Margaret Thatcher and the Degradation of “Freedom” in Right-Wing Discourse
Kevin Carson: So much for the hype. What’s the reality?
Hierarchy or the Market
Carson: Had the industrial revolution taken place in a genuine free market, our economy today would probably be far closer to the vision of Lewis Mumford than that of Joseph Schumpeter and Alfred Chandler.
Prescription for Competition
D’Amato: As much as I hate to spoil the ending, neither Democrats nor Republicans are interested in anything like a real free market.
Charles Koch Has No Power to Coerce Anybody; That’s Why He Needs Government
Carson: The corporate Pharisees of our day strain at a gnat using “free market” rhetoric to attack welfare for the poor, but swallow a camel when it comes to welfare for corporations.
The Network Economy as New Mutualism
M. George van der Meer: We are now approaching a breaking point, a culmination of long-unfolding trends that will witness the old forces of rigid hierarchy and centrality collide with the dynamism of the networked, freed market.
“Cyber Security”: Hacks vs. “Hackers” (and vs. You)
Knapp: Monopolists don’t like living in the real world, and politicians traffic in telling them they don’t have to.
Hey Iraqis: How’s that “Liberation” Stuff Workin’ Out For Ya?
Carson: Just what “liberation” meant to Rummy, Dummy and Scummy can be seen from the agenda Paul Bremer implemented as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq.
Patent “Trolls” are Bad. Patents are Worse.
Hultner: The solution to the problem of patent trolling is not to “regulate” it with faulty measures and half-steps in the “right direction.”
Not to Praise, But to Bury Him
Kevin Carson: It’s time to pursue a vision of justice and freedom based on our own actions, on peaceful cooperation, mutual aid and solidarity with our friends and neighbors — not as a gift that depends on the temporary benevolence of a dictator.
The Root is Power
Kevin Carson: The central identifying feature of a reformist effort is that it fails to strike at the root of oppression — power.
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“The Government is US?” Not Unless We’re Citigroup
Carson: Don’t fall for the line that state functionaries “work for us.” Take a look at where they worked before they entered “public service” and watch where they go back to afterward. Guess what? They’re working there right now, too.
Remarks on Jan Narveson’s “Libertarianism: the Thick and the Thin”
Charles Johnson: If libertarianism needs to slim down, which specific varieties of thickness does it need to avoid—and what’s the health benefit to doing so?
Deadly Contradictions: Patent Privilege vs. “Saving Lives”
Nathan Goodman: While politicians repeatedly promise to protect public health, they have long used coercive power to raise medical costs, sacrificing public health for private profits.
Media Coordinator Update, 02/16/13
Knapp: 23,000 submissions, 18 pickups, onward and upward!
Why Does Justice Have Good Consequences?
Roderick Long: I’m hoping to make you puzzled about a problem that has puzzled me on and off over the years. Misery loves company, I suppose —
If You Ever Wondered …
Ron Paul, internationalist statist monopolist.
This machine kills intellectual monopolists.
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The Mind of the Market by Michael Shermer
Kevin Carson: If you can get past the flaws in Shermer’s book (things others might prefer to think of as my fixations, hangups, and dead horses), it’s quite an enjoyable read.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory