Tag: voting
Caros Partidários de Obama: carta de um anarquista
Agora que Obama obteve segundo mandato, vocês e eu precisamos ter uma conversa.
Kära Obama-Supporters: Ett brev från en anarkist
Grattis. Kandidaten ni föredrog vann en andra mandatperiod som president.
Queridos partidarios de Obama: carta de un anarquista
Ahora que Obama ha obtenido un segundo mandato, tú y yo necesitamos tener una conversación.
Dear Obama Supporters: a letter from an anarchist
Now that Obama has got himself a second term, you and I need to have a chat.
Cue the Permanent Campaign
Knapp: Barring the increasingly usual “hanging chad” dramas, the 2012 elections are over. Heave a sigh of relief, take stock of any likely minor changes, and get on with our lives, right? Wrong.
A Bússola Política: Não Perca Seu Tempo
Se me for permitido aludir a Platão, esse questionário mensura minudentemente nossas crenças acerca das sombras tremeluzentes na parede da caverna.
Come Home, America
Bill Kauffman: Liberals need another George McGovern—and perhaps conservatives do too.
Election 2012: Oil’s Well That Ends Welfarish
Knapp: Drilling leases on “public” land are just food stamps for Big Oil.
The Servile Senate
The report found — shock! — that, in Ganos’ words, you guessed it, “our senators’ votes are influenced.”
Venezuelan Anarchists on Chavez’s Electoral Victory
El Libertario reflects on Chávez’s victory in yesterday’s election.
La Perversidad Inherente del Cambio Social Logrado por Medios Electorales, Edición Venezuela
Según Alan Furth, la democracia puede a lo sumo aliviar los síntomas de la enfermedad social, pero nunca curarla de raíz.
The Inherent Perversity of Social Change through Electoral Means, Venezuelan Edition
Alan Furth on how democracy, at best, alleviates the symptoms of social disease — but never cures its fundamental cause.
Socialism on One Planet
Ken MacLeod: A society of conscious and voluntary co-operation can’t be established unconsciously or unwillingly.
The Joke of Democratic Accountability
Carson: The only real way to achieve social justice is by bypassing the state.
Election 2012: Neither Candidate Has Anything to Fear from the Real “Entitlement” Class
Jason Lee Byas: Who’s really dependent on government?
Contraste entre Estratégias Políticas e Apolíticas
Nós renegados precisamos encontrar-nos mutuamente e fortalecer nossas próprias sociedades não políticas
Election 2012: The Real Lesson of Ballot Access Battles
Knapp: They’re desperate. And they should be.
So 47% of Americans are members of Congress and/or the armed forces?
Election 2012: The Banality of Hyperbole
Knapp: The hype has gotten so outrageous that it’s frankly becoming a huge tiresome bore.
Put Not Your Faith in Princes: Democratic Edition
Carson: With all the resources wasted on trying to influence a rigged system we could far more easily build the kind of society we want, here and now, without waiting to elect a government to give us permission.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory