Tag: voting
Agora que Obama obteve segundo mandato, vocês e eu precisamos ter uma conversa.
Grattis. Kandidaten ni föredrog vann en andra mandatperiod som president.
Ahora que Obama ha obtenido un segundo mandato, tú y yo necesitamos tener una conversación.
Now that Obama has got himself a second term, you and I need to have a chat.
Knapp: Barring the increasingly usual “hanging chad” dramas, the 2012 elections are over. Heave a sigh of relief, take stock of any likely minor changes, and get on with our lives, right? Wrong.
Se me for permitido aludir a Platão, esse questionário mensura minudentemente nossas crenças acerca das sombras tremeluzentes na parede da caverna.
Bill Kauffman: Liberals need another George McGovern—and perhaps conservatives do too.
Knapp: Drilling leases on “public” land are just food stamps for Big Oil.
The report found — shock! — that, in Ganos’ words, you guessed it, “our senators’ votes are influenced.”
El Libertario reflects on Chávez’s victory in yesterday’s election.
Según Alan Furth, la democracia puede a lo sumo aliviar los síntomas de la enfermedad social, pero nunca curarla de raíz.
Alan Furth on how democracy, at best, alleviates the symptoms of social disease — but never cures its fundamental cause.
Ken MacLeod: A society of conscious and voluntary co-operation can’t be established unconsciously or unwillingly.
Carson: The only real way to achieve social justice is by bypassing the state.
Jason Lee Byas: Who’s really dependent on government?
Nós renegados precisamos encontrar-nos mutuamente e fortalecer nossas próprias sociedades não políticas
Knapp: They’re desperate. And they should be.
So 47% of Americans are members of Congress and/or the armed forces?
Knapp: The hype has gotten so outrageous that it’s frankly becoming a huge tiresome bore.
Carson: With all the resources wasted on trying to influence a rigged system we could far more easily build the kind of society we want, here and now, without waiting to elect a government to give us permission.