Tag: national security
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Nathan Goodman tarafından kaleme alınmış, 17 Haziran 2016 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe ‘ye çevrilmiştir. Bir ekonomiste devletin müdahil olması gereken alanları sorarsanız, duyacağınız cevaplardan biri muhtemelen devletlerin “kamu malları” sağlaması gerektiğidir. Kamu malı, hem dışlanamayan hem de rakip olmayan bir maldır. Dışlanamaz derken ekonomistler, mal üretildikten sonra bireylerin ödeme…
Oleh: Nathan Goodman. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Weekly Abolitionist: Public Good or Public Bad?” diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Jika Anda bertanya kepada para ekonom tentang dimana negara harus terlibat, satu jawaban yang akan sering kita dengar adalah negara harus menyediakan “kebutuhan publik.” Kebutuhan publik adalah segala sesuatu yang tidak dapat dikecualikan…
De Nathan Goodman. Artículo original: The Weekly Abolitionist: Public Good or Public Bad?, del 17 de junio de 2016. Traducido al español por Luis Vera. Si le pides a un economista que te diga sectores en donde el Estado debe involucrarse, su respuesta probablemente sea que los Estados deben proveer “bienes públicos”. Un bien público…
I confess my reaction on Election Night, when it first looked like Trump might get in the White House, was sheer panic. It was a bit like Philip K. Dick’s “Black Iron Prison” closing down. On a personal level, I was about as terrified as the night I was arrested and put in jail. Now,…
The horrifying thing about Trump’s recent remarks about Saddam Hussein is not that he expressed admiration for the late Iraqi dictator — in fact Trump called him a “bad guy” three times. What is horrifying is that Trump seemed envious that Saddam could “kill terrorists” without due process — the most important element of which…
If you ask an economist to suggest areas where the state should be involved, one answer you’re likely to hear is that states should provide “public goods.” A public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rival. By non-excludable, economists mean that once the good is produced individuals cannot be excluded from consuming…
Su Progressive Review (“Two Types of Terrorism,” 7 dicembre), Sam Smith distingue due tipi di terrorismo: “Quello che usa armi e bombe e quello che usa le parole per terrorizzare la gente e convincerla ad accettare la volontà di chi sta al potere.” Ma tra i due tipi c’è una relazione, come dimostrano le relative…
At Progressive Review (“Two Types of Terrorism,” Dec. 7), Sam Smith breaks terrorism down into two types: “That which uses guns and bombs and that which uses words to terrify the public into going along with whatever those in power want.” But the two aren’t unrelated, as the respective domestic reactions to the Paris bombings…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Farrell‘s “The Natural Right of Encryption” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Tony Dreher. The Snowden leaks proved that individuals must take responsibility for their own privacy by revealing an inherent problem at the heart of constitutional government. By revealing the inner workings of the surveillance state, the leaks…
As if they weren’t Machiavellian enough, spy agencies are evidently waiting for the next terrorist attack to change public opinion on the need for encryption backdoors, reports The Washington Post. The intelligence community’s top lawyer, Robert S. Litt, lamented in a leaked email that “the legislative environment is very hostile today … [but] it could…
Every year, we’re subjected to another round of mawkish, smarmy 9/11 memorial ceremonies whose main purpose is to maintain loyalty to the very national security state whose aggression brought the terror attacks of September 11 on us in the first place. It’s all part of an endless cycle, repeated over and over, dating back to…
Amid claims by U.S. officials that a “golden key” to all forms of encryption software is necessary to fight terrorism, a UN Report released in May asserts that securely encrypted communications among private citizens aren’t just permissible, but a human right. The report’s author, UC Irvine professor David Kaye, notes the problem of creating a…
Juan Francisco López Sánchez appartiene a quella sfortunata categoria che il governo americano etichetta come immigrati illegali. Il suo status migratorio è importante perché López Sánchez è accusato di aver ucciso a giugno una donna di San Francisco, Kathryn Steinle. Politici nazionalisti di destra e sinistra sono sbigottiti perché López Sánchez ad aprile era stato…
Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez falls under that unfortunate class of persons the American state labels illegal immigrants. His immigration status is important because Lopez-Sanchez is accused of the June killing of a San Francisco woman, Kathyrn Steinle. Nationalists on the right and left of the American political class are aghast because Lopez-Sanchez was released from police…
Il sito Antiwar.com (un nome che dice tutto) il diciotto marzo ha annunciato la decisione di Google Adsense di sospendere il suo conto, risorsa fondamentale per stare online, per aver pubblicato foto di torture e abusi scattate nella prigione militare di Abu Ghraib in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” 18 marzo)….
The website Antiwar.com (whose name is self-explanatory) announced March 18 that Google Adsense had suspended its account — a major source of the revenue it needs to stay online — for publishing new photos of torture and abuse from the Abu Ghraib military prison in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” March…
If you’ve ever doubted that journalism is a powerful tool for undermining the state, first off, you’ve probably not been following the NSA leaks and second, this week US government officials shook in their boots so hard over some new leaks that they spoiled the Associated Press’s scoop on them. This is hardly a new practice, but I…