Tag: counter-power
Pirate Bay and Mega: Treating the State as Damage and Routing Around It
Kevin Carson: The corporate state and its system of information control has already lost. It’s just to stupid to realize it.
So, What Exactly is a Freedom Outlaw?
Claire Wolfe: It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation.
Scratching By: How Government Creates Poverty as We Know It
Charles Johnson: The one thing that the government and its managerial aid workers will never do is just get out of the way.
Air Guitars and Bitcoin Regulation
Jon Matonis: Bitcoin was designed from the outset to route around centralized, authoritarian interference
Glenn Greenwald: An Interview with The Art of the Possible
The issues that I care about require a long-term battle and they’re ones I’m very devoted to pursuing.
Bitcoin Prevents Monetary Tyranny
Jon Matonis: Bitcoin is not about making rapid global transactions with little or no fee. Bitcoin is about preventing monetary tyranny.
Новый Год всемирного протеста
что государство втягивает общество в состояние постоянной войны
Reflexões a Partir da Pista de Aterrissagem Dois
Não acredito que o estado vá tornar-se menos totalitário em sua intenção ou em sua política, mas sua capacidade de preensão se debilitará mais depressa do que o estender-se de seu alcance.
Primitive Accumulation in the News
Kevin Carson: Why are they doing it? Because they’re afraid of us.
Socialism on One Planet
Ken MacLeod: A society of conscious and voluntary co-operation can’t be established unconsciously or unwillingly.
Корпоративное государство: и дом, разделившийся сам в себе, падёт
Глобальная сверхдержава, основанная на принципах контроля за информацией и вызывающая страх и недоверие в своём собственном народе, долго не продержится.
Occupy the Motor Industry
The main thing is to end dependence on motor vehicles.
Vídeo Amador: A Comissão da Polícia do Povo
Aos Tenentes Pikes do mundo: Estamos de olho em vocês.
Contraste entre Estratégias Políticas e Apolíticas
Nós renegados precisamos encontrar-nos mutuamente e fortalecer nossas próprias sociedades não políticas
Efimerización: Un Arma Contra el Capital
Carson: “Un libre mercado… eliminará – o socializará – la mayor parte del valor de cambio de la economía y llevará la tasa de beneficio media mucho más cerca de cero”.
Libertarianism: What’s Going Right
Each of these movements, in its own way, offers some potential as a basis for common action with the left against the increasing authoritarianism police state, and against the corporate-state nexus that dominates the economy.
Ephemeralization: A Weapon Against Capital
Carson: A free market … will eliminate — or socialize — the majority of exchange value in the economy and drive the average rate of profit much closer to zero.
О неизбежности крушения государства
В долгосрочном же периоде у государства нет жизнеспособной альтернативы сетевой структуре.
El Fin de la Infancia de la Humanidad
Nos acercamos la segunda frontera, en la que las tecnologías de la abundancia despegan de una manera que rebalsa la capacidad de las estructuras de expropiación para saquear el producto del trabajo.
Power and How to Topple It
The focus will be on new technology, new infrastructure, new models and new processes that replace the vulnerable ones that are the causes of so many of today’s global problems — and ensuring that these replacements are Open Source, and stay in the hands of all the world’s people.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory