Tag: prison labor
Prison Labor: Capitalism Without Markets, Understanding the Economics of Totalitarian Institutions
 View or download a PDF copy of Joseph Parampathu’s C4SS Study here: Prison Labor: Capitalism Without Markets, Understanding the Economics of Totalitarian Institutions Abstract Prison labor remains a paradox in many ways. Simultaneously sparsely studied or recorded, and ubiquitous; derided by labor unions and free workers as unfair competition and lauded by businesses as…
Costituzionalismo Come Minaccia
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 20 settembre 2019 con il titolo Constitutionalism as a Threat. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Alla parola libertarismo, l’americano medio pensa subito ai miniarchisti di destra e agli autonominati difensori della costituzione. Queste sono persone che non credono in un anarchismo pieno, ma in un potere statale ridotto al…
Constitutionalism As a Threat
When the average american thinks of libertarianism, they often think of right-wing minarchists and self-proclaimed constitutionalists. These types don’t believe in full anarchism, but in limiting the state’s powers to only the bare minimum needed to enforce the united states constitution. These types often champion rights they see the constitution as protecting:  freedom of speech,…
United Against the Prison-Industrial Complex: Statement of Solidarity With Prison Strikers
The cages are rattling again all across the nation. Today marks the launch of yet another nationwide prison strike. Following the wave of strikes this year, from the MLK Day strike to the Juneteenth strike, prisoners are once more organizing to have their demands heard and things only look to get louder and more organized…
Il Carcere è Obsoleto?
Recensione di: Angela Davis, Are Prisons Obsolete?, Seven Stories Press, 2003. È arrivato il momento di eliminare il sistema carcerario in America e nel resto del mondo? L’attivista, studiosa, icona dei diritti civili Angela Davis nel suo libro del 2003 risponde chiaramente Sì. La Davis è meglio conosciuta per il suo impegno a favore dei…
Are Prisons Obsolete?
Review of Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis, Seven Stories Press (2003) Is it time to do away with the American prison system, and prisons worldwide? Civil rights activist, scholar and icon Angela Davis clearly answers Yes in her 2003 book. Davis is best known for her involvement with the civil rights and black power movements…