Tag: politics
The Open Society and its Worst Enemies
Last week’s bloody events in Paris demonstrate yet again that a noninterventionist foreign policy, far from being a luxury, is an urgent necessity — literally a matter of life and death. A government that repeatedly wages wars of aggression — the most extreme form of extremism — endangers the society it ostensibly protects by gratuitously making enemies, some…
The Queering of America
The US Supreme Court’s announcement on January 16 that it will decide the constitutionality of state-level bans on same-sex marriage has elicited the predictable whining about judicial activism. The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins pleads “there is nothing in the Constitution that empowers the courts to silence the people and impose a nationwide redefinition of…
Con Libertari come i Fratelli Koch, chi Ha Bisogno dello Stato?
Come definire una persona che vuole rubare la tua terra e causare terremoti sotto i tuoi piedi? David Koch, uno che approva entrambe le cose, si definisce libertario. Il mese scorso, in un’intervista rilasciata a Barbara Walters per la trasmissione “This Week” trasmessa da Abc, si è autodefinito “essenzialmente libertario”. A parere di Koch, l’etichetta…
Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Dreams Did You Kill Today?
The critically acclaimed film Selma‘s conspicuous absence from Academy Award nominations for Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Actor for David Oyelowo’s portrayal of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. follows its concerted targeting by flunkies of Lyndon B. Johnson outraged by its portrayal of friction between King and the arch-war criminal president. One leading critic,…
The Right Didn’t Steal Our Future — We Gave It Away
A persistent theme in popular culture, when it comes to issues of technological progress and the future, is that the super-rich will be the main beneficiaries of new technology. Billionaires with artificially augmented lifespans will retreat into their gated communities and anarcho-capitalist enclaves; the rest of us will live lives nasty, brutish and short, subject…
Wage Slavery and Sweatshops as Free Enterprise? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents David S. D’Amato‘s “Wage Slavery and Sweatshops as Free Enterprise?” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. The phrase “wage slavery” tends to really pique most free marketeers, who often object that the employer-employee relationship is one of simple voluntary agreement and contract. A legitimate contract, however, assumes that relations, up until…
Labor Struggle in a Free Market on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Labor Struggle in a Free Market” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Kevin Carson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The problem is that, to date, bosses have fully capitalized on the potential of the incomplete contract, whereas workers have not. And the only thing preventing workers from doing so…
With Libertarians Like the Koch Brothers, Who Needs the State?
What do you call someone who wants to steal your land and subject you to earthquakes? David Koch, who favors these things, calls himself a libertarian. In an interview with Barbara Walters last month on ABC’s “This Week,” he described himself as “basically a libertarian.” That label, as Koch sees it, means “a conservative on…
Labor Struggle in a Free Market
One of the most common questions raised about a hypothetical free market society concerns worker protection laws of various kinds. As Roderick Long puts it, In a free nation, will employees be at the mercy of employers?… Under current law, employers are often forbidden to pay wages lower than a certain amount; to demand that…
Education and the “Progressive” Corporate State
Speaking in Knoxville, Tennessee on January 9 US president Barack Obama unveiled an initiative to provide two years of community college tuition-free, nationwide, to anyone meeting attendance and grade requirements. The idea, inspired by a similar program in Tennessee, aims to make two years of college as universal as high school is now. Obama’s proposal is in…
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. But treating either the payment of taxes or receipt of government money as a proxy for where one stands on the Producer-Parasite spectrum is ridiculous. Commenter Kirsten Tynan points out the sheer absurdity of asserting that the bottom…
State Justice Failed Michael Brown. People’s Justice is Just Getting Started. on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “State Justice Failed Michael Brown. People’s Justice is Just Getting Started.” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. The consequences for cops who draw public attention due to their extreme levels of brutality, in this new age of citizen journalism, is instructive. The people are more than happy to administer…
The Inherent Flaw of the Criminal Justice System on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Chad Nelson‘s “The Inherent Flaw of the Criminal Justice System” read by Dylan Delikta and edited by Nick Ford. The protesters who utter such concerns about the validity of a state prosecution of a police officer have their finger on an issue that market anarchists have long recognized. Government checks and balances are a…
Statelessness: They Say it Like it’s a Bad Thing
Last November, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) launched a ten-year drive to end “the scourge of statelessness.” In December,  UNHCR Senior Regional Protection Officer on Statelessness Emmanuelle Mitte appealed to journalists (in west Africa and worldwide) to promote the effort, citing the press’s “responsibility to carry out advocacy, and sensitisation on the issue.” But the campaign, starting…
Sciopero della Polizia e Parole Vuote
Buone notizie per tutti! La polizia di New York è in sciopero. La settimana scorsa, gli arresti sono crollati del 66% rispetto alle previsioni annuali, mentre le multe per gli automobilisti sono giù del 94%. Risultato: New York non è finita nel caos. Non c’è stato lo spara spara per le strade. Non c’è stato…
The C4SS Q1 Tor Node Fundraiser
Essentially, the tragedy of past revolutions has been that, sooner or later, their doors closed, “at ten in the evening.” The most critical function of modern technology must be to keep the doors of the revolution open forever! –Murray Bookchin Part of the dissolutionary strategy advocated by C4SS is called Open Source Insurgency or embracing institutional,…
Andrew Cuomo’s Big Solutions are the Problem
Re-elected New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s inaugural address was built around the purported necessity of big government since “there is no small solution to big problems.” Cuomo’s exemplar of a big government solution success story from New York state history: The Erie Canal. But that megaproject was not just a prototype for the industrial age’s spectacular engineering…
Chi Ha Rubato il Domani di Ieri?
Arriva il 2015 e niente auto volanti. E la tranquillità, la sicurezza economica che, al di là dei balocchi, era la parte più seducente dell’anno 2015 in Ritorno al Futuro – Parte II? Perché mancano, così come mancano i fax e i CD? E perché, nel cinquantesimo anniversario della Fiera Internazionale del 1964-65, il futuro…
Who Got Served?
As a veteran of the US Marine Corps (1984-1995, “honorably discharged”), I’ve always found the obligatory “thank you for your service” remarks somewhat grating. It’s difficult to explain why, but a Google News search returning 19.1 million media results in the last 30 days on the dual terms “veterans” and “service” indicates a need for re-examination of the whole…
The Libertarian Struggle of the Black Movement on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Valdenor Júnior‘s “The Libertarian Struggle of the Black Movement” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. Murray Rothbard attempted to establish a conversation between libertarianism and the New Left through the periodical Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought. Among the articles published, one of the best certainly is Rothbard’s own…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory