Tag: ideology
Christian Britschgi non ha Permanenza dell’oggetto
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Christian Britschgi’s Lack of Object Permanence, del 2 maggio 2024. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Nota del traduttore: La permanenza dell’oggetto è la capacità di capire che un oggetto esiste anche quando non lo si percepisce più. Vedi anche qui. Christian Britschgi ha pubblicato su Reason (“Do Not Under Any…
What’s In A Slogan? “KYLR” and Militant Anarcha-feminism
An anarchist walks out of a punk show to smoke. On her vest are anarchist patches with various standard slogans, “No Gods No Masters,” “Death To Transphobes,” “Kill Your Local Rapist,” “All Cops Are Bastards,” “Punch Nazis,” “From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free,” “Make Total Destroy,” “The Only Good Cop Is…
A Falta de Permanência do Objeto de Christian Britschgi
Por Kevin Carson. Título original: Christian Britschgi’s Lack of Object Permanence, de 2 de maio de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. No periódico Reason, Christian Britschgi (em “Sob quaisquer circunstâncias, não nacionalizem a Greyhound) celebra a americana e “extensiva rede de serviços de ônibus intermunicipais privados, que visa o lucro (e…
Christian Britschgi’s Lack of Object Permanence
At Reason, Christian Britschgi (“Do Not Under Any Circumstances Nationalize Greyhound”) celebrates America’s “extensive network of private, for-profit (and profitable) intercity bus services primarily serving lower-income people” as “a great example of how the free market can provide an essential service without public subsidies.” There are a lot of questionable, or outright ahistorical, assumptions implicit…
The Enragés: Anarchism 101 with Cory Massimino
For the 25th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Cory Massimino (@CoryMassimino) to discuss his 2015 article What is Anarchism? (https://c4ss.org/content/36946).  Cory Massimino is a Fellow and Mutual Exchange Coordinator at the Center for a Stateless Society. His research focuses on virtue ethics, market process economics, and anarchist political theory….
Вульгарный анархо-коммунизм: что скрывает левое единство
Spooky, Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals, March 8 2021. Перевёл Артём Чернышёв. [Послушайте подробное обсуждение этой статьи и её тем в этом выпуске The Enragés] Если вы работаете над каким-либо проектом — политическим или любым другим — вы будете сотрудничать с людьми, с которыми вы не согласны. Марксисты, демократические социалисты и левые либералы могут…
Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] If you work on any project — political or otherwise — you’re going to be collaborating with folks you don’t agree with. Marxists, democratic socialists, and left-leaning liberals might have your back on a picket line or protest, and…
Why Are the “Adults in the Room” So Awful?
It’s common among centrists to describe themselves — in contrast to the “far Left” and “far Right” — as the “rational adults” who can compromise and get things done. The “rational adult” trope usually appears in conjunction with “Horseshoe Theory,” according to which wisdom and reasonableness inhere in the political center and deviation from the…
The Individualization of Labor Problems
Lysander Spooner wraps up his 1875 pamphlet Vices Are Not Crimes with, [T]he poverty of the great body of mankind, the world over, is the great problem of the world. That such extreme and nearly universal poverty exists all over the world, and has existed through all past generations, proves that it originates in causes which the…
Apêndice: O Período Axial
Karl Jaspers cunhou a expressão “Era Axial” para descrever deslocamento disseminado e fundamental em valores éticos que ocorreu em certo número de sociedades em meados do primeiro milênio antes da era comum – BCE. Incluiu a ascensão da filosofia grega, o budismo, o zoroastrismo e o movimento profético de Judá e Israel. Todos esses desdobramentos…
Appendix: The Axial Period
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology Karl Jaspers coined the term “Axial Age” to describe a widespread, fundamental shift in ethical values that occurred in a number of societies in the mid-1st millennium BCE. It included the rise of Greek philosophy, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and the prophetic movement of…
Guerra Ideológica: Ensinamentos Para Nós
James Scott descreve o fenômeno geral como “jiujitsu simbólico.” Movimentos proféticos rebeldes em espaços não estatais “apropriam-se de poder, mágica, emblemas e insígnias e carisma institucionais do estado do vale numa espécie de jiujitsu simbólico a fim de atacar o estado.” [145] E o jiujitsu simbólico tem-se tornado especialmente importante nas guerras ideológicas dos séculos 20 e…
Ideological Warfare: Lessons For Us
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology James Scott describes the general phenomenon as “symbolic jiujitsu.” Prophetic rebellious movements in non-state spaces “appropriate the power, magic, regalia, and institutional charisma of the valley state in a kind of symbolic jiujitsu in order to attack it.” [145] And symbolic jiujitsu…
Exemplos Históricos
Scott argumenta que a religião popular — ou “catolicismo popular” — da Europa cristã, longe de atender a interesses dos em autoridade/com influência, era praticado e interpretado de maneiras que amiúde defendiam os direitos de propriedade dos camponeses, contestavam grandes diferenças de riqueza, e até proporcionavam algo de ideologia milenária com significado implícito revolucionário. Em…
Historical Examples
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology Scott argues that the popular religion—or “folk Catholicism”—of Christian Europe, far from serving ruling interests, was practiced and interpreted in ways that often defended peasant property rights, contested large differences in wealth, and even provided something of a millennial ideology with revolutionary import….
A Ideologia Oficial Parasitária das Crenças dos Dominados
Scott porém não vai longe o bastante. Vai longe demais em sublinhar a dependência de ideologias de resistência de conteúdo recuperado de ideologias de dominação, e em seguida negligencia o inverso. Por definição, temos tornado a transcrição pública da dominação ontologicamente anterior à transcrição oculta, invisível à plateia. O resultado de assim fazermos é enfatizar…
The Parasitism Of Official Ideology On The Beliefs Of The Ruled
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology Scott does not go far enough, however. He goes too far in stressing the dependence of ideologies of resistance on recuperated content from ideologies of domination, and then neglects the reverse. By definition, we have made the public transcript of domination ontologically…
Religião como Parte de Fenômeno Mais Amplo: Ideologia
Recuando de novo e assumindo visão mais panorâmica, a questão religiosa é parte de fenômeno ainda mais amplo: a recuperação dos símbolos e valores da ideologia legitimizadora da classe dominante, e a inversão da ideologia dominante como arma contra o sistema de poder existente. Quando uma classe dominante cria uma ideologia legitimadora, ela, nessa medida…
Religion As Part Of A Larger Phenomenon: Ideology
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology Stepping back again and taking a more panoramic view, the religious case is part of an even larger phenomenon: the recuperation of the symbols and values of the ruling class’s legitimizing ideology, and the inversion of the dominant ideology as a weapon against…
James Scott Contra Constructivist Theories Of Ideology
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology This paper considers, more specifically, liberatory or nonstate ideology as a weapon against power and exploitation. As described by Scott, Zomian religion frequently borrows from the same pool of myths and cultural themes as the dominant religion in state spaces. But it…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory