Tag: abortion
Pelarangan Tidak Akan Pernah Berhasil
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Prohibition Still Doesn’t Work.” Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi. dan Missouri menjadi pusat perhatian masyarakat karena mereka menerbitkan –pelarangan yang sangat ekstrem dan inkonstitusional– undang-undang anti-aborsi. Tujuan dari hukum ini –diklaim– adalah untuk menurunkan angka aborsi, hingga ke angka nol….
Paradoks Penentangan Kelompok Kanan terhadap Aborsi
Oleh: Vishal Wilde. teks aslinya berjudul “The Paradox of the Political Right’s Opposition to Abortion.” DIterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Umumnya, orang-orang “kanan” sangat keras menentang aborsi. Atau bahkan jika pun mereka mengizinkannya, mereka hanya mengizinkannya pada kondisi tertentu saja (misalnya jika kehamilan tersebut diakibatkan pemerkosaan atau inses). Di sisi lain, orang-orang kiri merupakan kebalikannya, sangat…
What Is “Wokeism”?
The terms “woke” and “wokeism” have been ubiquitous on the right for the past year or so. Charlatans like Chris Rufo, James Lindsay, and Jordan Peterson regularly rail against this or that alleged manifestation of it, Robby Soave’s main shtick at Reason is recounting the latest incident of some paragon of scholarly reasonableness who was…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Elizabeth Nolan Brown on Feminism and Libertarianism
In this episode of Mutual Exchange Radio, Elizabeth Nolan Brown discusses abortion, sex work, moral panics, conspiracies, feminism, libertarianism, and more.  Elizabeth Nolan Brown is a senior editor at Reason magazine, a co-founder of Feminists for Liberty, and a journalism lecturer at the University of Cincinnati. You can follow her on Twitter at @ENBrown.
Two Short Speeches on SCOTUS Tyranny
From a 2020 protest against the Trump SCOTUS appointment: Even assuming the legitimacy of the state to begin with, the Supreme Court is not as it should be! Thomas Jefferson was correct when he wrote the following: “For intending to establish three departments, coordinate and independent, that they might check and balance one another, it…
They Leave Us No Choice
“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” – Emma Goldman Roe v. Wade has been overturned, allowing states to make abortion (i.e. any medical procedure that harms the “unborn” regardless of context) a felony. What other rights get taken away when the government decides a voluntary medical procedure that you agree to is now…
Cathy Reisenwitz on Sex, Power, and Feminism
Cathy Reisenwitz joins Mutual Exchange Radio to discuss power, play, humility, religion, conservatism, bodily autonomy, and being an open book on the internet. Cathy Reisenwitz is a writer and OnlyFans creator with bylines in TechCrunch, the Daily Beast, Reason, and other fine publications. Her newsletter is Sex and the State.
O Anarquista Conservador
Pode um anarquista ser socialmente conservador? Sim. Não vejo qualquer razão pela qual alguém que seja anti-aborto ou tenha uma perspectiva fundamentalista sobre o sexo ou as drogas não possa ser anarquista. O anarquismo tem a ver com a construção de uma sociedade na qual ninguém force as suas crenças sobre terceiros. Desde que respeitemos…
A Proibição Ainda Não Funciona
Alabama, Geórgia, Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi e Missouri foram todos criticados recentemente por sua aprovação de várias leis anti-aborto – extremamente restritivas e possivelmente inconstitucionais. O objetivo de tais leis – afirma-se – é coibir as taxas de aborto, preferencialmente a zero. O problema é, entretanto, que a proibição nunca funcionou para atingir tais objetivos….
The Conservative Anarchist
Can an anarchist be socially conservative? Yes. I see no reason why someone who is anti-abortion or has fundamentalist views on sex or drugs can’t be an anarchist. Anarchism is about building a society in which no one forces their beliefs on others. As long as you respect the views and lives of others, your…
Prohibition Still Doesn’t Work
Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Missouri have all come under fire recently for their passing of various –extremely restrictive and possibly unconstitutional– anti-abortion laws. The goal of such laws –it is claimed– is to curb abortion rates, preferably to zero. The problem is, however, that prohibition has never worked to achieve such goals….
The Repeal of the Eighth and the Withering of the State in Ireland
Last Friday, the people of the Republic of Ireland voted decisively to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution. Such a vote was historic; ‘the Eighth’ as the amendment had increasingly become known equated the life of the mother with that of the unborn, effectively preventing any form of abortion – including in cases…
The Paradox of the Political Right’s Opposition to Abortion
Generally, people on the ‘right’ of the political spectrum are more vocally against abortion. If they do agree with it, it’s usually only in some limited capacity (such as when an unplanned pregnancy is the result of rape or incest). On the other hand, the political left tends to be far more vocally supportive.
Victims of Abortion Criminalization on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Valdenor Júnior‘s “Victims of Abortion Criminalization” read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. I agree with jurist Ronald Dworkin in his book Life’s Dominion. He states that people wish to ban abortion because they understand there is some intrinsic value to life that must be preserved. However, that sacred value is…
Victims of Abortion Criminalization
Jandira Magdalena dos Santos vanished after having an illegal abortion on August 26. She could feel the danger as it approached. Her last text message to her husband Leandro Brito Reis read: “Honey, they asked me to turn off my phone, I’m panicking, pray for me!” Two hours after getting the message, Leandro sent one…
Nevada GOP Changes Course on Gay Marriage and Abortion
Last year the Nevada GOP decided to remove opposition to gay marriage and abortion from its platform. It’s not clear whether this is about votes or reflects genuine sentiment. It’s certainly out of touch with other GOP platforms across the country. This is definitely a good thing though. It also doesn’t go far enough. It’s…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory