Tag: Turkey
Kebutuhan akan Solidaritas Radikal Internasional Terhadap Rojava
Oleh: Conner Martinez. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Need For International Radical Solidarity With Rojava.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Di tepian utara Suriah, daerah yang secara de facto otonom yang dikenal sebagai Rojava telah memberikan contoh nyata dari demokrasi radikal dan otonomi ekonomi di Timur Tengah. Kawasan ini dijalankan dengan struktur berdasarkan model konfederalisme demokratis sekuler…
Terremoti e Dittature
Di Kaan Göktaş. Originale: Earthquakes and Dictatorship, del 23 marzo 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. All’alba del 6 febbraio 2023, la Turchia e la Siria settentrionale sono state scosse da due forti terremoti in successione. Sono state colpite seriamente undici città tra l’Anatolia meridionale e orientale e il Kurdistan siriano, dove vivono circa tre…
Terremoti e Capitalismo
Originale pubblicato il 6 marzo 2023 con il titolo Earthquakes and Capitalism. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. La paura e l’ansia indotte da un terremoto sono spesso esasperate dalle sfide della società capitalista, così che l’individuo trova serie difficoltà a cambiare le proprie condizioni di vita o a scegliere un luogo più sicuro in cui…
Earthquakes and Dictatorship
In the early morning hours of February 6, 2023, Turkey and northern Syria were shaken by two major earthquakes in quick succession. Eleven cities in Southern and Eastern Anatolia and Syrian Kurdistan, home to around 3.5 million people, were severely affected by the earthquakes. The fact that the disaster struck in the early hours of…
Gempa bumi dan Kapitalisme
Teks aslinya berjudul “Earthquakes and Capitalism.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Ketakutan dan kecemasan akibat gempa bumi dan diperparah oleh berbagai hambatan yang diakibatkan dari tatanan kapitalisme dalam masyarakat, dimana banyak orang kesulitan untuk mengubah kondisi kehidupan mereka untuk menjadi lebih baik atau berpindah ke wilayah yang lebih aman. Ini mencciptakan situasi yang kompleks dan meprihatinkan…
Earthquakes and Capitalism
The fear and anxiety induced by earthquakes are often exacerbated by the challenges posed by capitalist societies, where individuals face significant obstacles in their efforts to modify their living conditions or relocate to safer regions. This creates a complex and concerning situation that demands urgent attention from scholars and policymakers alike.  It’s particularly concerning that…
Turkey: Panopticon Prison of 80 Million People
The Panopticon model, proposed by the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham, is actually a mechanism of self-censorship. Prisoners in cells arranged in a ring with completely open fronts would have to control their own actions and not do anything wrong in order not to be punished, since they would not know when the guards in the…
Support Turkish Journalist Sentenced to Prison
Turkish journalist Kaan Goktas, a cypherpunk, author, and father, was sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, by posting a 300-year-old Ottoman poem. Thankfully Goktas was able to flee to Montenegro but had to leave his family and most of his life behind. He’s currently applying to the…
À propos des libertaires turcs
abc. Article original: On Turkish Libertarians. Traduction française par abc. Mon point de vu sur les individus qui se présentent comme libertaires ou libéraux (ces définitions sont presque entrelacées aujourd’hui en Turquie) qui ont atteint un certain nombre de followers sur des plateformes telles que Twitter tout en étant hostiles aux réfugiés dans un contexte…
Türk “Liberteryen”leri üzerine
Bu makale abc tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. Kendini liberteryen ya da liberal olarak tanıtan (Türkiye tanımları bugün nerdeyse iç içe) ancak tipik Türk üstünlükçü bağlamda mülteci düşmanlığı yapan Twitter gibi platformlarda belli bir takipçi kitlesine ulaşmış bireylere nasıl bakıyorum. Olay bir Türk vatandaşının televizyonda “Muz bile alamıyoruz, Suriyeliler daha rahat yiyor.” Demesinden sonra gayri meşru Türk…
On Turkish “Libertarians” (English Translation)
This essay is an English translation of On Turkish “Libertarians” I will explain my perspective towards individuals who have reached a large audience on platforms such as Twitter in Turkey and yet support statist-nationalist views on immigration despite their self-promotion as liberal/libertarian. It was subsequent to a Turkish person being heard on national television saying,…
Solidarietà Internazionale Radicale per Rojava
Di Conner Martínez. Originale pubblicato l’undici aprile 2018 con il titolo The Need for International Radical Solidarity with Rojava. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. All’estremo nord della Siria, la regione di fatto autonoma conosciuta come Rojava indica la strada di un possibile futuro della democrazia radicale e dell’autonomia economica in Medio Oriente. La regione si basa…
The Need For International Radical Solidarity With Rojava
On the northern edge of Syria, the de facto autonomous region known as Rojava has set the example for the future of radical democracy and economic autonomy in the Middle East. The region is structured by a secular model of democratic confederalism put into place by its constitution in 2014, a constitution that makes law…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 131
Trita Parsi discusses the results of the nuclear deal with Iran. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses supporters of the recent coup attempt in Turkey and compares them to backers of the 1973 Chilean coup. Murtaza Hussain discusses not giving ISIS what it wants after the recent terror attack in Nice, France. Alex Emmons discusses why the…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 93
Joseph R. Stromberg discusses realism vs non-intervention. David Swanson discusses the Vietnam War 50 years later. Andrew Levine discusses Israel and the alleged threats to it. Shamus Cooke discusses the idea of a no-fly zone in Syria. Lew Rockwell discusses Ron Paul’s new anti-war book. John Feffer discusses the Kurds and the current conflicts in…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 53
Kathy Kelly discusses ISIS and the war in Iraq. Douglas Macgregor discusses U.S. military intervention. Franklin Lamb discusses Syrian migrants and their plight. William Blum discusses the Berlin Wall. Sheldon Richman discusses torture and Obama. Lucy Steigerwald discusses the War on Drugs abroad. Richard M. Ebeling discusses Ludwig Von Mises and the business cycle. David…
Uploading N00dz of Turkish Emperors to Facebook
The Turkish state is now considering banning Facebook after “offensive” political content was discovered. Limiting free speech can only help rulers and hurt the ability of everyone else to point out that their emperors are … inappropriately dressed for the privilege of rulership.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory