Tag: genocide
Contro il nazionalismo etnico e lo stato etnico: Con particolare riferimento al conflitto israelo-palestinese Di Kevin Carson Originale: Landback, pubblicato il 12 marzo 2025. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna Scarica qui la versione pdf. Introduzione Punto centrale di questo saggio, una tesi che sarà ribadita in tutto il testo, è la natura problematica dello stato nazione,…
Abolishing Ethnonationalism and the Ethnostate: With Particular Regard to the Israel-Palestine Conflict Click here to view or download the .pdf version. Introduction The central thesis of this paper – one which will be restated throughout – is the problematic nature of the nation-state, in the sense of a state or polity built around an official…
Anti Zionisme Saja Tidak Cukup
Oleh: Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough.” DIterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Kita harus menentang segala bentuk nasionalisme Dalam situasi politik kita saat ini yang dipenuhi kebohongan, segala macam kritik terhadap Zionisme akan segera dilabeli sebagai anti semitisme oleh media sayap kanan maupun liberal moderat. Misalnya yang terjadi pada Ilhan…
Oltre l’antisionismo
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough, del 4 dicembre 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Contro il nazionalismo in tutte le sue forme. In questo clima politico cinico e disonesto, ogni critica del sionismo viene tacciata di antisemitismo dai media moderati e di destra. La deputata statunitense Ilhan Omar, che più volte ha chiesto scusa…
Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough.
We Must Oppose Nationalism in All Forms. In today’s cynical and dishonest political climate every critique of Zionism is smeared as antisemitic by the right wing and moderate liberal media. For instance, no matter how many times US representative Ilhan Omar apologizes or clarifies the intentions of her statements against Israeli war crimes, she is time…
Israele e Palestina: Contro lo Stato Nazionale
Di John A. Rooke. Articolo originale: Israel and Palestine: Against the Nation State, del 15 novembre 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Nella voce irata di una giovane ebrea sopravvissuta al massacro nel kibbutz Be’eri c’è disperazione e speranza riguardo la crisi attuale: “È stata la gente ad accorrere in aiuto. La gente. Lo stato non…
Israel and Palestine: Against the Nation State
The angry words of one young Jewish woman, a survivor of the Be’eri Kibbutz attack, reflect both the despair and hope of the current crisis, “it was citizens who came to help us. Citizens. The Government was nowhere.” Indeed, Bedouin from the Negev were among the first to organise volunteer teams to search for missing…
Defending Das Institut: The Stakes of U.S. Anti-LGBT Violence
All over the U.S. imperial core, the trumpets of war are being sounded against queer communities. More than that: reactionary forces are, to put it as bluntly as possible, planning to exterminate us. Consider the following: More than 300 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been filed in 2023 alone. It’s only March. Some of these bills include…
Settler Anarchists Should Tread Lightly Around Indigenous Nationalism
To be an anarchist is to be anti-nationalist. It is no coincidence that national-anarchists have so often turned out to be white supremacists — the movement itself is crypto-fascist. However, our critique of nationalism and related critiques of things like in-group preferences must deeply understand the differing strategies behind largely distinct forms of nationalism if…
Indigenous Policy and Genocide in Brazil
The following practices determine whether a state activity can be categorized as genocide according to the United Nation’s Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory