Tag: Eric Fleischmann
C4SS Editing Coordinator Eric Fleischmann was recently featured on the Non-Serviam podcast. The discussion covers a broad range of topics from to Marxism and historical materialism to Laurance Labadie and the history of free-market-anti-capitalism to agorism and its left-wing fundamentals. From the Non-Serviam Episode Description: Eric Fleischmann (he/they) is an anarchist indebted to communistic and continental…
Things are at a bit of a standstill with the Laurance Labadie Archival Project, and this is mainly due to the fact that on top of all the other work I’m doing I simply do not have the time or energy to transcribe, edit, and respond to each of his works. The last of these…
Eric Fleischmann, Announcing: The Laurance Labadie Archival Project, October 26th, 2021. Tłumaczenie: Michał Leon Ślużyński. Laurance Labadie (1898-1975) – syn anarchisty, działacza związkowego i Greenbackera Jo Labadie’ego – był zrzędliwym i trudnym człowiekiem. Cenił tradycję, którą uważał za niesłusznie odrzuconą w imię postępu, i obracał się w specyficznych, czasem gorszących kręgach (wiele lat po śmierci Labadiego,…
This month on Mutual Exchange Radio, we are joined by Eric Fleischmann, leading an informative and inspiring conversation about their comprehensive Laurance Labadie archival project, Labadie’s special relevance for the market anarchist tradition, their study on Historical Materialism and more. Eric Fleischmann (he/they) is an anarchist indebted to communistic and continental thought but engaged primarily…
Eric Fleischmann, Laurance Labadie’s “Economics of Liberty”. 30 listopada 2021 r. Tłumaczenie: Michał Leon Ślużyński. Ekonomia wolności Poniższy tekst stanowi w zamierzeniu zwięzły i jasny zarys libertariańskiej teorii ekonomicznej. Wolność oznacza zarówno bycie wolnym od, jak i bycie wolnym do [wolność negatywną i pozytywną – przyp. tłum.]; niezależność, a nie wymuszoną współzależność. Jako że niezależność…
Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: No Really, What is Anarchism?, del 23 de octubre de 2020. Traducido al español por: Antonio J Ferrer. El siguiente escrito apareció originalmente en The Bates Student Los términos “anarquista” y “anarquismo” están volviendo a figurar en el discurso político del siglo XXI. Para citar mi propio artículo en el Center…
For the 16th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann met with Dawie Coetzee to discuss Dawie’s article Towards Prefigurative Design (https://c4ss.org/content/56371). Dawie Coetzee is a former architect based in Cape Town, South Africa. He has described his position as roughly where the anarchic end of Chestertonian Distributism overlaps the individualist end of Proudhonian Mutualism….
[This episode has been removed from public listing. See Andrew’s apology here and Eric’s apology here.] For the 15th episode/14th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann met with Andrew Kemle (@SadKemle) to discuss Andrew’s article titled Libertarianism vs Psychopathic Dumbfuckery or The Difference between Libertarianism and Psychopathic Dumbfuckery (https://c4ss.org/content/54821). Andrew is a master’s student in…
Escrito por Eric Fleischmann. Título original: Laurance Labadie’s “Money and Politics”, 27 de enero del 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Dinero y política El dinero, especialmente el dinero a crédito, es sin duda uno de los mayores descubrimientos cooperativos. Sin él no parece posible una gran especialización del trabajo, excepto bajo un control…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 17 gennaio 2022 con il titolo Laurance Labadie’s “Letter to Mother Earth”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Lettera a Mother Earth Credo che il tempo-lavoro come misura standard dell’unità monetaria sia un errore destinato al fallimento pratico. Faccio qualche domanda e qualche osservazione. Quale lavoro dovrebbe essere preso come standard,…
De Eric Fleischmann. Original: Laurance Labadie’s “Letter to Mother Earth”, del 17 de enero de 2022. Traducción de Camila Figueroa. Carta a la Madre Tierra Creyendo que el intento de hacer del tiempo de trabajo un estándar para una unidad monetaria es una falacia y está destinado a fracasar en la práctica, presento algunas preguntas…
Money and Politics Money, especially credit money, is undoubtedly one of the greatest of cooperative discoveries. Without it no great specialization of labor seems possible, except under an all-inclusive state control of industry, and even here something of its nature would be necessary to maintain a check of and on consumption Money is inconceivable without…
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Laurance Labadie’s “Money and Your Freedom” 8 de enero de 2022. Traducción al español de Camila Figueroa. El dinero y tu libertad Queridos Ron y Laura: Don ha estado en el este por un tiempo y se pasó anoche. Entre otras cosas me puso al día sobre su pensamiento y…
Letter to Mother Earth Believing that the attempt to make labor-time a standard for a monetary unit a fallacy and bound to fail in practice, I submit a few questions and observations. Whose labor is to be used as a standard, the efficient or the inefficient man’s? Take any product you may, say shoes. John…
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Laurance Labadie’s “The Money Problem In the Light of Liberty” del 12 de enero de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. El problema del dinero a la luz de la libertad Muchas personas reflexivas son cada vez más conscientes de que las depresiones industriales son causadas principalmente por un…
The Money Problem In the Light of Liberty Many thoughtful people are more and more aware that industrial depressions are caused chiefly by faulty control of money and credit. Most “reformers,” or those who recommend measures to remedy this, turn to government for issue and control of money. It is my purpose here to briefly…
Money and Your Freedom Dear Ron and Laura: Don has been East for a while and dropped in last night. Among other things he brought me up to date on your thinking and plants. I knew that my blast, when I was out to see you, would upset you. But I thought [it] worth while…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 16 novembre 2021 con il titolo NFT Suck for Labor. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Dico subito che non sono un tecnofilo. Sono solo un tifoso dell’open-source e delle tecnologie eque, paritarie e decentrate; per il resto, sono a livello di Playstation.[1] Ci sono però certi aspetti del mondo tecnologico…
Excerpts From a Letter to a Friend Apropos your series of articles on Human Rights: There was a University of Chicago “professor” who wrote a book entitled Might is Right, under the pseudonym of “Ragnar Redbeard.” In it he maintained that life is essentially a battle in which “to the victor belonged the spoils,” and…
Economics of Liberty The following purports to be a clear and concise outline of libertarian economic theory. Liberty means to be free from as well as free to do. To be free means to be independent—not forced interdependence. Independence implies exclusion, hence a libertarian economy will involve property rights. Free exchange may be made by…