Tag: state
C4SS, Lysander Spooner and The Shoulders of Giants.
Interview: Gary Chartier recently participated in an extensive interview with James Corbett of The Corbett Report.
Subsidiando el Apocalipsis
Cualquier libro de texto de Economía le enseña a uno que los monopolios son malos.
Au contraire!
SEK3: “Capitalism is state rule by and for those who own large amounts of capital.”
Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “The Subsidy of History”
For every copy of Kevin Carson’s “The Subsidy of History” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Iniciar una pelea a los puños, robar, cometer un fraude o lanzar una guerra de conquista son casos obvios de agresión, y obviamente distintos de otras formas de influencia negativa sobre los demás.
The Corruption of Cooperation
Christiaan Elderhorst: “We thus arrive at the worrying conclusion that the concept of cooperation has been entirely corrupted by viewing the delegation of authority as a prerequisite for its existence.”
Support C4SS with Sheldon Richman’s “From State to Society”
For every copy of Sheldon Richman’s “From State to Society: How and How Not to Privatize” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Open-Source Healthcare
Kevin Carson: The healthcare industry is a textbook example of what Ivan Illich (in Tools for Conviviality) called a “radical monopoly.”
Support C4SS with “No Matter Who You Vote For, The Winner Is Always The Government”
For every copy of Charles Johnson, Kevin Carson, Roderick Long, and Randolph Bourne’s “No Matter Who You Vote For, The Winner Is Always The Government” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Wapenverbod: vrijbrief voor geweldsmonopolie
Terwijl wij streven naar een samenleving van de menselijke maat – die niet bereikt kan worden zonder het cultiveren van respect voor vrijheid en autonomie – zouden wij ook respect moeten hebben voor wapenbezit voor alle verantwoordelijke individuen.
Libertarian Anticapitalism
Charles Johnson: For most of the 20th century, American libertarians were mostly seen as — and mostly saw themselves as — defenders of capitalism. Was that an accurate view of 20th century libertarians were about?
Review: Dirty Wars
Nathan Goodman reviews the new film from Richard Rowley and Jeremy Scahill.
Rise of the Indigenous Protest Movement: Idle No More and Native Liberty
Mike Reid: They are seeking a path back to autonomy and self-determination.
Did the Government Drive Aaron Swartz to Suicide?
Sheldon Richman: Swartz was a passionate champion of technology’s power to liberate and democratize. He vowed to fight anything which threatened that potential. This offended powerful vested interests.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “What is it that Government has Built?”
For every copy of Anthony Gregory & Anna O. Morgenstern’s “What Is It That Government Has Built?” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Individualism Clashes with Cooperation? It Just Ain’t So!
Charles Johnson: Individualists believe in individualism precisely because we believe that human beings can and should be both social and civilized to each other at the same time.
(Breve) História Popular do Controle de Armas de Fogo
Desde seu início o estado tem sido comissão executiva da classe dominante econômica e instrumento da força armada pelos donos dos meios de produção, habilitando-os a extrair excedente de trabalho do resto de nós.
Lysander Spooner Turns 205
Individualist anarchist, guerrilla abolitionist, insurgent against state monopolies, anti-constitutional legal scholar… Happy Birthday Lysander Spooner!
Agorism and Nazism: A Study in Polar Opposites
Neil M. Tokar: In other words, voluntary exchange subverts totalitarianism.
Da Completa Falta de Sentido da Morte de Aaron Swartz
Assim, as pessoas que acossaram Aaron Swartz levando-o à morte fizeram isso nem sequer na esperança realista de vitória em sua rota de retirada, a infligir mais uma humilhação ao país violado.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory