Tag: terror
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s ““Terror” as Victim Rhetoric” read by Thomas J. Webb and edited by Nick Ford. All acts of war involve terror. The horror of war is not a byproduct, it is the intention. One cannot divorce terror from war anymore than one can divorce pleasure from sex. Treating an entire side of a…
Tutto questo parlare di terrorismo serve soltanto a mascherare l’impulso alla guerra con una retorica vittimistica. Vedete, la Francia non è “in guerra”, ma sta solo rispondendo ad attacchi “terroristici”. Quei vili, miserabili banditi non sono guerrieri o soldati, ma pazzi, cani sciolti del terrore. Senza questo ragionamento, l’assalto agli uffici di Charlie Hebdo del…
The entire purpose of the language of terrorism is to cloak the sentiments of war in a victim rhetoric. You see, France isn’t “at war,” they’re merely responding to “terror” attacks. Those wretched, vile gunmen are not warriors or soldiers, they’re madmen, lone wolf terrorists. The attack on Charlie Hebdo‘s office on January 7 might otherwise be…
O lamentável ataque terrorista à sede do jornal satírico francês Charlie Hebdo, que causou a morte de 12 pessoas e feriu outras 11, estimulou diversas reações, do público, de jornalistas sensibilizados e de governantes que pretendem extrair ganhos políticos da situação. No meio do pânico, a histeria islamofóbica novamente dá o ar da graça (devido…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Daniel Pryor‘s “Threat Level: Pointless” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. The only likely change in behaviour amongst the British public is a greater feeling of dread when they see someone who looks “a bit foreign.” This fearmongering serves the state’s agenda of control and power by applying the timeless…
“Dio mio il livello di allerta a Londra è appena stato innalzato e mi è passata la voglia di uscire :(” Così diceva un sms di un mio amico. La recente notizia secondo cui il governo britannico ha innalzato il livello di allerta terroristico a “serio” riaccende il clima di paura, riflesso sui social media…
“Man the terror alert for London has just been upped I don’t wanna go out now :(”, the text from my friend read. The recent news that Britain’s government has raised its terrorism alert level to “severe” unsurprisingly prompted a renewed climate of fear, reflected on social media and in major news outlets. Yet even…
Sebastion A.B.: Psychopaths are drawn to and uniquely capable within politics. They are charismatic, show no remorse, crave power and rise to the top. Leading psychologists have built the literature on the corporate form, but statist psychopathy bears investigation