Tag: historical materialism
Una Consideración Crítica de mi Consideración Crítica
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original publicado el 17 de noviembre de 2022 con el título A Critical Consideration of my Critical Consideration. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Se me ha explicado que todo escritor, ya sea de novelas de alto nivel o de discursos en Internet, siempre tiene una o dos cosas que ha…
A Critical Consideration of my Critical Consideration
It’s been explained to me that every writer—whether of highbrow novels or online internet discourse—always has one or two things they’ve written that they dislike and which haunts them. For me that piece is “A Critical Consideration of Hensley’s Appalachian Anarchism,” which is a response to Dakota Hensley’s article “Appalachian Anarchism: What the Voting Record…
Sobre la(s) teoría(s) del valor-trabajo
Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: On the Labor Theory(s) of Value, del 4 de septiembre de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. La teoría laboral del valor o TVL es, según Wikipedia, “una teoría del valor que sostiene que el valor económico de un bien o servicio está determinado por la cantidad total de “trabajo…
On the Labor Theory(s) of Value
The labor theory of value or LTV is, according to Wikipedia, “a theory of value that argues that the economic value of a good or service is determined by the total amount of ‘socially necessary labor’ required to produce it.” This theory of value was popular among early liberal economists like Adam Smith and David…
El materialismo y el libertarismo grueso
Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Materialism and Thick Libertarianism, del 2 de agosto de 2022. Traducción al español de Camila Figueroa. Hace dos años hice una presentación titulada “Prerrequisitos para la libertad: Una perspectiva anarquista individualista” a un grupo de discusión de filosofía, en la que hablé de la conexión entre el libertarianismo grueso y el…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Eric Fleischmann on Laurance Labadie & Historical Materialism
This month on Mutual Exchange Radio, we are joined by Eric Fleischmann, leading an informative and inspiring conversation about their comprehensive Laurance Labadie archival project, Labadie’s special relevance for the market anarchist tradition, their study on Historical Materialism and more. Eric Fleischmann (he/they) is an anarchist indebted to communistic and continental thought but engaged primarily…
Materialismo e Libertarismo Grosso
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Materialism and Thick LIbertarianism, del 2 agosto 2022. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Due anni fa illustrai ad un gruppo di discussione di filosofia una relazione dal titolo “Prerequisiti della libertà nell’ottica anarco-individualista”, in cui parlando del nesso tra libertarismo grosso e anarco-individualismo nordamericano ottocentesco spiegavo come, per giungere ad un sincero…
Materialism and Thick Libertarianism
Two years ago, I gave a presentation titled “Prerequisites for Freedom: An Individualist Anarchist Perspective” to a philosophy discussion group, in which I talked about the connection between thick libertarianism and 19th century North American individualist anarchism and how progressive and liberatory values are necessary for genuine and necessarily anti-capitalist individualism. For the uninitiated, the…
“Il Socialismo Marxiano”, di Laurance Labadie
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 9 giugno 2022 con il titolo Laurance Labadie’s “Marxian Socialism”. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il socialismo può essere interpretato in parte come l’eterna aspirazione, l’eterna fede dell’uomo in un futuro migliore. L’atteggiamento dogmatico e presuntuoso bolla il socialismo come antiscientifico. Nell’interpretare materialisticamente la storia, il socialismo esagera l’importanza…
Marx, conflicto y cooperativas
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Marx, Conflict and Cooperatives, del 21 de diciembre de 2021. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels discuten en El Manifiesto Comunista que “[l]a historia de toda la sociedad existente hasta ahora es la historia de las luchas de clases. Hombres libres y esclavos, patricios y plebeyos, señores y…
Laurance Labadie’s “Marxian Socialism”
Marxian Socialism Socialism can be explained partially by man’s eternal desire and faith in a better life to come [1]. The very attitude of dogmatism and cock-sureness brands Socialism as unscientific. The socialists hold an exaggerated idea of the importance of economics in the materialistic interpretation of history. They hold the incorrect labor-cost theory of…
Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation
View or download a PDF copy of Eric Fleischmann’s C4SS Study here: Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation Introduction One of the most famous theories forwarded by Karl Marx is that of historical materialism—although Marx himself apparently never used that exact term in his work [1]. To put it succinctly, Merriam-Webster defines historical…
Marx, il Conflitto, le Cooperative
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 21 dicembre 2021 con il titolo Marx, Conflict and Cooperatives. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Marx e Engels nel Manifesto dicono: “la storia dell’umanità non è che una storia di lotte di classe. Uomini liberi e schiavi, patrizi e plebei, baroni e servi, oppressori ed oppressi, in opposizione costante, hanno…
Marx, Conflict, and Cooperatives
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels argue in The Communist Manifesto that “[t]he history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory