Tag: counter-power
El Problema de la Revolución Violenta
Cómo y cuándo es permitido usar la violencia es un tema fundamental en el anarquismo, tanto en términos prácticos como filosóficos.
Support C4SS with a Copy of “Markets Not Capitalism”
For every copy of “Markets Not Capitalism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Embracing Markets, Opposing “Capitalism”
Gary Chartier: Being a libertarian means opposing the use of force to restrain peaceful, voluntary exchange. That doesn’t mean it should be understood as involving support for capitalism.
Support C4SS with Sheldon Richman’s “From State to Society”
For every copy of Sheldon Richman’s “From State to Society: How and How Not to Privatize” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
How to Get Anarchy
— Henry Addis, “How to Get Anarchy”, the THE FIREBRAND (Feb. 23, 1896)
Did the Government Drive Aaron Swartz to Suicide?
Sheldon Richman: Swartz was a passionate champion of technology’s power to liberate and democratize. He vowed to fight anything which threatened that potential. This offended powerful vested interests.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “Distributed Technology & Worker Ownership”
For every copy of “Distributed Technology & Worker Ownership: Five Conversations on the Economics of Anarchy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Agorism and Nazism: A Study in Polar Opposites
Neil M. Tokar: In other words, voluntary exchange subverts totalitarianism.
Support C4SS with Darian Worden’s “Distributed Social Power”
For every copy of Darian Worden’s “Distributed Social Power: Against State-Capitalist Plutocracy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Aaron Swartz y la Tozudez Irracional de la Propiedad Intelectual
Knapp: La única esperanza de las viejas compañías de medios es renunciar a sus fallidos monopolios y redes de extorsión creados por el estado, y aprender de una vez por todas como generar beneficios a través del intercambio voluntario.
Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “The Ethics of Labor Struggle”
For every copy of Kevin Carson’s “The Ethics of Labor Struggle” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Freedom to Connect: Aaron Swartz
On Victory To Save Open Internet, Fight Online Censors
Radical Health Care Reform: An Anarchist Approach
C4SS Media would like to present one of our signature political position pieces, from C4SS Senior Fellow Gary Chartier.
Aaron Swartz and Intellectual Property’s Bitter-Enders
Knapp: The old media companies’ only chance of survival is to give up their failed state-created monopolies and protection rackets, and figure out how to generate profits through voluntary trade instead.
Benjamin Tucker’s “Socialism: What it Is” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Para Confrontar os Fascistas do Século 21
Esse deveria ser um esforço da comunidade, não responsabilidade apenas de uma vanguarda ativista.
The State is Damage, Time to Find a Route Around
If you believe, as we do, that Tor is one of the technologies that’s serving to make both state and corporate oppression not only obsolete, but impossible, please contribute today.
How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition
Intellectual property is not necessary to encourage innovation, this means that its main practical effect is to cause economic inefficiency by levying a monopoly charge on the use of existing technology.
The Problem of Violent Revolution
Alan Furth: How to deal with violent action is a fundamental concept for anarchists, both in philosophical and practical terms.
Confronting Fascists in the 21st Century
Anonymous and the Modern Fight Against Fascism
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory