Tag: hierarchy
Time for Humanity to Achieve Greatness
There are a growing number of complex wicked problems facing natural ecosystems and human civilization. In recent years we have seen that social movements can advance and uphold public welfare, seek justice and progress society. Throughout history, people’s movements have challenged institutions and power structures. Today these movements are beginning to address our most urgent…
História Renegada dos Estados Unidos por Thaddeus Russell
O artigo a seguir foi escrito por Kevin Carson e publicado em seu blog Blog Mutualista: Anticapitalismo de Livre Mercado, 29 de março de 2011. Thaddeus Russell. Uma História Renegada dos Estados Unidos (New York: Free Press, 2010). Diferentemente de muitas histórias dissidentes dos Estados Unidos, que tentam retratar minorias raciais, subculturas sexuais e classes…
A Nova Academia
Muitos economistas acham que a próxima bolha a estourar em nossa atual crise será a dos empréstimos a estudantes. A dívida de empréstimos a estudantes encontra-se em alta histórica, e as taxas de empréstimos federais estão prestes a dobrar, de 3,4% para 6,8% – a despeito de pequeno esforço para fazer com que os juros dos empréstimos a estudantes acompanhem…
Somebody Might Get Hurt
Every once in a while I’m inspired to write a column by looking through my feeds and stumbling across two items that dovetail together so well the column almost writes itself. This is one of those times. There are several hard realities that most liberals — as opposed to those of us on the genuine…
The New Academy
Many economists think that the next bubble to burst in our current crisis will be student loans. Student loan debt is at a historic high, and federal loan rates are about to double, from 3.4% to 6.8% – despite a small effort to have student loan interest rates mimic the rates government grants big banks. This…
Oficinas de Exploração Laboral – Sweatshops a “Melhor Alternativa Disponível”? Mas Quem Decide Que Alternativas estão Disponíveis?
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Kevin Carson. De todos os comentários pretensamente libertários que tentam colocar a tragédia das confecções de peças de vestuário de Bangladesh em “perspectiva,” o de Benjamin Powell é provavelmente o pior (“Sweatshops Em Bangladesh Melhoram A Vida De Seus Trabalhadores, E Estimulam Crescimento,” Forbes, 2…
Sweatshops the “Best Available Alternative”? But Who Decides What Alternatives are Available?
Of all the self-styled libertarian commentaries attempting to put the Bangladesh garment factory tragedy in “perspective,” Benjamin Powell’s is probably the worst (“Sweatshops In Bangladesh Improve The Lives Of Their Workers, And Boost Growth,” Forbes, May 2). In Bangladesh, Powell writes, “some 4,500 garment factories employ approximately 4 million workers. In the grand scheme of…
The Gates of Freedom
The Gates of Freedom is probably one of Voltairine’s least known essays even though it’s probably one of her longer and more important ones. This essay is in much the same spirit of her classic essay, Sex Slavery but instead of talking about the general phenomenon, here Voltairine mostly focuses on arguments that justify this…
Os Morangos da Ira
Carson: A imposição de linhas imaginárias traçadas num mapa resulta em condição “illegal” para muitos seres humanos que, a despeito de ser puramente imaginária em sua base moral, é muitíssimo real em seus efeitos.
Worker Cooperatives: Retooling the Solidarity Economy
Under the cooperative model, workers own the business, reducing injustice because they have a stake in the community and because an individual will find it hard to exploit oneself. Workers often buy into their jobs (upfront or amortized), vote on major decisions in general assemblies or committees, and even voluntarily donate to the co-op for re-investment.
Paul Jay: No Accountability Yet For Toronto G20 Police Crimes
Jay: The term excessive use of force underplays the issue. Assault and battery is a crime. It’s not simply a matter for an internal disciplinary process.
The Strawberries of Wrath
Carson: The means of pacifying labor are as old as time and intimately linked to corporate greed and state power.
Consumerism And The Industrial Routine
The question of whether advertising is the root of the American desire to always have more is one that is asked frequently, but I often wonder if we are simply asking the wrong question.
Living the Lockdown Life
Knapp: Lockdowns are no longer just a prison thing. They’re a school thing, an area, neighborhood, city thing. Google News reports more than 50,000 uses of the word “lockdown” in the news media in the last 30 days.
The Root is Power by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “The Root is Power”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Dan Ariely: What Makes Us Feel Good About our Work?
One more bit of evidence in support of something we’ve been saying for quite a while…
Just Enough Workplace Democracy To Soothe A Liberal’s Conscience
Hummels: Hey, John Mackey isn’t holding a gun to your head, buddy!
Don’t Expand the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Destroy It!
The latest threat to internet freedom is an expanded and strengthened CFAA, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Hierarchy or the Market
Carson: Had the industrial revolution taken place in a genuine free market, our economy today would probably be far closer to the vision of Lewis Mumford than that of Joseph Schumpeter and Alfred Chandler.
Support C4SS with Emma Goldman’s “Minorities versus Majorities”
For every copy of Emma Goldman’s “Minorities versus Majorities” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory