Tag: immigration
Decriminalize Immigration, Free Movement for All!
The United States recently experienced its first wave of large-scale anti-immigration raids following the election of Donald Trump, who made the mass deportation of “illegal” immigrants a central part of his campaign. Although ICE officials claim that these raids targeted individuals with criminal records, immigrant rights groups dispute this claim, arguing that law-abiding people were…
Stop Banning Muslims, Stop Banning Guns
The debate over President Trump’s travel ban and the debate over gun control look surprisingly similar – except for who’s on which side. In each case, supporters of the policy argue that it’s necessary in order to prevent incidents of lethal violence, while opponents argue, first, that the policy’s likely impact on such incidents is…
Paese di Immigrati, Paese di Fuorilegge
[Di Ryan Calhoun. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 19 febbraio 2017 con il titolo A Nation of Immigrants, A Nation of Criminals. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] “Hanno violato la legge.” Con questa frase chiudiamo un occhio su un’enorme ingiustizia di questo paese. Ultimamente è ripetuta come un mantra da chi sostiene…
A Nation of Immigrants, A Nation of Criminals
“They broke the law.” This preceding statement is how we excuse a grand amount of injustice in this country. Recently, it’s been widely used as a mantra for people who support deportation of undocumented immigrants and need a good excuse for dragging people from their homes and splitting up families. “If you enter this country…
Contro Tutte le Nazioni e le Frontiere
[Di Charles Johnson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 15 ottobre 2013 con il titolo Against All Nations and Borders. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Il libertarismo non ha niente a che vedere con gli interessi nazionali. Riguarda la libertà individuale. La libertà di vivere la propria vita, cercare il proprio benessere, andare…
Don’t Let Him Build the Wall: A Call to Action
With Trump’s recent declaration that construction of a border wall between the united states and Mexico is to begin immediately, many are left wondering how to respond. Such a wall, while being a seemingly insurmountable task to construct and practically ineffective, would not only cause diplomatic issues (indeed, it already has) but also environmental issues….
Daily Molotov: January 27, 2017
Welcome back to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to make you hate the state. We took a couple days off because honestly, the news has been overwhelming for the last week and sometimes you just need to decompress. But we’re back now. Here’s today’s top news. From the New York Times After signing an…
La Sinistra Lieta di Tradire Libertà e Cosmopolitismo
[Di Edmund Berger. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 15 gennaio 2017 con il titolo Leftist Politicians Will Always Happily Betray Liberty & Globalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Nel suo discorso di nuovo anno, soprannominato “il giorno del caos”, il leader del partito laburista britannico Jeremy Corbyn ha colto l’occasione per far…
Trump is keeping his promises. We must keep ours
The sun has not yet set on Donald Trump’s first week as President of the United States, and already he has made good on several major campaign promises. He has signed executive orders that pave the way for the forceful restructuring of the ACA, begin construction on both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines,…
Leftist Politicians Will Always Happily Betray Liberty & Globalism
In his first speech of the new year, an event now being dubbed the “day of chaos”, British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn seized opportunity to unleash torrents of his confusion in his support base and back-pedal on one his long-held positions. Bowing to the pressure of the conservative wing of the party — and to…
Qual è il Vero “Genocidio”?
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 6 gennaio 2017 con il titolo Who Are the Real “Genociders”? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La destra culturale di recente è andata su tutte le furie, sincere o finte che siano, prima per un tweet della vigilia di Natale di George Cicciariello-Maher della…
Who Are the Real “Genociders”?
The cultural Right was in a furor recently — whether sincere or feigned — first over Drexel University Professor George Ciccariello-Maher’s Christmas Eve tweet that “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide,” and then over Drexel’s Dec. 29 decision not to fire him. The real outrage, though, is that Drexel wasted both Cicciarello-Maher’s time…
Immigration and Liberty Symposium
The Molinari Society will be holding its annual Symposium in conjunction with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel, 202 East Pratt Street, in Baltimore, January 4-7, 2017. Here’s the current schedule info: Molinari Society symposium: Libertarianism and Refugees GFC. Thursday, 5 January 2017, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. presenters:…
Our Common Wisdom
Donald Trump will soon begin his first 100 days in office. The transition of power will fuel executive actions and build momentum for some of his boldest and most contentious proposals. As transitions can either build momentum or engender resistance, Trump will undoubtedly look for some early wins to build an excess of political capital….
Brexit and Our Long-Term Goals
The decentralisation of political authority is, in itself, undoubtedly a victory for the anarchist cause. However, in the case of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, it may be strange to look at it this way, given the reasons for which the Leave side of the campaign won. The Leave campaign was grotesque…
Fort Bliss: Agorists in Action or Cartel Cronies?
Recently two US soldiers were arrested attempting to smuggling undocumented Mexicans over the border. Marco Nava, Jr. and Joseph Cleveland had successfully done this once before and when arrested during their second run, they opted to snitch on the entire operation. It seems that either only a few facts are known or the details of…
National Review Unironically Attacks Racists
The rise of Donald Trump has led to a growing interest in what is generally called the “alternative right” in the United States — a group that could be more simply labeled “literate racists.” The “alt-right” resembles the French New Right and the German conservative revolutionaries in that they are not obsessed with corporate welfare,…
Open Borders Day — 2016
Each year, March 16 marks an important date for those who cherish peace and harmony between human beings: Open Borders Day. The website openborders.info, founded by Vipul Naik, is in its fourth year of existence. It aims at starting conversations around immigration and freedom of movement across political borders. Its goal is a world where…
Justice, Not Amnesty, for “Illegal” Immigrants
It speaks volumes that the dirtiest word in the Republican and conservative lexicon is amnesty. At a minimum, it exposes as a flagrant lie the claim that Republicans and conservatives want to expand liberty and limit government power. One cannot consistently praise the principle, central to the supposedly beloved Declaration of Independence, that “all men…
A Strange Understanding of Small
Conservative pundit Laura Ingraham has a strange understanding of small government. Unfortunately, she’s not alone. When Nikki Haley delivered the GOP response to Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address, expressing concern about xenophobia and border paranoia, Ingraham was disappointed. She tweeted: “Too bad @NikkiHaley missed her oppty to stand w/ working ppl who…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory