Tag: Donald Trump
Longview Anarchism: Transcending the Existential Threat of Freedom
Skin as Thick as Bark As asinine, cultish leaders fascistically toy with the notion of nuclear warfare, we are reminded yet again of the fragility of human life. That humans have advanced as far as we have is remarkable. It reminds me of the feeling of awe I have when realizing that we limited humans…
Trump’s Military Budget Is Not NATO’s Fault
President Trump’s budget proposal would increase military spending $54 billion, not quite a 10 percent increase over the current level.  According to Quartz, the increase alone is more than all but two countries — China and Saudi Arabia — spend on their militaries. (China spends $145 billion, Saudi Arabia $57 billion, Russia $47 billion, and Iran $16 billion,…
Trump Assume il Comando della Chiesa Americana
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 4 marzo 2017 con il titolo Trump Assumes Command of the American Church. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Come Trump ha dimostrato nel suo primo discorso al Congresso, per quanto spregevole, un governante può sempre mettere sull’attenti un’assemblea politica e disarmare qualche critico semplicemente…
A Difesa del Cosmopolitismo Estremo
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 24 febbraio 2017 con il titolo In Defense of Extreme Cosmopolitanism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Il cosmopolitismo è sotto assedio da parte di tutto lo spettro politico, negli Stati Uniti e altrove. Proprio ieri Steve Bannon, leader della destra alternativa, sedicente nazionalista economico…
Trump Assumes Command of the American Church
As Donald Trump demonstrated in his first address to Congress, no matter how loathsome a ruler may be, he can bring an assembly of politicians to its feet and disarm some critics simply by invoking the quasi-secular faith — Americanism — and eulogizing the latest uniformed war-state employee to sacrifice his life for it. Trump has…
In Defense of Extreme Cosmopolitanism
Cosmopolitanism is under assault from across the political spectrum, both in the United States and abroad. Just yesterday President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, alt-right leader and self-described economic nationalist Steve Bannon, told the Conservative Political Action Conference that “the center core of what we believe [is] that we’re a nation with an economy, not an…
Reason’s Ongoing Love Affair with Educational Cronyism
On the libertarian Right — including Reason, the magazine for “free minds and free markets” — you hear a lot of lip service to opposing something called “crony capitalism.” And they periodically trot out the Ex-Im Bank or federal insurance for beach homes as their standard throwaway examples. But for the most part they love…
What’s a Secular Heretic to Do?
Secular and religion-based political systems can bear an uncanny resemblance. Observing their respective dogmas, catechisms, and sacraments, we might even wonder, with William Cavanaugh, whether the divide is as sharp as we commonly think. Recent events certainly call the distinction into question. We see that a secularist can be as much a fanatic who is…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 148
Bonnie Kristian discusses the folly of U.S. interventionism around the world. William Seabolt discusses tax avoidance as an American tradition. Laurence M. Vance discusses what Trump shouldn’t do as president. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the War on Drugs and Trump. Sheldon Richman discusses a new book on love, marriage, and the state. Peter Van Buren…
Burn a flag for Donald Trump
It seems silly to continue harping on the incoming tidal wave of fascism, but if there’s one thing C4SS – and the anarchist tradition in general – is good at, it’s making sure you don’t forget that we’re in for a long god damn ride. Earlier today, Trump tweeted that anyone who burns the American…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 147
Ray McGovern discusses the installation of a pro-torture head at the CIA. Murtaza Hussain discusses the drone program and a new documentary on it. Christopher A. Preble discusses funding state sponsers of terroism. Yasmeen Elkhoudary discusses why people in Gaza aren’t mourning HRC’s loss. David Swanson discusses the use of camps during WW2 for enemy…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 146
Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether Trump will follow in the footsteps of Bush-Obama or not. Sharon Presely discusses political correctness. Trevor Timm discusses Trump being handed the keys to the warfare state. Ramona Wadi discusses the Letelier assassination. David Swanson discusses building a movement. Radley Balko discusses criminal justice reform and the recent election. Joshua…
No, la “Politica Identitaria” non ha Eletto Trump
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 14 novembre 2016 con il titolo No, “Identity Politics” Didn’t Elect Trump. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Tra stime dei danni e accuse post-elezioni, un argomento che ho sentito fin troppe volte è che la vittoria di Trump sarebbe una reazione al “politicamente corretto”….
Gli USA Premiano la Crudeltà di Israele
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 23 settembre 2016 con il titolo US Rewards Israel’s Bad Behavior. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Benjamin Netanyahu è stato forse il più anti-palestinese tra i primi ministri israeliani in una lunga serie di farabutti che si sono dedicati a cacciare i poveri palestinesi…
The Anarchist’s Dilemma
Last week, the New York Times published their endorsement for President. Unsurprisingly, the “Paper of Record” endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Republican nominee Donald Trump. It is almost impossible to imagine a world where the New York Times – a paper with liberal values and a history of endorsing liberals – would endorse Trump….
Putin-Trump Outrage Reveals Shared Imperialist Mindset
If anything can be said to be entertaining about liberals’ reaction to Putin’s possible role in the DNC leaks, it’s what it inadvertently reveals about the unexamined foreign policy assumptions they share with conservatives. Coming as it does on top of a long Trump history of weird Putin adulations, the possibility that Russia hacked the…
Trade Is a Labor-Saving “Device”
Democratic politics makes savvy people stupid, at least when they act politically. This has long been demonstrated, and it applies both to voters and policymakers. Several things account for it: the impotence of one vote, the consequent futility and hence wastefulness of acquiring information, the dispersal of the costs of government, and the resulting theatrical…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 138
Lawrence Davidson discusses moral idiocy among the powerful. Branko Marcetic discusses COINTELPRO. Ramzy Baroud discusses Israeli efforts to divide people living in Palestine. John Cavanagh discusses the man who put advoacy for Laotians on the map. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether U.S. soldiers fight for our freedom or not. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses statist school…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 137
Daniel Larison discusses Hilary Clinton’s recent speech on American exceptionalism. Franklin Lamb discusses Syrian refugee children and their plight. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses Obama’s own version of Operation Condor. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether individual states in the U.S. should control their borders. Laurence M. Vance discusses what conservatives don’t get about the War on…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 135
Kathy Gilsinan interviews Rosa Brooks. Gauri Reddy discusses Chelsea Manning and the politics of whistleblowing. Richard Hardigan discusses the brutality of the Israeli occupation. Brian Cloughley discusses the NATO-U.S. war in Afghanistan. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the military base dole. Daniel Larison discusses the continued sale of U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia and its war…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory