Tag: colonialism
Di Dawie Coetzee. Originale pubblicato il 13 ottobre 2022 con il titolo The Long Shadow of Colonialist Ideology. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. È sconfortante notare quanto spesso, nell’attuale dibattito pubblico in Sudafrica, elementi dell’ideologia coloniale spuntano proprio in chi grida che non si può combattere il padrone con le sue stesse armi. Sconfortante perché…
Words have different meanings in South Africa. The overlay of specific socio-political senses arising out of a legacy of racial authoritarianism has so overshadowed the ordinary senses in which common words are used elsewhere in the world, that words are as good as lost. Thus location as denoting the “township,” the companion or shadow town…
In the present South African political discourse, it is tragic how often elements of colonialist ideology crop up in the arguments of the very people who are most wont to insist that one cannot demolish the master’s house with the master’s tools — tragic because I want them to be right! The metaphor is nonsensical…
Partition & Entanglement: Review of Home Rule by Nandita Sharma “The entire, eons-long practice of human movement into new places was pushed out of our imagination — or, perhaps more accurately, was reimagined as a national security threat. In the process, stasis was glorified as the normative way of being human.” “Only after the death…
Oleh: Kali Akuno. Teks aslinya berjudul We are our own liberators. Diterjemahkan oleh Apepi Chitons. Banyak yang dilakukan di Inggris dan di seluruh dunia berbahasa Inggris atau yang biasa disebut sebagai dunia anglophone yang berhubungan dengan peringatan 200 tahun penghapusan perdagangan budak di kerajaan Inggris dan koloninya yang telah memisahkan diri, Amerika Serikat. Hollywood dan…
De Kali Akuno. Artículo original: We are our own liberators, de 19 de junio de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Publicado originalmente en Pambazuka News, 29 de marzo de 2007. Se está hablando mucho en Inglaterra y en todo el mundo anglófono sobre el 200 aniversario de la abolición de la trata de…
Di Kali Akuno. Originale pubblicato il 19 giugno 2021 con il titolo We are our liberators. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente su Pambazuka News il 3 marzo 2007. Si fa un gran parlare in Inghilterra e in tutto il cosiddetto mondo anglofono del 200º anniversario dell’abolizione della tratta degli schiavi nell’Impero Britannico e nella…
Much is being made in England and throughout the English speaking or so-called anglophone world about the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade in the British empire and its breakaway colony, the United States of America. Hollywood and the monopoly sector of entertainment capital have marked this anniversary with a major feature…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Victims of Capitalism Day, pubblicato il 10 maggio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Reason Ilya Somin, secondo una sua pratica annuale iniziata nel 2007, ha scelto il primo maggio, festa dei lavoratori, per commemorare la “Giornata delle Vittime del Comunismo”. Somin parla di 80-100 milioni di vittime nel ventesimo secolo…
At Reason Ilya Somin, in keeping with his annual practice since 2007, has chosen May 1 — May Day — as his date for observing “Victims of Communism Day.” Somin cites the “authoritative” Black Book of Communism as his source for a death toll of 80-100 million in the 20th century. To put that “authoritative”…
Over the past few weeks, the topic of indigenous self-determination and the decolonization of US-occupied lands has re-emerged, not only with the protests against neoliberal austerity in Puerto Rico, but also in less-covered protests by indigenous Hawaiians and allies on Maunakea. What’s occurring on Maunakea could very well be considered the next DAPL protest, as…
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 12 luglio 2018 con il titolo Leftists and Libertarians Don’t See Eye to Eye on “Free Trade”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Libertari e sinistra non parlano lo stesso linguaggio in materia di “libero mercato”, e io credo che sulle rispettive posizioni si possa fare qualche appunto. Cercherò di fare…
Libertarians and leftists do not speak the same language when it comes to “free trade” but I think there’s something to be said for what both parties are getting at. I’m going to try to do a bit of translating between them that I think might frustrate both teams, hopefully in a good way. When…
Originale scritto da Kevin Carson e pubblicato il 25 luglio 2017 con il titolo Ron Bailey, Terrible Simplificateur. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ron Bailey, redattore scientifico di Reason, fa la ramanzina a Eugene Linden (“Overpopulation Scaremongering Never Gets Old,” June 19) per aver detto che la povertà del Lesotho è colpa della sovrappopolazione. “Troppo semplice,”…
Reason Science Editor Ron Bailey (“Overpopulation Scaremongering Never Gets Old,” June 19) takes Eugene Linden to task for blaming Lesotho’s poverty on overpopulation. “That’s far too simple a story,” Bailey says — whereupon he hands his beer to Linden and demonstrates how a real pro oversimplifies things. Lesotho couldn’t be overpopulated, Bailey says, because it’s got…
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 17 settembre 2016 con il titolo Time to Deprogram From the Cult of National Unity. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La gente non ama che si bestemmino le sue divinità, e la reazione furiosa al rifiuto di Colin Kaepernick di stare in piedi durante…
People don’t like seeing their gods blasphemed, and the backlash against Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem has revealed the completely religious nature of American patriotism. Tomi Lahren, whose views on racial matters are about what you’d expect from a “conservative commentator” on Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, has been on a nonstop outrage…
The injustice of developing countries having to pay back extortionate rates of interest that emanate from sovereign debt with colonial-era roots is often rightly made due to the oppressive nature of imperialistic regimes of the time. However, one may wonder why such colonial-era debt cannot be feasibly defaulted upon? The standard argument suggests that this…
Stephen Kinzer discusses how safe the U.S. is. Nick Turse discusses the battlefield of tomorrow. Laurence M. Vance discusses how the state needs servants to do its dirty work. Ivan Eland discusses how Obama’s nuclear agreement is a good one but issues remain. Justin Raimondo discusses why we can’t limit government without limiting foreign intervention….
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Wish You’d Stop Bein’ So Good To Me, Cap’n” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. Some people might see an internal contradiction between Hoppe’s repeated use of the term “dominated” to describe the role of certain privileged segments of society, and the idea that “libertarian” ideas were formulated by…