Tag: Donald Trump
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 146
Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether Trump will follow in the footsteps of Bush-Obama or not. Sharon Presely discusses political correctness. Trevor Timm discusses Trump being handed the keys to the warfare state. Ramona Wadi discusses the Letelier assassination. David Swanson discusses building a movement. Radley Balko discusses criminal justice reform and the recent election. Joshua…
No, la “Politica Identitaria” non ha Eletto Trump
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 14 novembre 2016 con il titolo No, “Identity Politics” Didn’t Elect Trump. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Tra stime dei danni e accuse post-elezioni, un argomento che ho sentito fin troppe volte è che la vittoria di Trump sarebbe una reazione al “politicamente corretto”….
Gli USA Premiano la Crudeltà di Israele
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 23 settembre 2016 con il titolo US Rewards Israel’s Bad Behavior. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Benjamin Netanyahu è stato forse il più anti-palestinese tra i primi ministri israeliani in una lunga serie di farabutti che si sono dedicati a cacciare i poveri palestinesi…
The Anarchist’s Dilemma
Last week, the New York Times published their endorsement for President. Unsurprisingly, the “Paper of Record” endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Republican nominee Donald Trump. It is almost impossible to imagine a world where the New York Times – a paper with liberal values and a history of endorsing liberals – would endorse Trump….
Putin-Trump Outrage Reveals Shared Imperialist Mindset
If anything can be said to be entertaining about liberals’ reaction to Putin’s possible role in the DNC leaks, it’s what it inadvertently reveals about the unexamined foreign policy assumptions they share with conservatives. Coming as it does on top of a long Trump history of weird Putin adulations, the possibility that Russia hacked the…
Trade Is a Labor-Saving “Device”
Democratic politics makes savvy people stupid, at least when they act politically. This has long been demonstrated, and it applies both to voters and policymakers. Several things account for it: the impotence of one vote, the consequent futility and hence wastefulness of acquiring information, the dispersal of the costs of government, and the resulting theatrical…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 138
Lawrence Davidson discusses moral idiocy among the powerful. Branko Marcetic discusses COINTELPRO. Ramzy Baroud discusses Israeli efforts to divide people living in Palestine. John Cavanagh discusses the man who put advoacy for Laotians on the map. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether U.S. soldiers fight for our freedom or not. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses statist school…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 137
Daniel Larison discusses Hilary Clinton’s recent speech on American exceptionalism. Franklin Lamb discusses Syrian refugee children and their plight. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses Obama’s own version of Operation Condor. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether individual states in the U.S. should control their borders. Laurence M. Vance discusses what conservatives don’t get about the War on…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 135
Kathy Gilsinan interviews Rosa Brooks. Gauri Reddy discusses Chelsea Manning and the politics of whistleblowing. Richard Hardigan discusses the brutality of the Israeli occupation. Brian Cloughley discusses the NATO-U.S. war in Afghanistan. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the military base dole. Daniel Larison discusses the continued sale of U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia and its war…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 134
Dr. Alon Ben-Meir discusses how to end the Afghan war. Paul Pillar discusses whether Donald Trump can be trusted to be a peacenik or not. Glenn Greenwald discusses the Democratic Party tactic of accusing people of having sympathies for Russia or Putin. Anthony Walker discusses what the drone playbook really says about U.S. counter-terrorism policy….
Vote If You Must… Then Do What Really Matters
The heat of a presidential election campaign is a good time to reflect on the old Howard Zinn quote about voting: “Would I support one candidate against another? Yes, for two minutes—the amount of time it takes to pull the lever down in the voting booth.” But what really matters, for building a genuinely just…
NATO and Trump’s Misconceptions
Again Trump has it backwards. According to NATO’s internal logic, the US should pay the members — not the other way around — for providing services to the empire and a tripwire for war. The empire doesn’t protect, it provokes and endangers. Who would willingly pay for that? As Andrew Levine, drawing on Andrew Bacevich,…
No Matter Who’s Elected, Patriarchy Reigns
CONTENT WARNING: rape, sexual assault, physical abuse, violent misogyny, child abuse Hillary Clinton’s nomination as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate at the DNC recently has been hailed by many as an historic moment in feminist history, as she is the first woman to be nominated by a major party. If she wins the race, she…
Clarke Threatens War on America
If the Democrats’ approach under Clinton is doubling down on Obama’s technocratic neoliberal caesarism, with the constant, quiet upward ratcheting of automated drone warfare and electronic surveillance, the alternative from Trump’s GOP is out-and-out fascism. And when I say “fascism,” I mean the kind with smashed windows, lynchings and brownshirt thuggery in the streets. Nowhere…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 129
Maia Szalavitz discusses why all drugs should be decriminalized. Bruce Fein discusses lies about war. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the original foreign policy of the U.S. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses 9 points related to the 4th of July. Ben Terrall discusses the War on Drugs in Mexico and U.S. govt complicity. Richard M. Ebeling discusses…
Trump, Saddam, and the Presumption of Innocence
The horrifying thing about Trump’s recent remarks about Saddam Hussein is not that he expressed admiration for the late Iraqi dictator — in fact Trump called him a “bad guy” three times. What is horrifying is that Trump seemed envious that Saddam could “kill terrorists” without due process — the most important element of which…
Guns and Self Defense in the Age of Trump
Guns, if you don’t have a healthy fear of them you probably don’t know much about them. From victims of gun violence to conscientious gun owners, hundreds of millions of Americans are well acquainted with their destructive power and the need for safety in managing their use. However, the fear left unchecked by other external…
Mussolini or Nixon? Don’t Bother Voting. Prepare to Resist
The next President of the United States will be one of the worst. If September 11th was a gunshot that allowed the Bush Administration to take off sprinting, the Obama administration grabbed the baton and charged forward even faster. No one spends years pursuing political power only to walk into the Oval Office and suddenly…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 121
Peter Van Buren discusses a new documentary on drones. Noam Chomsky discusses who rules the world. Dan Sanchez discusses schooling and war. Sarah Leah Whitson discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war on Yemen. Noam Chomsky discusses the state of the world. Roderick T. Long discusses Thucydides and the language of power. Ivan Eland discusses Trump…
National Review Unironically Attacks Racists
The rise of Donald Trump has led to a growing interest in what is generally called the “alternative right” in the United States — a group that could be more simply labeled “literate racists.” The “alt-right” resembles the French New Right and the German conservative revolutionaries in that they are not obsessed with corporate welfare,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory