Tag: anti-colonialism
The Struggle for Hawaiian Decolonization Erupts to Protect Maunakea
Over the past few weeks, the topic of indigenous self-determination and the decolonization of US-occupied lands has re-emerged, not only with the protests against neoliberal austerity in Puerto Rico, but also in less-covered protests by indigenous Hawaiians and allies on Maunakea. What’s occurring on Maunakea could very well be considered the next DAPL protest, as…
Sinistra, Libertari e “Libero Mercato”
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 12 luglio 2018 con il titolo Leftists and Libertarians Don’t See Eye to Eye on “Free Trade”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Libertari e sinistra non parlano lo stesso linguaggio in materia di “libero mercato”, e io credo che sulle rispettive posizioni si possa fare qualche appunto. Cercherò di fare…
Leftists and Libertarians Don’t See Eye to Eye on “Free Trade”
Libertarians and leftists do not speak the same language when it comes to “free trade” but I think there’s something to be said for what both parties are getting at. I’m going to try to do a bit of translating between them that I think might frustrate both teams, hopefully in a good way. When…
Colonial-Era Debt and Free Banking
The injustice of developing countries having to pay back extortionate rates of interest that emanate from sovereign debt with colonial-era roots is often rightly made due to the oppressive nature of imperialistic regimes of the time. However, one may wonder why such colonial-era debt cannot be feasibly defaulted upon? The standard argument suggests that this…
Goran Hugo Olsson’s “Concerning Violence”
Göran Hugo Olssons nya dokumentär Concerning Violence undersöker kolonialism I Afrika, med massvis med material från svenska nyhetsarkiv, och genom att knyta ihop filmen med Frantz Fanons bok Jordens fördömda från 1961. Utdrag från boken läses up av Lauryn Hill, vars berättande förmedlar Fanons idéer på ett fängslande sätt. Jag såg nyligen filmen på Sundance…
Concerning Violence: Nine Scenes From The Anti-Imperialistic Self-Defense
Goran Hugo Olsson’s new documentary Concerning Violence examines colonialism in Africa, drawing upon a wealth of archival Swedish news footage and tying the film together with text from Frantz Fanon’s 1961 book The Wretched of the Earth. Excerpts from Fanon are read by Lauryn Hill, whose narration compellingly communicates Fanon’s ideas. I saw the film recently at the…
Ricochets of D’Souza and Krugman
Paul Krugman and Dinesh D’Souza both wander past the point that is always dying to be made: producers should own what they labor to create, and the status quo is not the product of a free market.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory