Tag: capitalism
To speak of a 19th-century libertarian critique of fascism might seem anachronistic, since fascism is generally understood as a 20th-century phenomenon. But it did not spring from nothing, and the libertarians of the 19th century saw it in the making.
Kevin Carson: significa termos bom motivo para esperar “tempos interessantes.”
Alan Furth: Regrettably this is typical
Kevin Carson: “The central function of the state is to suppress competition, create artificial property, and enable economic ruling classes to extract rents.”
Kevin Carson: In their equation of progress and productivity with the sheer quantitative mass of capital invested, are stuck in the paleotechnic age.
Charles Johnson: Os libertários de esquerda são por vezes conhecidos por pegarem-se em distinções e definições de palavras.
The growing irrelevance of conventional measures of economic output to our actual material conditions of living has been a recurring theme in recent years.
“The solution is to smash the structures of government-imposed privilege that put workers into a position of dependency on employers in the first place.”
Kevin Carson: It means we’re in for some interesting times.
“Rich people have been the subjects of charity long enough.”
Kevin Carson: The central function of a hierarchy is to filter the upward flow of information.
Roderick T. Long: Os libertários de esquerda diferem da (atual) corrente majoritária libertária tanto em termos de que resultados veem como desejáveis quanto em termos do que acham que um mercado emancipado provavelmente produzirá.
El estado trabaja para los capitalistas. No trabaja para usted.
Because in a free society, billionaires like Buffett might have to learn to work for a living.
И поэтому мы должны расказать стольким людям, скольким сможем, что это не единственная альтернатива.
Kevin Carson: The state works for the capitalists, not for you.
Carson: A teta do subsídio está secando.
There’s a popular historical legend that goes like this: Once upon a time, back in the 19th century, the United States economy was almost completely unregulated and laissez-faire.
No sé si alguien más se había tropezado con esto antes, pero me ha sido útil y sentí que debía compartirlo.
We naderen een overwinning in de vijfduizendjaar durende oorlog tussen de natuurlijke overvloed en de kunstmatige schaarste.