Tag: Rojava
Oleh: Conner Martinez. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Need For International Radical Solidarity With Rojava.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Di tepian utara Suriah, daerah yang secara de facto otonom yang dikenal sebagai Rojava telah memberikan contoh nyata dari demokrasi radikal dan otonomi ekonomi di Timur Tengah. Kawasan ini dijalankan dengan struktur berdasarkan model konfederalisme demokratis sekuler…
De Eric F. Artígo original: On Liberated Zones Theory: Or How BIPOC Folks Are Already Doing the Work, 8 dezembro 2023. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Anteriormente apontei que os esforços nos territórios de Rojava e Cooperation Jackson no Mississipi podem ser vistos como… tentativas, como Wesley Morgan descreve, “de criar ‘poder dual’ através…
O cómo la gente BIPOC ya está haciendo el trabajo Por Eric Fleischmann. Título original: On Liberated Zones Theory: Or How BIPOC Folks Are Already Doing the Work, del 8 de diciembre de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. He señalado anteriormente que los esfuerzos sobre el terreno en Rojava y Cooperation Jackson en…
Market anarchism, as defined by Center for a Stateless Society, is the “advocacy of replacing the state with civil society while pointing to free market economics to explain the workability and/or desirability of such.” This ideology has very rarely if ever supported a sizable movement on its own and instead has, according to Charles Johnson…
Por Nikki Cooper. Artículo original: Low hanging fruit, publicado el 31 de mayo de 2019. Traducido al español por Camila Avila. Lo que sigue forma parte del artículo de May Poetry Feature de 2019 en el C4SS. Nací desafiante desde el principio, la religión un breve indulto y luego para mi sorpresa el infierno para…
Oleh: Anon. Teks aslinya berjudul “Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy in Kurdistan.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah Bangsa Kurdi adalah bangsa tanpa negara terbesar di dunia. Diperkirakan 40 juta orang Kurdi tinggal di Iran, Irak, Suriah, dan Turki. Terlepas dari asal-usul dan praktik budaya bersama mereka, keempat negara ini telah menolak pengakuan Kurdi atas identitas atau…
I have previously pointed out that the on-the-ground efforts in Rojava and Cooperation Jackson in Mississippi can be seen as… attempting, as Wesley Morgan describes, “to create ‘dual power’ through the creation of cooperatives.” Morgan disapprovingly terms this “market syndicalism” and critiques it for simply creating “units in a market economy” and still relying “upon…
The Kurdish people are the largest stateless nation in the world. An estimated 40 million Kurds live in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Despite their common origins and cultural practices, these four states have denied the Kurds recognition of their identity or autonomy as a distinct minority with their own culture and language. At different…
Interview of Dr. Chris Hables Gray by Hank Pellissier Should California, Scotland, Catalonia, Hawaii, Kurdistan and other regions secede for independence? Should today’s 193 nations divide into 1,600? “Yes (sort of),” says Chris Hables Gray, a “pragmatic anarchist feminist revolutionary” who works as a lecturer of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz….
A tweet jokingly showing James C. Scott centrally planning his small chicken farm. Even in his devastating critiques of high-modernist central planning, James C Scott acknowledges the benefits to planning and the levels at which it can occur with relative safety. The author M Black also challenges us not to fetishize decentralization in such a…
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS. I was born defiant from the beginning, religion a brief reprieve and then to my surprise hell for eternity. I saw death, strife, war, disease and power as my enemies, no god ever answered. A Calamity. An early note of peace ran through…
Di Conner Martínez. Originale pubblicato l’undici aprile 2018 con il titolo The Need for International Radical Solidarity with Rojava. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. All’estremo nord della Siria, la regione di fatto autonoma conosciuta come Rojava indica la strada di un possibile futuro della democrazia radicale e dell’autonomia economica in Medio Oriente. La regione si basa…
On the northern edge of Syria, the de facto autonomous region known as Rojava has set the example for the future of radical democracy and economic autonomy in the Middle East. The region is structured by a secular model of democratic confederalism put into place by its constitution in 2014, a constitution that makes law…