Mutual Exchange Radio: Eric Fleischmann on Laurance Labadie & Historical Materialism
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This month on Mutual Exchange Radio, we are joined by Eric Fleischmann, leading an informative and inspiring conversation about their comprehensive Laurance Labadie archival project, Labadie’s special relevance for the market anarchist tradition, their study on Historical Materialism and more.

Eric Fleischmann (he/they) is an anarchist indebted to communistic and continental thought but engaged primarily in the traditions of mutualism, American individualist anarchism, and modern left-libertarianism while applying a background in anthropology and philosophy to help build the solidarity economy in unceded Wabanaki territory on Turtle Island. He has been involved in various capacities with numerous leftist, left-leaning, and labor-oriented organizations—generally ones that promote forms of politico-economic decentralization and democratization and/or degrees of left unity.

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory