Tag: War on Terror
Por William Gillis. Artigo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, de 8 de agosto 2019. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Mais uma semana, mais um ataque terrorista misógino ou de nacionalistas brancos. Ele estão se inspirando, eles estão formando movimentos amplos, ecossistemas, redes de células. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement,…
William Gillis. Artículo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, del 8 de agosto de 2019. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Otra semana, otro ataque terrorista misógino y/o nacionalista blanco. Se están impulsando unos a otros, están formando amplios movimientos, ecosistemas, redes de células. La base. Atomwaffen. El movimiento Rise Above. Movimiento de Identidad Americana. Nación Hammerskin. Lobos de Vinland. Vástago europeo. Chicos orgullosos. Proliferan los…
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, four commercial airliners departing from Massachusetts, Virginia, and New Jersey were hijacked mid-flight by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists who planned to crash each plane into a prominent building within the United States’ borders, causing mass casualties and property damage. At 8:46am, American Airlines Flight 11 was flown into the North Tower…
When people talk about the post-9/11 world in terms of politics, most think of the USA PATRIOT Act, the Department of Homeland Security, unwarranted wiretapping, and forever wars but rarely is ICE mentioned in the same breath despite Immigration and Customs Enforcement being a direct result of the post–9/11 policy of the so-called american government….
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato l’otto agosto 2019 con il titolo Anti-State Responses to Terrorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un’altra settimana e un altro attacco terroristico misogino e/o del nazionalismo bianco. Si incitano a vicenda, formano vasti movimenti, ecosistemi, reti di cellule. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement, Hammerskin Nation, Wolves…
Another week, another misogynist and/or white nationalist terrorist attack. They’re urging each other on, they’re forming broad movements, ecosystems, networks of cells. The Base. Atomwaffen. The Rise Above Movement. American Identity Movement. Hammerskin Nation. Wolves of Vinland. European Kindred. Proud Boys. The names and factions proliferate. Hordes congregate online to cheer the latest atrocity and…
(Ma non mi pento di averla usata) Scritto da un cittadino di Austin. Originale pubblicato il 23 marzo 2018 con il titolo Why I Hate the Word Terrorism (But Don’t Regret Using It). Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Voglio essere sincero. Odio la parola “terrorismo”. La trovo troppo caricata, troppo politicizzata, viene usata per giustificare la…
I have no interest in learning about the Austin bomber. What their politics were, where they were raised, what groups they were part of. Whether he was nice, or even what motivated him to commit terrorism. He voided my empathy and understanding the moment he placed the first bomb down.
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 4 marzo 2017 con il titolo Trump Assumes Command of the American Church. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Come Trump ha dimostrato nel suo primo discorso al Congresso, per quanto spregevole, un governante può sempre mettere sull’attenti un’assemblea politica e disarmare qualche critico semplicemente…
As Donald Trump demonstrated in his first address to Congress, no matter how loathsome a ruler may be, he can bring an assembly of politicians to its feet and disarm some critics simply by invoking the quasi-secular faith — Americanism — and eulogizing the latest uniformed war-state employee to sacrifice his life for it. Trump has…
Ray McGovern discusses the installation of a pro-torture head at the CIA. Murtaza Hussain discusses the drone program and a new documentary on it. Christopher A. Preble discusses funding state sponsers of terroism. Yasmeen Elkhoudary discusses why people in Gaza aren’t mourning HRC’s loss. David Swanson discusses the use of camps during WW2 for enemy…
In the wake of a tragedy, there is almost always an onslaught of public opinion articles, media coverage, and public commentary. In many cases, the media and the public respond to tragedy in a way that either supports state institutions or minimizes their negative functions and actions. This support for the state, its projects, and…
As the War on Terror wages on and the threat of ISIS seems to constantly loom over us, threatening our very safety at every turn according to most mainstream news sources, Americans are left wondering how we are to fight this very real monster that the U.S. government helped to create. While some folks toe…
Su Progressive Review (“Two Types of Terrorism,” 7 dicembre), Sam Smith distingue due tipi di terrorismo: “Quello che usa armi e bombe e quello che usa le parole per terrorizzare la gente e convincerla ad accettare la volontà di chi sta al potere.” Ma tra i due tipi c’è una relazione, come dimostrano le relative…
Cos’hanno in comune Barack Obama e Donald Trump? Fra l’altro, il fatto che non sanno, o fingono di sapere, perché i musulmani ci odiano. Trump dice (stavo per scrivere “crede”, ma non so se esiste qualcuno, compreso Trump, che sappia in cosa crede) che i musulmani dovrebbero essere tenuti alla larga dagli Stati Uniti finché…
Il programma di torture della Cia è tornato alla ribalta questa settimana, quando tre ex detenuti hanno denunciato i due psicologi che crearono e gestirono il programma ai tempi di Bush. Secondo l’Unione Americana per le Libertà Civili (che preme affinché il responsabile del Dipartimento di Giustizia, Loretta Lynch, incarichi un pubblico ministero apposito), James…
At Progressive Review (“Two Types of Terrorism,” Dec. 7), Sam Smith breaks terrorism down into two types: “That which uses guns and bombs and that which uses words to terrify the public into going along with whatever those in power want.” But the two aren’t unrelated, as the respective domestic reactions to the Paris bombings…
What do Barack Obama and Donald Trump have in common? Among other things, they have — or pretend to have — no clue why some Muslims hate us. Trump says (I almost typed believes, but I’m not sure anyone, including Trump, knows what he believes) Muslims should be barred from the United States until “until…
The CIA’s torture program is back in the headlines this week, as three former detainees have filed suit against the two psychologists who created and administered the CIA’s Bush-era torture program. According to the ACLU (who are pushing for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor in the matter), Drs. James Mitchell and…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Farrell‘s “The Natural Right of Encryption” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Tony Dreher. The Snowden leaks proved that individuals must take responsibility for their own privacy by revealing an inherent problem at the heart of constitutional government. By revealing the inner workings of the surveillance state, the leaks…