Tag: Marxism
Reconciling the Insights of Marx and George
A Comparative Review “Capital is dead labor, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks.” – Karl Marx, Capital Volume One; Chapter 10 “The association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times . . . So long as all the increased wealth…
Kembalikan Libertarianisme ke Kelas Pekerja Lagi!
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Make Libertarianism Working Class Again!” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Dimulai sejak ketika tokoh komunis Joseph Dejacque yang termasyhur menggunakan istilah libertarian dalam sebuah surat kepada Pierre-Joseph Proudhon pada 1857 sebagai istilah untuk membedakan pandangannya dengan komunis otoritarian dalam gerakan anti-kapitalisme, filosofi libertarian sejatinya selalu merujuk pada pemberontakan kelas…
“Red Mutualism” Series at Mutualism Co-Op
If there are two contemporary anarchist theorists whose work occupies and influences my thought the most, they are Kevin Carson and Wayne Price. Carson has spent a huge segment of his career not just reconstructing a mutualist political economy as an alternative to the anarchist default to the economics of Karl Marx but also making…
It Really Does Depend on the Context
Ben Burgis and the Analytical Marxist Critique of Dialectics The title of this essay recalls the Congressional hearing that took place on December 5, 2023, in which Claudine Gay, the president of Harvard University, seemed to dodge difficult questions by uttering the phrase “it depends on the context.” The phrase immediately became meme-able, even the…
Transhumanismo e Egoísmo
De Frank Miroslav. Artígo original: Transhumanism and Egoism, publicado originalmente em 16 de Março, 2022. Traduzido para o porguguês por p1x0. Esse texto é parte do C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism Fui convocado para dar uma perspectiva transhumanista sobre egoísmo. Acredito que seja uma crítica bastante simples então pretendo usar a maior…
The Individual in Marxist (and Proudhonian) Social Analysis
One of the main obstacles for a libertarian, even left-libertarian, appreciation of Marxian analysis is the assumption that it necessarily denies any role for the individual to play in both material struggle and general social analysis, leaving that entirely to mass class concepts like the proletariat, lumpenproletariat, bourgeoisie, etc. In contrast, libertarians right and left…
The Enragés: A Dialectical Left-Libertarian Perspective with Ryan Neugebauer
For the (very delayed) 23rd installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Ryan Neugebauer to discuss Ryan’s article Market, State, and Anarchy: A Dialectical Left-Libertarian Perspective (https://c4ss.org/content/56583).  Ryan is a left-libertarian committed to the dialectical libertarian framework put forth by Chris Matthew Sciabarra, defending individual freedom & flourishing through the art…
Review: A Companion to Marx’s Grundrisse, by David Harvey
David Harvey. A Companion to Marx’s Grundrisse (London and New York: Verso, 2023). David Harvey may be familiar to some from his background as a Marxist geographer focusing on neoliberalism and uneven development, or for his development of Henri Lefebvre’s “Right to the City” concept. The Grundrisse itself amounts, more or less, to a voluminous…
Transhumanisme dan Egoisme
Oleh: Frank Miroslav. Teks aslinya berjudul “Transhumanism and Egoism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Esai ini juga merupakan bagian dari  C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism Saya telah diminta untuk memberikan perspektif transhumanis tentang egoisme. Saya pikir ini adalah kritik yang cukup sederhana jadi saya akan menghabiskan sebagian besar bagian…
​​Market Anarchist Plus: Our Plan of Work
Market anarchism, as defined by Center for a Stateless Society, is the “advocacy of replacing the state with civil society while pointing to free market economics to explain the workability and/or desirability of such.” This ideology has very rarely if ever supported a sizable movement on its own and instead has, according to Charles Johnson…
Anti-engels (ou Aktion Anti-Anti-Duhring)
Par William Gillis. Article original : Anti-Engels (or Anti-Anti-Duhring Aktion), 5 novembre 2021. Traduction français par Leuk. Ces dernières années ont vue la résurrection d’une scolastique marxisante de Grand Homme de l’Histoire qui se concentre sur certains Textes Fondamentaux (accessibles) de prétendus génies, et qui rejette tous les trucs compliqués qui sont arrivés depuis leur publication,…
Transhumanismo y egoísmo
Por Frank Miroslav. Artículo original publicado el 16 de marzo de 2022 con el título Transhumanism and Egoism. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. He sido llamado a dar una perspectiva transhumanista sobre el egoísmo. Creo que esta es una crítica bastante simple, así que voy a dedicar gran parte de este artículo a hablar sobre por…
El materialismo y el libertarismo grueso
Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Materialism and Thick Libertarianism, del 2 de agosto de 2022. Traducción al español de Camila Figueroa. Hace dos años hice una presentación titulada “Prerrequisitos para la libertad: Una perspectiva anarquista individualista” a un grupo de discusión de filosofía, en la que hablé de la conexión entre el libertarianismo grueso y el…
Materialismo e Libertarismo Grosso
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Materialism and Thick LIbertarianism, del 2 agosto 2022. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Due anni fa illustrai ad un gruppo di discussione di filosofia una relazione dal titolo “Prerequisiti della libertà nell’ottica anarco-individualista”, in cui parlando del nesso tra libertarismo grosso e anarco-individualismo nordamericano ottocentesco spiegavo come, per giungere ad un sincero…
Materialism and Thick Libertarianism
Two years ago, I gave a presentation titled “Prerequisites for Freedom: An Individualist Anarchist Perspective” to a philosophy discussion group, in which I talked about the connection between thick libertarianism and 19th century North American individualist anarchism and how progressive and liberatory values are necessary for genuine and necessarily anti-capitalist individualism. For the uninitiated, the…
“Il Socialismo Marxiano”, di Laurance Labadie
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 9 giugno 2022 con il titolo Laurance Labadie’s “Marxian Socialism”. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il socialismo può essere interpretato in parte come l’eterna aspirazione, l’eterna fede dell’uomo in un futuro migliore. L’atteggiamento dogmatico e presuntuoso bolla il socialismo come antiscientifico. Nell’interpretare materialisticamente la storia, il socialismo esagera l’importanza…
Desmontando la colectividad
De Dawie Coetzee. Artículo original publicado el 13 de mayo de 2022 con título Taking Collectivity Apart. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa. Hay una expresión en afrikáans, om die dam onder die eend uit te ruk. Traducida literalmente, significa “sacar el estanque de debajo del pato”, llevar una cosa tan lejos que empieza a…
Marx, conflicto y cooperativas
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Marx, Conflict and Cooperatives, del 21 de diciembre de 2021. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels discuten en El Manifiesto Comunista que “[l]a historia de toda la sociedad existente hasta ahora es la historia de las luchas de clases. Hombres libres y esclavos, patricios y plebeyos, señores y…
Laurance Labadie’s “Marxian Socialism”
Marxian Socialism Socialism can be explained partially by man’s eternal desire and faith in a better life to come [1]. The very attitude of dogmatism and cock-sureness brands Socialism as unscientific. The socialists hold an exaggerated idea of the importance of economics in the materialistic interpretation of history. They hold the incorrect labor-cost theory of…
Taking Collectivity Apart
There is an expression in Afrikaans, om die dam onder die eend uit te ruk. Translated literally, it means “to pluck the pond out from under the duck,” to take a thing so far that it begins to miss its own point. The expression springs to mind because an obsession with groups of people literally…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory