Tag: privacy
This episode of MER features Alex McHugh interviewing John Cavanaugh of the digital-privacy organization, The Plunk Foundation. The Plunk Foundation promotes digital data privacy through education, advocacy, and policy recommendations, and by developing privacy tools and tech. Our conversation ranges from the deeper discussion on consent and privacy as related to self-ownership, to the more…
Por C4SS. Título original: What Does AI Think of AI Art? del 15 de diciembre de 2022. Traducción al español de Vince Cerberus. A medida que el debate sobre el arte y la escritura de la IA se apoderaba de Internet, en C4SS empezamos a preguntarnos: ¿qué piensa la propia IA sobre todo esto? Si bien…
Oleh: C4SS. Teks aslinya berjudul “What Does AI think of AI Art?” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Saat perdebatan mengenai seni dan tulisan AI memenuhi Internet, kami di C4SS bertanya-tanya: apa pendapat dari AI itu sendiri tentang semua hal ini? Meskipun AI belum dapat memberi kami pendapat tanpa diminta, Evan Pierce dari…
As the debate about AI art and writing took over the Internet, we at C4SS got to wondering: what does the AI itself think about all this? While it’s not yet possible for AI to give us opinions without some prompting, C4SS’s Evan Pierce sat down with ChatGPT to co-write some essays in favor of…
Tech Learning Collective. Artículo original: Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future de 5 de enero de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Violeta ha sido coautora de este artículo. Dominar la mayoría de las cosas que hace el ser humano requiere toda una vida de práctica. La carpintería, la jardinería y la pintura son algunos de…
De James C. Wilson. Fuente: Book Review: Things That Can & Cannot Be Said. Traducido por Diego Avila. Cusack, John Roy y Arundhati Roy. Things That Can & Cannot Be Said. (Penguin Books, 2016). Con toda la atención dada el mes pasado a la liberación de Chelsea Manning, sentencia la cual fue únicamente conmutada por…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this and this episode of The Enragés] Mastering most things humans do requires lifetimes of practice. Woodworking, gardening, and painting are just a few crafts whose histories stretch back thousands of years. But modern telecommunication, the act of communicating nearly instantaneously with someone from afar,…
Whether you’re at a protest, engaging in direct action of questionable legality, or just trying to avoid detection in everyday life by police, fascists, or surveillance systems such as facial recognition technology, there are numerous reasons for anarchists to be concerned with maintaining anonymity, and the way one dresses can be one of the most…
In celebration of the 17th anniversary of the Molinari Institute, we’re happy to announce: a) The long-awaited second issue of the Molinari Review will be published later this month. More details soon! b) In the meantime, the entire first issue is now available for free online on the journal’s archive page. You can download either…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify, and SoundCloud. Today we are joined by Kelly Wright. Kelly has written for the Center on topics ranging from the history of anarchist thought, transgender liberation, and police militarization. Kelly also served as Chelsea Manning’s Campaign Manager for her run for U.S….
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. Today’s guest is Lyn Ulbricht. For those unfamiliar with the Silk Road case, Lyn is Ross Ulbricht’s mother and she became a crusader for due process after his 2013 arrest for developing the dark net trading site. In this episode, we consider issues…
With all the attention given to last month’s release of Chelsea Manning, whose sentence was only commuted by the Obama administration after it became politically convenient, we must not overlook the fact that the Obama administration also had the opportunity to pardon another famous whistle-blower.
It’s convention time again and that means a large influx of fanatics dressed their best gather with some of the biggest names in the nation for a weekend of ceremonies, announcements, and a large show of support for what people believe truly matters in this country. Yes, I’m talking about San Diego ComicCon where every…
Secondo la Reuters, domenica scorsa la Nsa ha chiuso il suo programma invasivo di sorveglianza telefonica. Il programma permetteva alla Nsa di raccogliere i cosiddetti metadati dei chiamanti. Informazioni come chi e quando veniva chiamato venivano immagazzinate in un database governativo. La chiusura del programma è un passo positivo verso il recupero della privacy perduta…
According to Reuters, as of last Sunday, the NSA has shut down their invasive phone surveillance program. Under the program, the NSA collected callers’ so-called metadata. Under the system, information such as what numbers people called and when they called were gathered and retained in a government database. This program’s closing is a positive step…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Farrell‘s “The Natural Right of Encryption” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Tony Dreher. The Snowden leaks proved that individuals must take responsibility for their own privacy by revealing an inherent problem at the heart of constitutional government. By revealing the inner workings of the surveillance state, the leaks…
Amid claims by U.S. officials that a “golden key” to all forms of encryption software is necessary to fight terrorism, a UN Report released in May asserts that securely encrypted communications among private citizens aren’t just permissible, but a human right. The report’s author, UC Irvine professor David Kaye, notes the problem of creating a…
Everyone seems to like privacy — so much so that we often expand the term into the social concept of “privacy rights,” indicating that privacy isn’t just a good thing but something to which we are all entitled. This leaves unanswered an important question: “To what degree and in what respects?” Last month the European…
Quelli che non hanno risposto alla richiesta di “registrazione biometrica”, che ha coinvolto circa 14 milioni di elettori in diverse città brasiliane, perderanno il diritto di voto, la possibilità di iscriversi ad un’istituzione scolastica pubblica, di godere di assistenza pubblica e di fare domanda per un lavoro pubblico. Non potranno neanche fare cose banali ed…
People who did not turn up for the “biometric relisting,” which ocurred in several Brazilian cities, summoning about 14 million voters, will lose their voter registration cards, their ability to enroll in public education institutions, to benefit from welfare programs or to apply for public jobs. They will not even be able to do such…