Tag: anarchist
Против любых наций и границ
Чарльз Джонсон, Against all Nations and Borders. Перевод – Александр Гомер Mk. II. Либертарианство не имеет никакого отношения к национальным интересам. Либертарианство о индивидуальной свободе. Свободе жить свою жизнь, искать собственные средства к существованию и приходить куда угодно до тех пор пока это место открыто для тебя или ты в него приглашён. Следствия для иммиграционной…
Civil Liberties Defense Center Defends Eric King
This week, attorneys with the CLDC successfully defended Eric King, a man whose heart is bigger than the walls it’s being kept in. A poet, yoga instructor, boxer, Nirvana fan, and anarchist, serving a 10-year sentence for a previous conviction, King was accused of allegedly assaulting a federal officer. The details of this case reveal…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Special Cast – Inside the Russian Resistance
MER host Alex McHugh interviews C4SS Russian translator Citizen Ilya on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, anarchist resistance to war, and what things look like on the ground in Russia.  We intend this to be a two-part series. An interview with some of the folks behind the anarchist humanitarian project for Ukraine, Operation Solidarity, is…
Anarko Kapitalisme Menurut Benjamin Tucker
Oleh: Charles Johnson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Benjamin Tucker on Anarcho-Capitalism” dan diterbitkan di Rad Geek People’s Daily, pada 1 Desember 2007. Teks ini diterbitkan ulang di C4SS lalu diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah Sebenarnya, Jelas Benjamin Tucker tidak memiliki pendapat langsung mengenai “anarko kapitalisme”, karena istilah tersebut tidak diciptakan bertahun-tahun setelah kematiannya,…
Due Parole da un Detenuto Anarchico
Di Duane Fuller. Originale: Commentary from an Anarchist Prisoner, del 18 gennaio 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sono un detenuto anarchico e posso confermare quello che si dice spesso, che si può capire molto di una società guardando le sue prigioni. Guardate i suoi dongioni e ci vedrete, in forma concentrata, come in un microcosmo,…
Commentary from An Anarchist Prisoner
As an anarchist prisoner, it has been said many times that one can learn a great deal about society by looking towards its prisons. Look towards its dungeons and there you will see in concentrated and microcosmic form the sickness of the entire system. And today there is something that is particularly revealing about the…
Anarkis sebagai Penjahat
Oleh: Apio Ludd. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Anarchist as Outlaw” diterbitkan di My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation Against All Authority, edisi 10 pada Oktober 2013. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Ketika aku mengatakan aku seorang anarkis, aku hanya bermaksud bahwa, selama aku masih hidup, aku akan menolak untuk membiarkan siapa pun atau apa pun mendominasiku. Dengan…
Anarkismo: Ano Siya at Ano Hindi Siya
Ni Joseph A. Labadie. Orihinal na artikulo: Anarchism: What It Is and What It Is Not, Pebrero 1, 2016. Salin ni Malaginoo. Ang akdang ito ay isinulat ni Joseph A. Labadie at muling nilimbag sa dandelion, vol 3, bl. 12, Tag-lamig 1979 sa isang “polyetong orihinal na inilathala ng Liberty Club of Detroit”. Gusto mong…
The Enragés: The Monster That Exists with Jaimine
For the sixth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Jaimine to discuss his piece “Social Statism called Caste.“ Without fearing the consequences, Jaimine writes boldly on a variety of topics including culture, hindutva, and economics. Jaimine made a political splash after spray painting “Taxation is Theft” on public walls in Mumbai, India,…
Mengapa Aku Bukanlah Seorang Komunis
Oleh: Apio Ludd. Teks aslinya berjudul “Why I Am Not a Communist” diterbitkan di My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation Against All Authority, edisi 10 pada Oktober 2013. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo Ini adalah era yang lucu. Saat beberapa orang tua, yang jelas menentang anarkis (jika mereka tidak menentang, mereka tidak akan pernah…
Широкое и узкое либертарианство1
Charles Johnson. Оригинал Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin. Перевод – Александр Гомер Mk. II. Редакция – Екатерина Андреевна Бушкова. В какой степени либертарианцы должны быть заинтересованы социальными течениями, практиками, проектами и движениями в поиске социальных результатов за пределами стандартной либертарианской обязанности расширять границы свободы за пределы государственного принуждения? Очевидно, что последовательный и принципиальный либертарианец не…
Entra l’anarquisme en conflicte amb la naturalesa humana?
Per Nathan Goodman. Font: Does Anarchism Conflict With Human Nature? 24 octubre 2020. Traduït per Manel Finestres. “Sé prou sobre la naturalesa humana per saber que ell [l’anarquisme] és un concepte ingènuament defectuós.” “L’anarquia és una bella idea, però entra en conflicte amb la naturalesa humana”. Els anarquistes estan acostumats a escoltar objeccions com aquestes…
Либертарианский анархизм: ответы на 10 возражений
19 августа 2004 года, Родерик Лонг.  (Libertarian Anarchism: Responses to Ten Objections). Переведено усилиями активистов Лиги Индивидуального Анархизма, группы Альянса Либертарных Левых в России. Я хочу поговорить о некоторых из основных возражений, выдвигавшихся против либертарного анархизма, и моих попытках ответить на них. Но прежде чем я начну приводить эти возражения и отвечать на них, скажу вот о…
Há Conflitos Entre o Anarquismo e a Natureza Humana?
De Nathan Goodman. Original: Does Anarchism Conflict With Human Nature? 24 de outubro 2013. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Sei o suficiente sobre a natureza humana para saber que isso [o anarquismo] é um conceito ingenuamente falho. A anarquia é uma bela ideia, mas entra em conflito com a natureza humana. Os anarquistas…
Anarquistas Sem Adjetivos
De Kevin Carson. Original: Anarchists Without Adjectives, 21 de março de 2016. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Introdução A denominação anarquismo sem adjetivos (pelo menos enquanto expressão – já que o conceito, como veremos adiante, parece ter se originado com Errico Malatesta) surgiu com o trabalho de dois anarquistas espanhóis, Ricardo Mella e…
¿El Anarquismo entra en Conflicto con la Naturaleza Humana?
Por Nathan Goodman. Fuente: Does Anarchism Conflict With Human Nature? 24 octubre 2020. Traducido por Diego Avila. “Sé lo suficiente sobre la naturaleza humana para saber que él [anarquismo] es un concepto ingenuamente defectuoso.” “La anarquía es una hermosa idea, pero entra en conflicto con la naturaleza humana”. Los anarquistas están acostumbrados a escuchar objeciones…
Call for Anarchist Writers
We at the Center believe ideas matter. We believe thoughtful discourse enriches, rather than undermines, anarchist praxis. We believe that a world free of compulsion and degradation is achievable through, in part, a culture permeated by anarchist ideas. Our mission as an openly anarchist think tank is to thoughtfully articulate and defend anarchist ideas. We…
Carcere Facile: Vere Cause, Vere Riforme
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale pubblicato il 4 agosto 2017 con il titolo Locked In: The True Causes of Mass Incarceration and How to Achieve Real Reform. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Tra tutte le funzioni dello stato, il carcere, soprattutto in grandi numeri, è probabilmente una della più brutali, distruttive e disumane. Tra tutte le…
Locked In: The True Causes of Mass Incarceration and How to Achieve Real Reform
Of all the State’s activities, incarceration – especially on a mass-scale – is probably one of the most brutal, disruptive, and inhumane. Of all the state’s activities, the census is probably one of the most… boring. But if we care about the former, we should care about the latter. As it stands, the census counts…
Contro Tutte le Nazioni e le Frontiere
[Di Charles Johnson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 15 ottobre 2013 con il titolo Against All Nations and Borders. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Il libertarismo non ha niente a che vedere con gli interessi nazionali. Riguarda la libertà individuale. La libertà di vivere la propria vita, cercare il proprio benessere, andare…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory