Tag: Charter Schools
Non Chiamatela “Libertà di Scelta Scolastica”
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto maggio 2017 con il titolo If You Call It “School Choice,” You’ll Go to Hell. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Ci sono tra i libertari di destra delle sirene che inneggiano alle scuole private sovvenzionate usando l’eufemismo “libertà di scelta scolastica”, che è più…
If You Call It “School Choice,” You’ll Go to Hell
Right-libertarian shills for school charterization like to use the euphemism “school choice,” which is about as misleading as referring to proprietary walled garden platforms like Uber as the “sharing economy.” The charter school movement’s inroads occur, almost without exception, in places where choice has been suppressed by the state. The Charter Mafia hates choice.
Reason’s Ongoing Love Affair with Educational Cronyism
On the libertarian Right — including Reason, the magazine for “free minds and free markets” — you hear a lot of lip service to opposing something called “crony capitalism.” And they periodically trot out the Ex-Im Bank or federal insurance for beach homes as their standard throwaway examples. But for the most part they love…
More Crony Capitalism at Reason
At Reason, Nick Gillespie (“The Scandal of K-12 Education — and How to Fix It,” June 5) points to the sorry state of education and — once again — proposes charter schools as the solution. The amazing thing is that the repeated right-libertarian shilling for charter schools — at Reason and elsewhere — comes from…
Teacher Complaint About “Entitled” Students Reveals Own Entitlement
Complaints about “entitled Millennials” are practically an entire literary genre in their own right these days, but their younger siblings are coming in for their share of criticism too. At the Washington Post, Laura Hanby Hudgens (“Do teachers care more about schoolwork than your kids do? Here’s how to fix the apathy problem,” May 26)…
Charter Schools and Other Right Libertarian False Gods on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Charter Schools and Other Right Libertarian False Gods” read by John Moore and edited by Tony Dreher. If you’re the kind of libertarian who objects to the public schools on those grounds, charter schools aren’t any kind of alternative at all. Students in New Orleans public schools — where…
Charter Schools, and Other Right-Libertarian False Gods
Charter schools, for the libertarian establishment, are what passes for “free market reform” in public education. They’re regularly pushed by mainstream libertarian think tanks, and at Reason they’re topped only by Uber, right-to-work laws and defined-contribution pensions on the list of libertarian shibboleths. But besides not being very effective they’re not very libertarian either (in…
Charter Schools, Common Core and the Corporate Coup in Education
Although the recent court decision striking down tenure for public school teachers has been viewed from many angles on op-ed pages, as Mark Palko points out in the Washington Post (Vergara vs. California: Are the top 0.1% buying their version of education reform?” June 23), almost nobody’s paying attention to the fact that virtually the whole…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory