The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 146

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether Trump will follow in the footsteps of Bush-Obama or not.

Sharon Presely discusses political correctness.

Trevor Timm discusses Trump being handed the keys to the warfare state.

Ramona Wadi discusses the Letelier assassination.

David Swanson discusses building a movement.

Radley Balko discusses criminal justice reform and the recent election.

Joshua Frank discusses why we shouldn’t mourn Hilary’s loss.

Ramzy Baroud discusses a power struggle in Palestine.

Arun Gupta discusses Trump and racism.

Brian Cloughley discusses U.S. polucy with respect to China and Russia.

Emma Ashford discusses Trump’s possible foreign policy.

Rev. Chris J. Antal discusses learning from veterans.

Lucy Steigerwald discusses the Trump presidency.

Jim Babka discusses loss and military personnel.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses indifference to death and destruction in American foreign policy.

Jon Basil Utley discusses Trump and the neoconservatives.

Tom Englehardt discusses the end of the American experiment and Trump.

Murtaza Hussian discusses the fears of Muslim Americans in the aftermath of Trump’s victory.

Glenn Greenwald discusses the importance of whistleblowing in the Trump era.

Ted Galen Carpenter discusses what Trump’s foreign policy will be like.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether Trump will give us another 4 years of Bush-Obama style foreign policy.

Phyllis Bennis discusses how to end the war in Syria.

Daniel L. Davis discusses the direction American foreign policy should go.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses the Fable of the Bees.

Laurence M. Vance discusses why he didn’t vote.

David Max Korzen discusses being thanked for his service.

George H. Smith discusses how to argue on behalf of libertarianism.

David S. D’Amato discusses property rights as the basis of freedom.

David Swanson discusses a new request for war funds.

Uri Avnery discusses Trump.

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory