Tag: credit monopoly
Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: A Right-Libertarian Myth Meets Reality, del 3 marzo 2025. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Un rapporto consegnato alla UE a settembre scorso solleva forti dubbi, nota Michael Roberts, sulla solita politica della destra riguardo gli investimenti. La tesi classica della destra libertaria è che il lavoro dipende dagli investimenti e che gli…
A report submitted to the EU in September, as interpreted by Michael Roberts, casts considerable doubt on the standard right-libertarian party line regarding investment. The standard right-libertarian talking point is that labor is dependent on investment, that investment — in the form either of credit or equity — comes from previous capital accumulation, and that…
The injustice of developing countries having to pay back extortionate rates of interest that emanate from sovereign debt with colonial-era roots is often rightly made due to the oppressive nature of imperialistic regimes of the time. However, one may wonder why such colonial-era debt cannot be feasibly defaulted upon? The standard argument suggests that this…
Illuminating Discord: An interview with Robert Anton Wilson By Jane Talisman and Eric Geislinger (Columbia Region New Libertarian Alliance) (Originally published in New Libertarian Notes/Weekly 39, September 5, 1976; reprinted at RAWillumination.net) CRNLA: Tell us a little about your background. RAW: I was born into a working class Irish Catholic family in Brooklyn 44 years…