Did the Government Drive Aaron Swartz to Suicide?
Sheldon Richman: Swartz was a passionate champion of technology’s power to liberate and democratize. He vowed to fight anything which threatened that potential. This offended powerful vested interests.
On the Utter Senselessness of Aaron Swartz’s Death
Carson: The people who hounded Aaron Swartz to his death did so, not even in the realistic hope of victory, but out of the same vindictive impulse that drives a defeated invader to inflict one more indignity on the violated country on its way out.
The Many Monopolies
A fully freed market means liberating essential command posts in the economy from State control, to be reclaimed for market and social entrepreneurship
Natural and Artificial Capital Contrasted (With Apologies to Thomas Hodgskin)
Carson: To the lords of artificial scarcity, who derive their income from impeding producers’ ability to produce, natural abundance is a danger.
On Crutches and Crowbars: Toward a Labor Radical Case Against the Minimum Wage
“And now they’ve sold off all the splints, and contracted out the tourniquets, And if we jump through hoops, then we might just survive.”
If “Progressives” Didn’t Exist, Big Business Would Have to Invent Them
Kevin Carson: “The central function of the state is to suppress competition, create artificial property, and enable economic ruling classes to extract rents.”
The End of Economic Growth
The growing irrelevance of conventional measures of economic output to our actual material conditions of living has been a recurring theme in recent years.
The Cultural Pseudomorph and Its Decay
Kevin Carson: It means we’re in for some interesting times.
Poison as Food, Poison as Antidote
Those who see government power and corporate power as being in conflict, and those who seem them as being in cahoots, each have a point.
Don’t Tax the Rich, Smash Their Privilege: A Response to Warren Buffett
Because in a free society, billionaires like Buffett might have to learn to work for a living.
In Defense of Public Space
The availability of public space may be a moral precondition for the right to freedom from trespassers.
Design in the Service of Empire
Dawie Coetzee: How Innovation is Used to Advance the Interests of the State-Industrial Machine.
Additional Definitions and Distinctions
A prompt from a reader to consolidate some sketches.
Economic Calculation in the Corporate Commonwealth
This calculation argument can be applied not only to a state-planned economy, but also to the internal planning of the large corporation.
The Bold and the Desirable: A Prophecy and a Proposal
Charles Johnson: Left-libertarians are sometimes known to stick on distinctions and the definitions of words.
Left-Libertarianism: No Masters, No Bosses
Corporate capitalism is organized around the imperatives, not of maximizing efficiency, but of maximizing the extraction of rents. When maximum extraction of rents requires artificial imposition of inefficiency, the capitalists’ state is ready and willing.
Obama, Let’s Try This Again
Easing the Transition to an Alternative Economy
So, What Are You Doing After the Victory Celebration?
Kevin Carson: By all means, enjoy yourselves. Get it out of your system.
The Distinctiveness of Left-Libertarianism
Gary Chartier: Left-libertarianism in the relevant sense is a position that is simultaneously leftist and libertarian.
Disney’s Lucasfilm Buyout: Fighting Power with Power
Carson: Whatever corporate copyright lockdown Disney puts the franchise under couldn’t possibly exceed George Lucas’s worst. The Disney acquisition actually offers to breathe new life into the Star Wars universe.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory