe: Markets vs. Capitalism in The ABC of Communism
In episode no. 4 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long discusses the distinction between markets and capitalism in Bukharin and Preobrazhensky’s ABC of Communism, and in the Marxist tradition generally; or, how Marxism twists itself into a pretzel to avoid endorsing free-market anti-capitalism. Watch it here or below.
Dia das Vítimas do Capitalismo
Na Reason, Ilya Somin, mantendo a prática anual adoptada desde 2007, escolheu o 1 de Maio – Dia do Trabalhador – como data para celebrar o “Dia das Vítimas do Comunismo”. Somin cita a “autoridade” do Livro Negro do Comunismo como fonte para a estimativa de 80 a 100 milhões de mortos no século XX. Para colocar o…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory