Tag: Radicalism
Kebutuhan akan Solidaritas Radikal Internasional Terhadap Rojava
Oleh: Conner Martinez. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Need For International Radical Solidarity With Rojava.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Di tepian utara Suriah, daerah yang secara de facto otonom yang dikenal sebagai Rojava telah memberikan contoh nyata dari demokrasi radikal dan otonomi ekonomi di Timur Tengah. Kawasan ini dijalankan dengan struktur berdasarkan model konfederalisme demokratis sekuler…
Una Terapia per i Radicali
Di Chris Matthew Sciabarra. Articolo pubblicato originariamente il 24 giugno 2024 con il titolo Therapy for Radicals. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Scritto a quattro mani assieme a Ryan Neugebauer Rules for Radicals, di Saul Alinsky Nel 1971, l’attivista statunitense Saul Alinsky pubblicò un libro intitolato Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic…
Therapy for Radicals
Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals In 1971, American activist Saul Alinsky published a book called Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals. Alinsky bemoaned the fact that activists, with “no illusions about the system,” sought to “Burn the system down!” Many of these same activists had “plenty of illusions about the way to…
‘Exit’ and the Left
In the past few decades Albert O. Hirschman’s seminal text, Exit, Voice and Loyalty has risen to prominence in certain circles. Libertarians, liberals, and reactionaries have all found value in the ideas of Hirschman, especially as they relate to the promises of the IT revolution. Unfortunately the left has failed to really grapple with this…
Solidarietà Internazionale Radicale per Rojava
Di Conner Martínez. Originale pubblicato l’undici aprile 2018 con il titolo The Need for International Radical Solidarity with Rojava. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. All’estremo nord della Siria, la regione di fatto autonoma conosciuta come Rojava indica la strada di un possibile futuro della democrazia radicale e dell’autonomia economica in Medio Oriente. La regione si basa…
The Need For International Radical Solidarity With Rojava
On the northern edge of Syria, the de facto autonomous region known as Rojava has set the example for the future of radical democracy and economic autonomy in the Middle East. The region is structured by a secular model of democratic confederalism put into place by its constitution in 2014, a constitution that makes law…
The Distinct Radicalism of Anarchism
Anarchists tend to pose our core differences with marxists in terms of degrees of radicalism or rootedness. One of the classic ways this gets stated is that marxism deals with the political whereas we deal with the ethical. These terms to the disagreement, once posed, are almost always immediately acknowledged and indeed embraced by both…
All You Centrists Bound to Lose
If you consider yourself a centrist, you’re being played. (I assume I’m addressing ordinary people here who pride themselves on being one of the “adults in the room,” and not members of the establishments of either major party, leading figures in the military-industrial complex, affiliates of mainstream think tanks like Brookings, or talking heads like…
Steal This Book Review
Steal This Book, by Abbie Hoffman. Pirate Editions/Grove Press. 1971 If you are looking for an in-depth collection of arguments about the evils of the current system, this is not the book you are looking for. In fact it assumes in the intro that readers have already reached their ideological conclusions and are prepared to…
Don’t Say “Radical” if You Mean “Violent”
It’s about time someone challenged the phrase radical Islamic terrorism. The most objectionable part is the word radical since it is now popularly associated with aggression — violence against innocents — as an acceptable means to politico-religious ends. But nothing about the word radical implies approval of aggression or terrorism. Rather, the word signifies an approach that goes to the…
Radicalism as Revolution: A Call for a Fractal Libertarianism on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jeff Ricketson‘s “Radicalism as Revolution: A Call for a Fractal Libertarianism” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Ruper, in all fairness, does say he appreciates libertarians’ intense self-analysis. He seems to just want libertarians to redirect their energies toward spreading broadly libertarian ideas, rather than converting members of the libertarian movement…
Class, “Identity Politics” and Stigmergy: Why We Don’t Need “One Big Movement”
In a post at the Students For Liberty (SFL) blog, (“Between Radicalism and Revolution: The Cautionary Tale of Students for a Democratic Society,” May 6), Clark Ruper uses the example of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) as a warning against factionalism and division within the libertarian movement. The libertarian movement, he says, should be…
Radicalism as Revolution: A Call for a Fractal Libertarianism
In this recent post at Students for Liberty (SFL), Clark Ruper calls for libertarians to stop fighting between themselves and to band together in the name of spreading freedom. Using the story of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) as a parallel, he decries going too far down a “rabbit hole” of “reflective thinking.” It is Ruper’s…
Missing Comma: Gold Scared
In 2013, I noted a rise in stories about so-called “Republican Anarchists.” Articles appearing in every publication and website from the Huffington Post to the New York Times decried the emergence of these Harry Reid-coined “anti-statists.” At the time it seemed like just another annoying turn of phrase that was popular in the moment but…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory